Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Propuesta de un plan de mejoramiento para el área de bienestar laboral de la empresa COINGARCO
For the management of human talent in the COINGARCO organization, it is important to keep processes controlled and aligned with corporate strategies, in such a way that it becomes an allied area for obtaining corporate ...
Practica Administrativa
(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2008)
The Administrative Diagnosis is a systematic, integral and periodic study that has as its fundamental
its main purpose is to know the administrative organization and the functioning of the area under
the functioning of ...
Las TIC como recurso didáctico en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la escritura en preescolar del Colegio Campestre Divino Amor
(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-09-12)
In recent decades significant changes have been seen, where technology plays an important role in everyday life, to the point that it has been thanks to it that the entire society has been able to maintain a certain level ...
Desarrollo de la técnica del texto libre de Célestin Freinet, en la producción textual de los estudiantes del grado sexto, de la Institución Educativa Normal Superior de Río de Oro, Cesar.
(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2018)
The present research project, on the textual production of sixth graders, applying Freinet's Free Text technique, was developed at the Normal Superior Educational Institution of Río de Oro, Cesar; which allows us to ...
Construcción casa comunal Barrio Fundadores
Incidencia de la filosofía para niños en el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en estudiantes de primaria
(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2021-02-05)
This article is the result of a documentary research project, built with a qualitative approach, where a content analysis was carried out on different philosophy texts for children from the Matthew Lipman program and other ...
Estudio sobre cuáles son las razones en la dificultad para desarrollar la composición escrita narrativa en los estudiantes de secundaria
Writing is more than a skill, it is an art, which is not only for the exclusive use of professional writers, but should be for all people, since everyone has something to say, something to express and just as you do it ...