Recent Submissions
Proceso de apropiación social del conocimiento para el fortalecimiento o solución de asuntos de interés social Acciones Transformadoras para el hábitat rural anfibio en el Corregimiento de Bocas del Atrato –Turbo, golfo de Urabá – Antioquia, Colombia
(2021-11-04)The application of the "Transformative Actions" methodology is proposed to carry out the formulation and structuring of collective project research with the inhabitants of Bocas del Atrato, as a priority intervention of ... -
Taller Comunitario - Arte Facto para el Encuentro
(2021-11-06)The project seeks to solve a need for the inhabitants of the Villa Javier Residential Unit in the municipality of Andes, Antioquia; which is part of the Priority Interest Housing program advanced by the Government and whose ... -
Metodología Taller VI: vivienda colectiva - media y alta densidad -su compromiso con la ciudad y el usuario
(2020-11-20)The methodology in Workshop 6 starts from a programmatic connection with Workshop 5 in which, they deal with reading the territory at an intermediate scale, in which, based on a sectorial delimitation of the city and ... -
Portafolio de proyectos Taller 6 2020-1
(2020-07-12)The usual academic passing of project workshop 6 took an interesting turn due to the pandemic situation that forced a global confinement, this situation revealed with greater force the great concerns about housing that ... -
Un espacio para la sombra. Taller 1enUno. Proyecto Hexacomb
(2020-05-19)The 1inUNO WORKSHOP is a course of the first semester of the undergraduate architecture in the Santo Tomás University, Medellín campus, whose objective revolves around the foundation in composition topics aimed at new ... -
Taller 1enUNO de la Facultad de Arquitectura. Portafolio del Proyecto OASIS: Un espacio para la sombra
(2020-03-12)The 1inUNO WORKSHOP is a course of the first semester of the undergraduate architecture in the Santo Tomás University, Medellín campus, whose objective revolves around the foundation in composition topics aimed at new ... -
Study of surface movement of a shallow-multilayered soil under P-waves
(2016-12-01)In this work it was designed and implemented an experimental setup to study the surface acceleration of a multilayered soil and the experimental measurements were contrasted with a one-dimensional theoretical model based ... -
Espectro de Lyapunov de un oscilador Colpitts en base común
(2012)The current abstract presents both, the definition of Lyapunov exponents applied to an autonomous nonlinear time-continuous system, and a recommended technique to measure such set of exponents (spectrum) with the aim of ... -
Módulo inalámbrico para el sensado de vibraciones superficiales en suelos
(2013-10-01)In the present work, the feasibility of implementing the XBee technology in wireless accelerometric sensors (WAS) development for sensing of elastic waves on soils surface is analyzed. The incidence of distance and obstacles ... -
Study of surface movement of a shallow-multilayered soil under P-waves
(2016-12-01)In this work it was designed and implemented an experimental setup to study the surface acceleration of a multilayered soil and the experimental measurements were contrasted with a one-dimensional theoretical model based ...