Educación, Derechos Humanos y Ciudadanía
Recent Submissions
Estereotipos y prejuicios discriminatorios de mayor relevancia de las y los profesores que afectan la construcción de culturas de Paz en los contextos escolares de los Departamentos de Córdoba, Putumayo, Meta y Bogotá D.C.: Informe final de investigación
(2018-03-14)The line of EDUCATION AND HUMAN RIGHTS of the Master's Degree in Education has as its horizon the generation of theoretical frameworks, states of the investigative question and production of knowledge that allow us to ... -
Aportes de los doctorados en educación en ciencia, tecnología y sociedad 2000 - 2010
(2015)PhDs in education in Colombia share at the same time a fiction and a mission. The first is represented in the collective fantasy and the messianic way of redeeming educational processes that were not carried out in the ... -
Las políticas públicas en educación superior en Colombia : diagnóstico e incidencias en las reformas institucionales
(2013)This research and its final text is an invitation to reflect on the higher education as an inalienable right of the Colombian people to that can not be renounced in times of imposition of cognitive capitalism international. -
Educación, sostenibilidad y cultura ambiental: una mirada de la sociedad que camina hacia la paz
The results presented are part of the postdoctoral research called "Public environmental policies on the sustainability of the páramos in Cundinamarca - A look from the school, environmental cultures, and education for ... -
Culturas de paz e educação latino - Americana
(2018)With the challenge of studying the relationship between education and cultures of peace and violence in Latin America, with multiple approaches and a diversified theme, a network was undertaken international research ... -
Nuevas alternativas y propuestas teóricas, epistemológicas y metodológicas en los temas y problemas que fundamentarían la investigación de los programas de Filosofía, Pensamiento Político y Económico; Filosofía Ética y Valores Humanos, Facultad de Educación VUAD, para el periodo 2015-2020: Informe de Avance de Investigación
(2015-05-27)The present study aims to propose new alternatives and theoretical, epistemological and methodological trends on issues and problems that allegiance research programmes of philosophy thought political and economic, and, ... -
Estado del arte de los trabajo de grado desarrollados en las sublíneas Investigación de la Maestría en Educación
(2013)Research being one of the main academic functions that must be present at all levels of higher education and an essential responsibility of the Researchers Teachers linked to the Institution (CNA, 2010, p.19); The Program ... -
Representaciones sociales sobre el proceso de reintegración socioeconómico que tienen los desmovilizados de grupos al margen de la Ley, ubicados en la localidad Rafael Uribe Uribe de la ciudad de Bogotá.
(2015-11-30)This qualitative research has an epistemological and ethnographic focus, which intends to identify the understanding, perceptions, and point of view about how the process of socio-economical reintegration of demobilized ... -
Prácticas pedagógicas, derechos humanos e intencionalidad ética
(2014-11-21)Project analyzes the forms of ethical intentionality present in the speeches of the students who have participated in projects on Human Rights Education within three district schools. This in order, the project identify ... -
Tensiones y aprendizajes de la sistematización de experiencias: la investigación como marco de formación educativa y política
(2015-05-27)The Project thinks the route taken by the Master of Education from the second half of 2013 in the research option of the systematization of experiences as graduate work. Thereby reconstructs the experience, identify tensions ... -
Estado de la movilidad académica en la formación de educadores en infancia desde el marco de las políticas internacionales, Nacionales e Institucionales vigentes en Instituciones de Educación Superior del Capítulo Centro de ASCOFADE – Bogotá y la Participación de ACDEP- OMEP
(2015-11-30)The research carried out, in this first phase, aimed to characterize the processes of academic mobility in 10 Higher Education institutions that offer programs in childhood and are linked to the center chapter of ASCOFADE-Bogota ... -
Educación, derechos humanos, ciudadanía y política.
(2017-11-17).The project gives continuity to the analysis of the social and political reality in which the school is immersed in the context of the conflict, the incidents that are taken from the current process of dialogues and the ... -
Líneas educativas para el ejercicio autónomo de la ciudadanía y la superación de vulnerabilidades, en personas en proceso de Desarme, Desmovilización y Reintegración Social.
(2015-11-20)This research work has been designed from a group of actors demobilized from the armed conflict who are in the process of reintegration into civil life in Bogotá, with whom it is sought to identify the Human Security ... -
Fundamentación del Grupo y Línea de Investigación: Educación, Derechos Humanos y Ciudadanía, 2017.
(2017)Education as a fundamental right requires state responsibility, but the replicated national educational policies of the International Educational Policies have shown a regressive tendency in the last two decades to protect ... -
Gestión de la movilidad académica de los programas de infancias de nueve instituciones de Educación Superior del Capítulo Centro de ASCOFADE- Bogotá, con la participación de ACDEP – OMEP
(2017-08-30)The proposed research aims to understand the processes of academic mobility in nine universities of the central branch of – ASCOFADE-Bogotá and the Colombian Association of Early Childhood Education- ACDEP-, regarding ... -
Líneas educativas para el ejercicio autónomo de la ciudadanía y la superación de vulnerabilidades, en personas en proceso de Desarme, Desmovilización y Reintegración Social.
(2016-10-02)This research work has been considered with respect to a group of demobilized actors form the illegal armed groups, with whom it seeks to identify the main issues that go against Human Security and policy education. ... -
Grupo de Investigación: educación, derechos humanos y ciudadanía : documento de trabajo
(2018-04)Education as the fundamental right requires state responsibility, the replicated national educational policies of international educational policies in the last two decades a regressive tendency to protect this right with ...