Now showing items 1-10 of 21
Tubo de pitot en el canal hidráulico.
The dynamic pressure will be determined by means of the pitot tube, in order to calculate the speed of the water flow along the hydraulic channel.
Canal venturi
The Froude number and flow velocity will be calculated for different flow rates in order to examine the types of flow in the venturi channel.
Vertedero de cresta ancha (caída libre, chorro sumergible y napa)
The different conditions of the fall in the dam will be demonstrated. The difference between free fall (overflow dam) and submersible jet (submersible dam) is clarified. The effects of different edges of the dam on the ...
Juego de vertederos de cresta delgada, cuatro tipos (influencia de la aireación en la forma de la napa y los coeficientes de una presa)
Demonstrate the influence of aeration on the shape of the pad in a thin-crested dam and the weir coefficients for all dams.
Juego de vertederos de cresta delgada, cuatro tipos (determinación experimental de una napa libre)
The weir coefficients of different plate dams will be experimentally established, in order to determine the shape of a free layer and compare it with the theoretically calculated shape.
Compuerta plana deslizante (Descarga Libre)
The relationship between the height of the gate opening and the level upstream will be analyzed, the hydraulic jump will be observed and finally the discharge under the gate will be calculated. In order to demonstrate free ...
Vertedero de cresta ancha (caudal)
The discharge under free fall and submersible jet conditions will be demonstrated and calculated for the broad-crested weir with rounded, sharp edges.
Box culvert (descarga de remanso)
The behavior of the flow in an open channel will be understood when a work of passage coexists in the cross section of the flow. The different discharge scenarios will be analyzed in a partially filled or completely filled ...
Box culvert (descarga libre)
The behavior of the flow in an open channel will be understood when a work of passage coexists in the cross section of the flow. The different discharge scenarios will be analyzed in a partially filled or completely filled ...
Pérdida de carga por longitud.
In order to determine the frictional head loss experimentally, the Reynolds number will be calculated for the different types of flow and the flow rate that flows through the pipe.