Pensamiento crítico en Fals Borda: hacia una filosofía de la educación en perspectiva latinoamericana
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En este ensayo, argumento las razones por las cuales hay que considerar algunas obras del sociólogo colombiano Orlando Fals Borda, como una “teoría crítica contemporánea” que pretende hacer, ver y poner al descubierto algunas problemáticas que giran en torno al elevado aprecio por el conocimiento científico europeo y norteamericano, para el autor no siempre este conocimiento es el más pertinente para explicar y comprender las realidades sociales, culturales y naturales de las sociedades latinoamericanas como la colombiana, por ende, la fundamentación In this essay, is argued the reasons why some of the works of Colombiansociologist Orlando Fals Borda, have to be considered as a “contemporarycritical theory” that aims to do, see and expose some issuesthat revolve around the high appreciation for the European and NorthAmerican scientific knowledge, for the author not always this knowledgeis the most appropriate to explain and understand the social, culturaland natural realities of Latin American societies like Colombian, hence,the author’s critical foundation provides valuable elements to thinkthe problem generated by the application of these knowledge in thecontext of our society, but often its application is contradictory andharmful, likewise, this article, aims to relate and bring closer togetherpart of the approaches of this author with some critical stance of somerepresentatives from the Frankfurt School, expressing some valuejudgements concerning them.Keywords: Critical theory, scientific knowledge, Latin America, philosophyof education.
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