Now showing items 1-10 of 53
Parte 2: Aspectos generales. Capitulo 2: Métodos
This section describes both the units of analysis and the different quantitative and qualitative models that will be used for the
qualitative models that will be used for the evaluation of the new academic
evaluation of ...
Modelos para la certificación de productos de la convocatoria 894 de 2021 de Minciencias
After verifying the existence and quality requirements of the product typology of the Measurement Model for Research, Technological Development or Innovation Groups and the recognition of researchers from the National ...
Infografía – resultados convocatoria 833 de 2018 de Colciencias (Minciencias)
The National Directorate of Research and Innovation established as a knowledge communication strategy the dissemination through infographics of the results of the research groups of the university in the call 833 of 2018 ...
Boletín bibliométrico USTA - No. 2 (2020)
In this second year of edition, the newsletter has managed to establish, adjust and optimize
own methodologies for the collection of information in order to guarantee its
development even in the midst of conditions as ...
Infografía – resultados convocatoria 833 de 2018 de Colciencias (Minciencias) Praxis Innovacion y Sociedad
The National Research and Innovation Directorate established as a knowledge communication strategy the dissemination through infographics of the results of the university's research groups in call 833 of 2018 of Colciencias ...
Reunión: Universidad Santo Tomás - Sierracol