Amenta, Sara Graciela; Ballén Rodríguez, Juan Sebastián; Benavides Silva, Fabián Leonardo; Cruz Alonso, María; Escobar Herrera, Andrés Mauricio; Ferrari, Mariano; Gómez Bello, Eduardo Alberto; Jiménez Villar, Gonzalo Edmundo; López López, Juan Sebastián; Plata Quezada, William Elvis; Ramírez Barreto, Édgar Arturo; Ramírez Téllez, Alberto René; Romero Tovar, Sigifredo; Tenti, María Teresa; Torres Torres, Eugenio Martín; Valero Cuadra, María del Pino; Vásquez Pinzón, Clara Emilia; Vega Cernud, Miguel Ángel; Yate Rodríguez, Francisco Javier (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2017)
During the feast of the Assumption of 1217, Domingo de Guzmán told his brothers, the members of the newly created Order of Preachers: "The piled wheat rots, but when it spreads it gives abundant fruit". This event, which ...