Facultad de Teología
Recent Submissions
Un análisis Teológico del Sufrimiento Inocente Frente al Acontecer de Dios en la Historia Humana para el Contexto Colombiano
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado TeologíaFacultad de Teología, 2024)In the context of the armed conflict in Colombia and in the face of the countless victims that the war has caused, the question about God's action in the face of the suffering of the innocent is necessary. Theology as a ... -
Estado Actual en la Atención Pastoral en Condición de Vulnerabilidad en Colombia
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado TeologíaFacultad de Teología, 2024-07-03)Throughout history, the Colombian people have gone through various social and economic problems, climate crises, wars, and internal armed conflicts that have wounded a nation for more than 60 years, slowly but continuously ... -
Teología de la Creación y Cambio Climático
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado TeologíaFacultad de Teología, 2024)The current environmental crisis is a reality. This criterion of truth calls for society and the academy to take this problem seriously, which is increasingly mayhem and irreversible. If global warming is not stopped at ... -
La Unción de los Enfermos, una Mirada Actual que Contempla la Acogida Plena de la Gracia de Dios
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado TeologíaFacultad de Teología, 2024-09-28)The treatise on the sacraments gives an account of a Church permeated by customs and ways of the Grace of God, the daily mission of proclaiming and preaching falls short in the face of so much need in the world when it ... -
¿Transhumanismo o Revolución Antropológica? Reducción y Rechazo de la Naturaleza Humana
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado TeologíaFacultad de Teología, 2024-08)Transhumanism is an intellectual, cultural and scientific movement that, through the convergence of new technological and scientific advances, wishes to modify human nature with the aim of overcoming its physical, biological, ... -
Resignificación de la Experiencia Cristiana en Primeras Infancias
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado TeologíaFacultad de Teología, 2024-08-21)At the Antonio Nariño Hermanos Corazonistas College located in the city of Bogotá, we consider the school environment as a privileged place for the activity of the Catholic religion: we have a specific responsibility to ... -
La Moral de Jesucristo, Como Forma de Evangelización a un Mundo Pluralista.
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado TeologíaFacultad de Teología, 2024-12)This work integrates an exhibition on the subject of Christian morality based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, in St. Paul the Apostle and in some papal encyclicals and other authors; and how these, with their contributions ... -
El Compromiso Socio-Ambiental del Cristiano Como Praxis del Sacramento de la Eucaristía.
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado TeologíaFacultad de Teología, 2024) -
Una Propuesta de Evangelización para la Iglesia Latinoamericana.
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado TeologíaFacultad de Teología, 2024-03-11)The following work focuses on the category of the option for the poor developed mainly in the 60's. is a Christian approach developed from Latin American Catholicism more directly by the priest Gustavo Gutiérrez one of the ... -
Desafíos de la E.R.E. En la Actualidad en Orden a Fortalecer la Dimensión Espiritual Humana Desde una Apuesta Pedagógica Crítico-Constructivista
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado TeologíaFacultad de Teología, 2024-01-25)Spirituality as an essential part of the human being has various manifestations and rituals that distort it and sometimes pigeonhole it within a religion or a particular context, therefore, it is necessary some contributions ... -
El sufrimiento del justo y la presencia de Dios en los casos de enfermedad
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado TeologíaFacultad de Teología, 2023-07-11)This research seeks to interpret the suffering of the just from the presence of God in cases of illness, taking as a reference passages from the book of Job to present a pastoral proposal that offers guidelines on how to ... -
"La justicia como categoría del Reino de Dios en el Evangelio de San Mateo”
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado TeologíaFacultad de Teología, 2023-05-17)The line of work to which this research corresponds is the biblical line, so it will focus attention on the Gospel of Saint Matthew trying to discover the understanding of justice and its contextualization in the Matean ... -
Perspectivas y Retos de la Acción Evangelizadora en el Colegio Antonio Nariño HH. Corazonistas
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado TeologíaFacultad de Teología, 2023-04-25)The evangelizing action of Colegio Antonio Nariño HH. Corazonistas is carried out through various pastoral projects, according to the charism and mission of the Institute of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart. These activities ... -
Hacerse cristiano ante la muerte. Temas teológicos fundamentales para la comprensión del bautismo
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado TeologíaFacultad de Teología, 2022-12-19) -
¿La Educación Religioso Escolar en Instituciones Educativas Públicas en Colombia, son de caracter laico?
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado TeologíaFacultad de Teología, 2022-11-29)The ERE approach is framed from the different public political positions of a State, which is why the Colombian Constitution of 1886 and 1991 mark a fundamental milestone in the incidence of religion on the State, however, ... -
Dilema de un justo con su Dios: una interpretación sobre la justicia, el pecado y el sufrimiento a partir de Job 9-10 y su comparación en la carta Salvifici Doloris
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado TeologíaFacultad de Teología, 2022-09-28)The realities of injustice, sin and suffering accompany the history of humanity, generating many existential questions. The different configurations that these realities adopt in the particular situations of men do not ... -
Romeo y Julieta no son cristianos. el amor romántico y la teología de la pareja humana.
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado TeologíaFacultad de Teología, 2022-09-21)Romantic love as a particular way of seeing love, despite being present in much of our cultural conception of love, has been identified and denounced as alienating and oppressive by a diversity of academics from different ... -
El drama de la existencia humana: problema del hombre, problema de Dios a partir de Job
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado TeologíaFacultad de Teología, 2022-01-26)The present work focuses on the human drama that many experience both in daily life and in faith. Where the main actor is man since he is the only one who can give himself and his existence an end, he is also endowed with ... -
Aportes de la noción iglesia en salida del papa Francisco en evangelii gaudium, a la comprensión de la acción del laico en tiempos de covid-19
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado TeologíaFacultad de Teología, 2022-01-21)With this research, it is intended to identify the contributions of the Church in departure category, in the encyclical Evangelii Gaudium and its impact on the mission of the laity today, as members of the People of God ... -
La “vida” como propuesta cristiana para los pueblos de América Latina: estudio a partir de las conclusiones de la quinta asamblea general del episcopado latinoamericano y del caribe reunido en aparecida (2007)
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado TeologíaFacultad de Teología, 2022-01-24)This monographic work is born from a personal theological and pastoral motivation seeking to contribute a reflection on the category "life" developed especially in the teaching of Latin American bishops in the Episcopal ...