Cuerpo, Sujeto y Educación
Recent Submissions
Laboratorio lúdica y juego, letras en movimiento Rinrin Renacuajo
(2021-06-30)As the second phase of the project started in 2019 entitled "Benefits of leisure and recreation practices as a strategy for the training of promoters of lifestyles and well-being around CPS Suba." This proposal arises where ... -
RSU DC CPS Suba CFDR recreación 2020, vídeo laboratorio lúdica y juego, el cuerpo jugado mi amigo el delfín.
(2021-06-30)As the second phase of the project started in 2019 entitled "Benefits of leisure and recreation practices as a strategy for the training of promoters of lifestyles and well-being around CPS Suba." This proposal arises where ... -
Pixel art del perfil profesional de Cultura Física, Deporte y Recreación
(2021-06-28)The pixel art is designed as a recreational proposal for applicants and students of the physical culture, sports and recreation program to make them aware of the most relevant competencies to impact the community sector. ... -
Recreación terapéutica en acción
(2021-06-28)Therapeutic Recreation in Action is a primer which shows the importance of recreation within the life of each of the individuals, giving a special focus to the elderly and children, because it takes into account each of ... -
Cartilla Pedagógica Recreo Pato "Patología y Lúdica"
(2021-06-18)This booklet is a pedagogical tool for the teaching of chronic non-communicable diseases through playful pedagogical practices in a face-to-face and virtual way; It has the educational material of the duck recreation game ... -
Guía pedagógica: morfología y juego: “músculos en acción”. Una aplicación desde la praxiología y la lúdica para el aprendizaje en el aula
(2021-06-18)Understanding the didactics in the classroom as a fundamental part of the process of recognition of the motor action in the student of Physical Culture, Sport and Recreation, implies a direct relationship of the students' ... -
Parte 3: Experiencias en consejería académica universitaria. Capitulo 4: El Programa de Desarrollo Integral Estudiantil en el periodo de 2012-1 a 2016-1 en cifras
(2020)This chapter presents the total number of students served each semester through each strategy of each of the projects of the Integral Student Development Program (pdie), both individually and in groups. Development Program ... -
Parte 3: Experiencias en consejería académica universitaria. Capitulo 3: El arte de la consejería y el coaching organizacional: “el coach-sejero”
(2020)When we talk about student counseling or student support, it is necessary to ask ourselves about the ways of being, acting and relating of those who dedicate themselves to this work. When talking about student counseling ... -
Parte 1: Comprender el abandono y la permanencia estudiantil en la universidad. Capitulo 5: Factores asociados a la repitencia en la Facultad de Cultura Física, Deporte y Recreación de la Universidad Santo Tomás (Bogotá) en el periodo de 2010 a 2013-1
(2020)The University of Santo Tomas and the Academic Program of Physical Culture, Sports and Recreation are no strangers to the problem Physical Culture, Sports and Recreation are no strangers to the problem described in the ... -
Parte 3: Experiencias en consejería académica universitaria. Capitulo 2: El docente como primer respondiente: la experiencia de la Facultad de Cultura Física, Deporte y Recreación
(2020)To speak of a true support team implies recognizing all members of the university community as first responders. first responders. The term "first responder" is derived from the field of first aid and refers to the ... -
Parte 3: Experiencias en consejería académica universitaria. Capitulo 1: Qué es consejería académica
(2020)In Colombia, strategies such as academic counseling are framed within the framework of Law 30/1992, of December 28, 1992, which organizes in Law 30/1992, of December 28, 1992, which organizes the public service of higher ... -
Parte 2: programas de acompañamiento estudiantil Y evaluación de impacto. Capitulo 7: Propuesta para el proceso de admisión y acompañamiento a estudiantes de primer año en la Universidad Santo Tomás
(2020)This chapter is divided into three parts: the first part offers a description of the problem of entry to higher education in Colombia, starting of the problem of admission to higher education in Colombia based on background ... -
Parte 2: programas de acompañamiento estudiantil Y evaluación de impacto. Capitulo 6: Evaluación del Programa de Desarrollo Integral Estudiantil de la Facultad de Cultura Física, Deporte y Recreación de la Universidad Santo Tomás de Bogotá en el periodo de 2012 a 2016
(2020)The Integral Student Development Program (pdie) of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Recreation of the University of Santo of Physical Culture, Sports and Recreation of the University of Santo Tomás was was ... -
Parte 2: programas de acompañamiento estudiantil Y evaluación de impacto. Capitulo 5: Impactos del Programa de Desarrollo Integral Estudiantil de la Facultad de Cultura Física, Deporte y Recreación en 2013
(2020)As part of the self-evaluation and self-regulation process for the the high quality accreditation of the Physical Culture, Sports and Recreation Physical Culture, Sport and Recreation program, the Faculty of Physical ... -
Parte 2: programas de acompañamiento estudiantil Y evaluación de impacto. Capitulo 4:Evaluación del impacto de los programas de apoyo relacionados con la permanencia estudiantil en la Universidad Santo Tomás de Bogotá de la modalidad presencial de pregrado en 2013
(2020)In order to generate information that would strengthen the processes of student support at the University of Santo Tomas, by order of the nascent Unit for Integral Student Development (Udies), and in (Udies), and in ... -
Parte 2: programas de acompañamiento estudiantil Y evaluación de impacto. Capitulo 3: Evaluación de impacto de programas de acompañamiento
(2020)One of the greatest challenges in evaluation is to determine whether educational or social programs are meeting their intended purpose. whether educational or social programs fulfill the purpose for which they were ... -
Parte 2: programas de acompañamiento estudiantil Y evaluación de impacto. Capitulo 2: Indicadores de impacto de programas de acompañamiento estudiantil
(2020)The formulation of student support policies has a tradition in countries such as Australia, Canada, the United States, Northern Ireland, Finland, the United Kingdom and the European Union (eu). Northern Ireland, Finland, ... -
Parte 2: programas de acompañamiento estudiantil Y evaluación de impacto. Capitulo 1: Referentes normativos de la calidad de programas de acompañamiento estudiantil
(2020)In the search for normative references for the quality of student accompaniment programs, it is necessary to begin with the recognition of the quality of the programs. programs, it is worth starting with the recognition ... -
Parte 1: Comprender el abandono y la permanencia estudiantil en la universidad. Capitulo 6: Factores asociados a la deserción estudiantil en la Facultad de Cultura Física, Deporte y Recreación de la Universidad Santo Tomás (Bogotá) en el periodo de 2009-1 a 2015-2
(2020)Throughout the history of higher education in Colombia, and under the guidance of the Ministry of National Education (MinEducación) and other public and private organizations, actions have been Since the year 2000, ... -
Parte 1: Comprender el abandono y la permanencia estudiantil en la universidad. Capitulo 4: Entender el fenómeno de la reprobación en la universidad
(2020)Education is a fundamental right recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, for which great efforts are being made today in almost all public and private institutions ...