González Robayo, LucimaverHerreño Contreras, Yomaira AngélicaHuertas Torres, Jhonathan AlexanderPardo Jiménez, JackelineChavarría Calle, ClaudiaTorres Vargas, Yuli AndreaPedreros Roa, Edgar FerneySáenz Guerrero, DavidOrtiz Ordoñez, Kris EvelinFernández Rodríguez, AlexanderMarín Escobar, Iván FelipeAvellaneda Barreto, Anderson AlexanderVizcaíno Romero, DanielTorres Castillo, Laura DanielaBarriga Ortiz, CarolinaPérez González, DuvanFigueroa Medina, NataliaPabón Meneses, Carlos AlbertoBernstein, RebeccaWellhousen, McKennaQuintín Lizcano, Leidy VivianaLópez Ortiz, Lili Ariana2023-12-192023-12-192015-06-04Universidad Santo Tomás. (2015). USTA Speaks, 1. Ediciones USTAhttp://hdl.handle.net/11634/53272The Foreign Language Institute (FLI) is pleased to present the first issue of our virtual bulletin: USTA Speaks. A virtual, academic environment to enable and encourage the USTA community to explore the writing competences in a foreign language. This is a great opportunity to promote multi-cultural awareness and expand the understanding of the rich diversity of learning foreign languages and make possible the break of world barriers. It is also a space to foster intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and creative minds in our students.1-33spaAtribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 2.5 Colombiahttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/co/USTA SPEAKS ISSUE 1CultureSecond Languageteaching english languageInglés - EnseñanzaCultura - Segunda lenguaLibroAbierto (Texto Completo)http://purl.org/coar/access_right/c_abf2CulturaSegunda lenguaEnseñanza del inglésreponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomásinstname:Universidad Santo Tomás