El valor intrínseco de las criaturas. Desde la contemplación de la creación hacia la superación de las implicaciones negativas del paradigma tecnocrático

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Universidad Santo Tomás

La crisis medioambiental que atraviesa nuestro planeta en la actualidad exige respuestas claras y acciones concretas por parte de los entes sociales, religiosos, económicos y gubernamentales, en pro de una transformación positiva de las actitudes que el ser humano tiene hacia la naturaleza. El paradigma tecnocrático se ha convertido en una perspectiva ideológica desde la cual se percibe la realidad y las dimensiones del ser humano. Los efectos del paradigma tecnocrático no garantizan la subsistencia del ser humano en la Tierra. Algunos elementos de la tecnocracia fueron sustentados por las perspectivas cristianas y las interpretaciones antropocéntricas de los textos bíblicos, referidos al dominio humano de la creación. Para responder a esta situación, proponemos empezar por valorar las criaturas en sí mismas, bajo el fundamento de la teología de la creación y una actualización hermenéutica de los textos bíblicos referidos a la acción creadora de Dios y la importancia que tiene el ser humano en el universo.
De cara a lo anterior, ¿cómo puede la teología fundamentar y promover el valor intrínseco de las criaturas? La apreciación del valor intrínseco de las cosas, que oriente una actitud contemplativa del cosmos, en contra de la visión utilitarista de los recursos derivada del paradigma tecnocrático, llevaría a moderar las acciones humanas cotidianas, propendiendo hacia una disminución del deterioro medioambiental desde los ámbitos de la vida personal, pasando por el ámbito familiar y repercutiendo en la sociedad misma.
The environmental crisis that our planet is currently going through requires clear responses and concrete actions by social, religious, economic and governmental entities, in favor of a positive transformation of the attitudes that human beings have towards nature. The technocratic paradigm has become an ideological perspective from which reality and the dimensions of the human being are perceived. The effects of the technocratic paradigm do not guarantee the subsistence of human beings on earth. Some elements of technocracy were supported by Christian perspectives and anthropocentric interpretations of biblical texts, referring to the human domain of creation. To respond to this situation, we propose to begin by valuing the creatures in themselves, under the foundation of the theology of creation and a hermeneutical update of the biblical texts referring to the creative action of God and the importance that the human being has in the universe. In light of the above, how can theology substantiate and promote the intrinsic value of creatures? The appreciation of the intrinsic value of things that guides a contemplative attitude of the cosmos, against the utilitarian vision of resources derived from the technocratic paradigm, would lead to moderating daily human actions, tending towards a decrease in environmental deterioration from the areas of personal life, passing through the family environment and having an impact on society itself.
The environmental crisis that our planet is currently going through requires clear responses and concrete actions by social, religious, economic and governmental entities, in favor of a positive transformation of the attitudes that human beings have towards nature. The technocratic paradigm has become an ideological perspective from which reality and the dimensions of the human being are perceived. The effects of the technocratic paradigm do not guarantee the subsistence of human beings on earth. Some elements of technocracy were supported by Christian perspectives and anthropocentric interpretations of biblical texts, referring to the human domain of creation. To respond to this situation, we propose to begin by valuing the creatures in themselves, under the foundation of the theology of creation and a hermeneutical update of the biblical texts referring to the creative action of God and the importance that the human being has in the universe. In light of the above, how can theology substantiate and promote the intrinsic value of creatures? The appreciation of the intrinsic value of things that guides a contemplative attitude of the cosmos, against the utilitarian vision of resources derived from the technocratic paradigm, would lead to moderating daily human actions, tending towards a decrease in environmental deterioration from the areas of personal life, passing through the family environment and having an impact on society itself.
Palabras clave
creature, creation, paradigm, technocracy, ecology, criatura, creación, paradigma, tecnocracia, ecología