Una lectura de “apertura” de la II Conferencia General del Episcopado Latinoamericano (Medellín). Apuntes para el diálogo ecuménico e interreligioso

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Universidad Santo Tomás

El presente trabajo intentará hacer un análisis del documento de la segunda conferencia del episcopado latinoamericano —realizado en la ciudad de Medellín— (1968), haciendo un rastreo de los documentos posteriores de las conferencias generales hasta Aparecida (2007); con la intencionalidad de hacer una exploración de la noción de las categorías de “ecumenismo” y “diálogo interreligioso”. De lo anterior, se busca ver las transformaciones narrativas de las conferencias, la influencia del Concilio Vaticano II en la apuesta de la Iglesia latinoamericana, la confluencia de discursos, contextos y formas interpretativas; es así que se intentará encontrar los puntos centrales para ver el “ecumenismo” y el “diálogo interreligioso” de forma histórica en su avance y/o retroceso.
The present work will attempt to analyze the document of the second conference of the Latin American episcopate - held in the city of Medellín - (1968), tracing the subsequent documents of the general conferences until Aparecida (2007); with the intention of exploring the notion of the categories of “ecumenism” and “interreligious dialogue”. From the above, we seek to see the narrative transformations of the conferences, the influence of the Second Vatican Council on the commitment of the Latin American Church, the confluence of discourses, contexts and interpretative forms; Thus, an attempt will be made to find the central points to see “ecumenism” and “interreligious dialogue” historically in their advancement and/or regression.
The present work will attempt to analyze the document of the second conference of the Latin American episcopate - held in the city of Medellín - (1968), tracing the subsequent documents of the general conferences until Aparecida (2007); with the intention of exploring the notion of the categories of “ecumenism” and “interreligious dialogue”. From the above, we seek to see the narrative transformations of the conferences, the influence of the Second Vatican Council on the commitment of the Latin American Church, the confluence of discourses, contexts and interpretative forms; Thus, an attempt will be made to find the central points to see “ecumenism” and “interreligious dialogue” historically in their advancement and/or regression.
Palabras clave
ecumenism, interreligious dialogue, signs of the times, CELAM Conferences, ecumenismo, diálogo interreligioso, signos de los tiempos, conferencias CELAM