Relationship between school bullying and non-suicidal self-injurious behaviours among rural adolescents

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Universidad Santo Tomás, Bogotá, Colombia


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This is a correlational descriptive study, whose objective is to identify the relationship between school bullying and non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) among adolescents enrolled in a rural institution in the Department of Boyacá. The sample consisted of 272 adolescents with the consent of their legal guardians, and the assent of the minors to participate in the research. Among them, 51.5% are female and the remaining 48.5% are male. The participants were between 12 and 18 years of age, with an average age of 14 years. The data was collected through the application of a sociodemographic datasheet, the abbreviated school bullying questionnaire CIE-A (Moratto, Cárdena & Berbesí; 2012), and the self-harm certificate (Tejada, 2013). The statistical results of the relationship between school bullying and self-injurious behaviour made it possible to conclude that there is interdependence between the variables studied; 43% of the total sample reported having self-harmed at some point in their lives, and 91% of the participants reported having been involved in some of the forms of bullying.
Estudio descriptivo correlacional, cuyo objetivo es identificar la relación existente entre intimidación escolar y conductas autolesivas no suicidas (CAL) en adolescentes escolarizados en una institución rural del departamento de Boyacá. La muestra estuvo conformada por 272 adolescentes, previo consentimiento de sus tutores legales y asentimiento de los menores para participar en la investigación, entre ellos 51.5% pertenecen al sexo femenino y el 48.5% restante al masculino, los participantes se situaron en edades entre 12 a 18 años, con una media de 14 años. Los datos se recolectaron a través de la aplicación de una ficha sociodemográfica, el cuestionario de intimidación escolar abreviado CIE-A (Moratto, Cárdena & Berbesí; 2012) y la cédula de autolesión (Tejada, 2013). Los resultados estadísticos de relación entre la intimidación escolar y la conducta autolesiva permitieron concluir que existe dependencia entre las variables estudiadas; el 43% del total de la muestra refiere haberse autolesionado alguna vez en la vida y el 91% de los participantes refieren haber estado involucrados en alguna de las formas de intimidación escolar.



Palabras clave

school bullying, adolescence, self-injurious behaviours, intimidación escolar, adolescencia, conductas autolesivas
