Caracterización de experiencias significativas de educación ambiental en Colombia: Un análisis descriptivo de la identificación de tendencias para el desarrollo sustentable

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Universidad Santo Tomás

La crisis ambiental actual producto del sometimiento y dominación de la humanidad sobre la naturaleza ha contribuido de manera significativa en la disminución de biodiversidad ecológica a nivel mundial. Para el caso de Colombia, las principales causas que contribuyen a la pérdida de biodiversidad son el cambio de uso del suelo, urbanización entre otras. Esto resalta la necesidad urgente de fortalecer la educación ambiental (EA) en el país para fomentar una cultura ambiental sustentable en armonía con la naturaleza. Por lo anterior, esta investigación tiene por objetivo caracterizar las experiencias de educación ambiental en Colombia a partir de la base de datos “Experiencias significativas de Educación Ambiental – Listado Minambiente”. El procesamiento de los datos se realizó a través del software estadístico STATA con la finalidad de contribuir a la identificación de tendencias educativas sobre temas ambientales a nivel nacional. Los resultados revelan avances en el campo de la EA, evidenciando una mayor proporción de iniciativas que adoptan un modelo de enseñanza de enfoque naturalista. Asimismo, se constató una prevalencia de las iniciativas institucionales sobre las comunitarias. Los resultados sugieren que las iniciativas comunitarias tienden a alinearse con un modelo de enseñanza sistémico, mientras que las iniciativas institucionales priorizan la perspectiva naturalista. Además, se observó que la participación comunitaria es condicionada, en algunas ocasiones, por las entidades sectoriales y no sectoriales en el país. Finalmente, las conclusiones reafirman la necesidad de que la institucionalidad colombiana siga trabajando en indicadores apropiados de educación ambiental que permitan medir y divulgar las experiencias de EA a nivel nacional. Asimismo, se enfatiza la importancia de fortalecer los modelos educativos sistémicos de EA, ya que promueven la reapropiación social del ambiente a través de cambios culturales.
The current environmental crisis, resulting from humanity's subjugation and domination of nature, has significantly contributed to the decline of ecological biodiversity worldwide. In the case of Colombia, the main causes of biodiversity loss include land-use changes, urbanization, among others. This underscores the urgent need to strengthen environmental education (EE) in the country to promote a sustainable environmental culture in harmony with nature. Accordingly, this research aims to characterize environmental education experiences in Colombia based on the database "Experiencias significativas de Educación Ambiental – Listado Minambiente" Data processing was conducted using the statistical software STATA, with the goal of identifying educational trends related to environmental issues at the national level. The results reveal progress in the field of EE, highlighting a higher proportion of initiatives that adopt a naturalistic teaching model. Likewise, there is a prevalence of institutional initiatives over community ones. The results suggest that community initiatives tend to align with a systemic teaching model, while institutional initiatives prioritize the naturalistic perspective. Additionally, it was observed that community participation is sometimes conditioned by sectoral and non-sectoral entities in the country. Finally, the conclusions reaffirm the need for Colombian institutions to continue working on appropriate environmental education indicators that allow for the measurement and dissemination of EE experiences at the national level. Furthermore, the importance of strengthening systemic EE models is emphasized, as they promote the social re-appropriation of the environment through cultural changes.
The current environmental crisis, resulting from humanity's subjugation and domination of nature, has significantly contributed to the decline of ecological biodiversity worldwide. In the case of Colombia, the main causes of biodiversity loss include land-use changes, urbanization, among others. This underscores the urgent need to strengthen environmental education (EE) in the country to promote a sustainable environmental culture in harmony with nature. Accordingly, this research aims to characterize environmental education experiences in Colombia based on the database "Experiencias significativas de Educación Ambiental – Listado Minambiente" Data processing was conducted using the statistical software STATA, with the goal of identifying educational trends related to environmental issues at the national level. The results reveal progress in the field of EE, highlighting a higher proportion of initiatives that adopt a naturalistic teaching model. Likewise, there is a prevalence of institutional initiatives over community ones. The results suggest that community initiatives tend to align with a systemic teaching model, while institutional initiatives prioritize the naturalistic perspective. Additionally, it was observed that community participation is sometimes conditioned by sectoral and non-sectoral entities in the country. Finally, the conclusions reaffirm the need for Colombian institutions to continue working on appropriate environmental education indicators that allow for the measurement and dissemination of EE experiences at the national level. Furthermore, the importance of strengthening systemic EE models is emphasized, as they promote the social re-appropriation of the environment through cultural changes.
Palabras clave
environmental education, participation, social representations of the environment, environmental culture, educación ambiental, participación, representaciones sociales sobre el ambiente, cultura ambiental