Evaluación de un portafolio de inversión en la bolsa de valores de Colombia para una pyme de la ciudad de Bogotá: Caso de Estudio Iberchem S.A.S.
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Universidad Santo Tomás
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To propose alternatives that Colombian companies can take into account, such as; in the case of the Iberchem S.A.S. study, these are tied to the risk that a company wishes to assume when investing. This Colombian SME is taken as a study; due to, the concern of top management that currently has no experience or knowledge of financial products; nevertheless, the public accountant of the same is the only one that has relation and knowledge on this subject; however, it is without a tool that allows generating possible optimistic or pesist scenarios about any product that they wish to invest.
The diversification of investment portfolios which is based on this work shows the tools and the theories that are currently found for the selection of an investment portfolio and the same evaluation, in which Harry Markowitz mainly relies on to make a selection adequate investment portfolio can not make a single investment in a single asset, but identify more than one possible investment
All in order to evaluate an investment portfolio for a Colombian SME; Case study Iberchem S.A.S. because there are investor profiles which must identify the relationship between Risk and Performance on an investment portfolio. In which the adequate selection of the portfolio to which the investment will be made is sought.
El plantear alternativas que pueden tener en cuenta las empresas colombianas, como; en el caso de estudio Iberchem S.A.S., estas están atadas al riesgo que desea asumir una compañía a la hora de invertir. Se toma como estudio esta pyme colombiana; debido a, la preocupación de la alta gerencia que actualmente no tiene ninguna experiencia ni conocimientos sobre productos financieros; no obstante, la contadora publica de la misma es la única que tiene relación y conocimiento sobre este tema; sin embargo, se encuentra sin una herramienta que permita generarles posibles escenarios optimista o pesista sobre cualquier producto que deseen invertir.
Palabras clave
Contreras Huertas, D. A. (2018) Evaluación de un portafolio de inversión en la bolsa de valores de Colombia para una pyme de la ciudad de Bogotá: caso de estudio Iberchem S.A.S. [Trabajo de pregrado, Universidad Santo Tomás] Bogotá, Colombia