La casa de Simón vive la koinonia y la diakonia en clave de sinodalidad

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Universidad Santo Tomás

La narración marcana de la “curación de la suegra de Simón” sirve de fundamento para analizar otras miradas que ocurren en las casas señaladas a lo largo del segundo evangelio, y para leer en clave de sinodalidad donde se ve que la koinonía es el ambiente propio para prepararse y para vivir la diakonía, en función de la renovación comunitaria y misionera. En esta investigación se busca señalar las relaciones entre los cinco servicios en torno a la casa de Simón y la sinodalidad eclesial, a partir del análisis narrativo de Mc 1,29-31, lo que conduce a utilizar elementos del análisis narrativo desde las categorías de la sinodalidad: comunión, participación y misión. Después de realizar el camino narrativo de las “casas marcanas”, se llega a conclusiones sobre la importancia de la revisión de los dinamismos comunitarios, para generar una nueva relación con Jesús en función de renovar la vocación y la misión (cf. Mc 16,7) haciendo que la fraternidad se proyecte como respuesta a la humanidad con una Palabra nueva, fresca, liberadora y con el gran testimonio de la fraternidad y la sororidad eclesial.
The Marcan narrative of the “healing of Simon's mother-in-law” serves as a foundation to analyze other views that occur in the houses indicated throughout the second gospel, and to read in the key of synodality where it is seen that koinonia is the proper environment. to prepare and to live the diakonia, based on community and missionary renewal. This research seeks to point out the relationships between the five services around Simón's house and ecclesial synodality, based on the narrative analysis of Mc 1,29-31, which leads to using elements of narrative analysis from the categories of synodality: communion, participation and mission. After completing the narrative path of the “Marcan houses”, conclusions are reached about the importance of reviewing community dynamisms, to generate a new relationship with Jesus in order to renew the vocation and mission (cf. Mc 16, 7) making fraternity project itself as a response to humanity with a new, fresh, liberating Word and with the great testimony of ecclesial fraternity and sorority.
The Marcan narrative of the “healing of Simon's mother-in-law” serves as a foundation to analyze other views that occur in the houses indicated throughout the second gospel, and to read in the key of synodality where it is seen that koinonia is the proper environment. to prepare and to live the diakonia, based on community and missionary renewal. This research seeks to point out the relationships between the five services around Simón's house and ecclesial synodality, based on the narrative analysis of Mc 1,29-31, which leads to using elements of narrative analysis from the categories of synodality: communion, participation and mission. After completing the narrative path of the “Marcan houses”, conclusions are reached about the importance of reviewing community dynamisms, to generate a new relationship with Jesus in order to renew the vocation and mission (cf. Mc 16, 7) making fraternity project itself as a response to humanity with a new, fresh, liberating Word and with the great testimony of ecclesial fraternity and sorority.
Palabras clave
Mark, Simon's House, koinonia, diakonia, stake, synodality, Marcos, Casa de Simón, koinonía, diakonía, participación, sinodalidad