La salud mental como objeto común a las prácticas en psicología

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Universidad Santo Tomás, Bogotá, Colombia

Defendemos la tesis que la salud mental es un objeto común a las prácticas en psicología, para ello propusimos en una pesquisa de doctorado analizar las prácticas discursivas sobre salud mental de profesoras/es de psicología en dos universidades de Medellín, Colombia. El debate se actualiza porque en este país el Ministerio de Educación exige a los programas de psicología un modelo médico de supervisión para las prácticas clínicas, centrado en la enfermedad y en el individuo. Con base en la perspectiva construccionista de las prácticas discursivas y producción de sentidos, produjimos informaciones mediante un taller con 12 supervisoras/es de prácticas de diferentes ámbitos aplicados. El material lo estudiamos con mapas y análisis de palabras. Una lectura construccionista de las definiciones positivas y negativas de salud mental y del discurso individualista y de lo social justificó la propuesta de una ampliación dialógica de los discursos de salud mental. La dialogía bajtiniana fomenta la multiplicidad de voces y el respeto por la alteridad. Llevar esto al ámbito de la formación tendrá injerencia en las prácticas psicológicas que trasciendan la intervención clínica en consultorio y amplíen el reconocimiento social y salarial de esta ciencia y profesión en Colombia.
We defend the thesis that mental health is a common object to practices in psychology; To this end, we proposed in doctoral research to analyze the discursive practices on mental health of psychology professors at two universities in Medellín, Colombia. The debate is updated because in this country the Ministry of Education requires a medical supervision model for psychology programs for clinical practices focused on the disease and the individual. Based on the constructionist perspective of Discursive Practices and Production of Meanings, we produced information through a workshop with 12 supervisors of practices from different applied fields. We analyze the material with maps and word analysis. A constructionist reading of the positive and negative definitions of mental health and of the individualist and social discourse justified the proposal of a dialogic expansion of mental health discourses. Bakhtin's dialogy encourages the multiplicity of voices and respect for otherness. Taking this to the field of training will interfere in psychological practices that transcend clinical intervention in the office and expand the social and salary recognition of this science and profession in Colombia.
We defend the thesis that mental health is a common object to practices in psychology; To this end, we proposed in doctoral research to analyze the discursive practices on mental health of psychology professors at two universities in Medellín, Colombia. The debate is updated because in this country the Ministry of Education requires a medical supervision model for psychology programs for clinical practices focused on the disease and the individual. Based on the constructionist perspective of Discursive Practices and Production of Meanings, we produced information through a workshop with 12 supervisors of practices from different applied fields. We analyze the material with maps and word analysis. A constructionist reading of the positive and negative definitions of mental health and of the individualist and social discourse justified the proposal of a dialogic expansion of mental health discourses. Bakhtin's dialogy encourages the multiplicity of voices and respect for otherness. Taking this to the field of training will interfere in psychological practices that transcend clinical intervention in the office and expand the social and salary recognition of this science and profession in Colombia.
Palabras clave
mental health, training in psychology, discursive practices, construccionism, bakthinian dialogue, salud mental, formación en psicología, prácticas discursivas, construccionismo, dialogía bajtiniana