Instrumento para medición de los determinantes sociales de la salud: diseño, validez facial y contenido

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Universidad Santo Tomás, Bogotá, Colombia

El objetivo de este estudio fue diseñar y determinar validez facial y de contenido de un instrumento para la medición de los determinantes sociales de la salud. El estudio es de carácter metodológico instrumental cuantitativo y el diseño se concentró en el tipo construcción y validación de instrumentos. El proceso se estructuró en cuatro fases a través de la revisión documental y la Técnica Delphi, con participaron 14 expertos. El instrumento se estructuró en siete dimensiones generales, 30 específicas para la valoración de 19 determinantes estructurales y 61 intermedios, y presentó un índice de consistencia interna según coeficiente de Alfa de Cronbach de 0.952 y validación de contenido según Lawshe de 0.909. En conclusión, se aporta un instrumento diseñado y validado para la medición de los determinantes sociales de la salud, que puede ser aplicado en diferentes campos y áreas de experticia, niveles y nacionalidades; además, es la base para futuros procesos investigativos.
The objective of this study was to design and determine the face and content validity of an instrument for measuring the Social Determinants of Health. A quantitative instrumental methodological study, the design focused on the construction and validation of instruments. The process was structured in 4 phases through documentary review and the Delphi Technique with the participation of 14 experts. The instrument was structured in 7 general dimensions, 30 specific ones for the assessment of 19 structural determinants and 61 intermediate ones; it presented an internal consistency index according to Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of 0.952 and content validation according to Lawshe of 0.909. In conclusion, it provides an instrument designed and validated for the measurement of the Social Determinants of Health and can be applied in different fields and areas of expertise, levels and nationalities, and it is also the basis for future research processes.
The objective of this study was to design and determine the face and content validity of an instrument for measuring the Social Determinants of Health. A quantitative instrumental methodological study, the design focused on the construction and validation of instruments. The process was structured in 4 phases through documentary review and the Delphi Technique with the participation of 14 experts. The instrument was structured in 7 general dimensions, 30 specific ones for the assessment of 19 structural determinants and 61 intermediate ones; it presented an internal consistency index according to Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of 0.952 and content validation according to Lawshe of 0.909. In conclusion, it provides an instrument designed and validated for the measurement of the Social Determinants of Health and can be applied in different fields and areas of expertise, levels and nationalities, and it is also the basis for future research processes.
Palabras clave
social determinants of health, validation study, scientific measurement instruments, public health, determinantes sociales de la salud, estudio de validación, instrumentos para medición científica, salud pública