El ecumenismo receptivo: una propuesta para Colombia

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Universidad Santo Tomás

El artículo presenta el ecumenismo receptivo como un enfoque innovador para el diálogo entre las diferentes confesiones cristianas en el país. Inspirado por la encíclica Ut Unum Sint y por las ideas del cardenal Kasper, este enfoque promueve la humildad y el autoanálisis crítico, alentando a las iglesias a reconocer sus limitaciones y aprender mutuamente. El ecumenismo receptivo busca avanzar hacia la unidad a través de la diversidad, sin forzar los tiempos ni aspirar a una unificación inmediata. En lugar de preguntar qué pueden aprender otras iglesias de una tradición específica, la propuesta sugiere cuestionar qué pueden recibir las iglesias de otras confesiones, fomentando así el enriquecimiento mutuo y la colaboración ecuménica en la vida diaria de las comunidades eclesiales.
The article presents receptive ecumenism as an innovative approach to dialogue between the different Christian denominations in the country. Inspired by the encyclical Ut Unum Sint and the ideas of Cardinal Kasper, this approach promotes humility and critical self-analysis, encouraging churches to recognize their limitations and learn from each other. Receptive ecumenism seeks to move towards unity through diversity, without forcing time or aspiring to immediate unification. Instead of asking what other churches can learn from a specific tradition, the proposal suggests asking what churches can receive from other denominations, thus fostering mutual enrichment and ecumenical collaboration in the daily life of church communities.
The article presents receptive ecumenism as an innovative approach to dialogue between the different Christian denominations in the country. Inspired by the encyclical Ut Unum Sint and the ideas of Cardinal Kasper, this approach promotes humility and critical self-analysis, encouraging churches to recognize their limitations and learn from each other. Receptive ecumenism seeks to move towards unity through diversity, without forcing time or aspiring to immediate unification. Instead of asking what other churches can learn from a specific tradition, the proposal suggests asking what churches can receive from other denominations, thus fostering mutual enrichment and ecumenical collaboration in the daily life of church communities.
Palabras clave
receptive ecumeism, interfaith dialogue, unity in diversity, critical self-analysis, mutual enrichment, ecumeismo receptivo, diálogo interconfesional, unidad en la diversidad, autoanálisis crítico, enriquecimiento mutuo