Aportación del ecumenismo a la unidad de la Iglesia y de la sociedad

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Universidad Santo Tomás

El artículo explora cómo el ecumenismo ha sido una herramienta clave en la promoción de la unidad tanto dentro de la Iglesia cristiana como en la sociedad en general. A través del diálogo interdenominacional y la cooperación entre diversas tradiciones cristianas, el ecumenismo busca superar divisiones históricas y doctrinales, fomentando la reconciliación y el respeto mutuo. Este proceso no solo refuerza los lazos entre las iglesias, sino que también promueve una cultura de paz y entendimiento en la sociedad, destacando la importancia del trabajo conjunto en temas sociales, éticos y humanitarios.
The article explores how ecumenism has been a key tool in promoting unity both within the Christian Church and in wider society. Through interdenominational dialogue and cooperation between diverse Christian traditions, ecumenism seeks to overcome historical and doctrinal divisions, fostering reconciliation and mutual respect. This process not only strengthens ties between churches, but also promotes a culture of peace and understanding in society, highlighting the importance of working together on social, ethical and humanitarian issues.
The article explores how ecumenism has been a key tool in promoting unity both within the Christian Church and in wider society. Through interdenominational dialogue and cooperation between diverse Christian traditions, ecumenism seeks to overcome historical and doctrinal divisions, fostering reconciliation and mutual respect. This process not only strengthens ties between churches, but also promotes a culture of peace and understanding in society, highlighting the importance of working together on social, ethical and humanitarian issues.
Palabras clave
ecumenism, unity, society, christian churches, ecumenismo, unidad, sociedad, iglesias cristianas