El estadio religioso en la obra de Sören Kierkegaard o la autenticidad de la existencia

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Universidad Santo Tomás

El filósofo y teólogo danés Sören Kierkegaard encuentra imperioso profundizar en la autenticidad de la existencia a partir del estudio de los tres estadios existenciales que configuran nuestro devenir. Para el danés, el estadio de mayor autenticidad es nada menos que el tercero y último, denominado “estadio religioso”. Para acceder a él, resulta necesario reconocer la propia finitud, precariedad e ignorancia subjetivas frente a la infinitud, omnipotencia y absolutidad que representa la figura de Dios; solo en el marco de este desbordamiento metafísico gestionado a través de la fe puede el individuo dar el “salto” o acceder a una vida auténtica, siempre que reconozca la paradoja existencial que lo rodea. Para ello, analiza la figura bíblica de Abraham como el epítome de la fe cristiana, un individuo que renuncia a la razón y, mediante el movimiento de la fe, nos permite explicar por qué la etapa religiosa es la más compleja y, al mismo tiempo, la más auténtica a la que un individuo puede aspirar.
The Danish philosopher and theologian Sören Kierkegaard finds it imperative to delve deeper into the authenticity of existence by studying the three existential stages that make up our existential development. For the Dane, the stage of greatest authenticity is none other than the third and last, called: religious stage. To access it, it is necessary to recognize one’s own subjective finitude, precariousness and ignorance in the face of the infinity, omnipotence and absoluteness that the figure of God represents; only within the framework of this metaphysical overflow managed through faith can the individual make the “leap” or access an authentic life as long as he recognizes the existential paradox that surrounds him. To do so, he analyzes the biblical figure of Abraham as the epitome of the Christian faith as an individual who renounces reason and through the movement of faith allows us to explain why the religious stage is the most complex and at the same time the most authentic to which an individual can aspire
The Danish philosopher and theologian Sören Kierkegaard finds it imperative to delve deeper into the authenticity of existence by studying the three existential stages that make up our existential development. For the Dane, the stage of greatest authenticity is none other than the third and last, called: religious stage. To access it, it is necessary to recognize one’s own subjective finitude, precariousness and ignorance in the face of the infinity, omnipotence and absoluteness that the figure of God represents; only within the framework of this metaphysical overflow managed through faith can the individual make the “leap” or access an authentic life as long as he recognizes the existential paradox that surrounds him. To do so, he analyzes the biblical figure of Abraham as the epitome of the Christian faith as an individual who renounces reason and through the movement of faith allows us to explain why the religious stage is the most complex and at the same time the most authentic to which an individual can aspire
Palabras clave
authenticity, existence, religious stage, faith, paradox, truth, autenticidad, existencia, estadio religioso, fe, paradoja, verdad