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Desarrollo de un algoritmo automatizado para el procesamiento y análisis de ventas y inventarios de la empresa Los Combos Del Establo a nivel nacional mediante el lenguaje de programación python.
(2024-12-06) Merchán Cristancho, Juan Sebastián; Melo Rey, María Valentina; Rincón Romero, Silverio; Universidad Santo Tomás; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000757594; https://scholar.google.es/citations?hl=es&view_op=list_works&authuser=1&gmla=AJsN-F4i8N9cbuSOvRBvohQ-XDeMi4nWc2YQ4dPQ4HG6LqLI60HTwNr-1Z6Sp29004CvHLgtBn4P8OTidILjQAnhLgAJDpJ2uOd8dPXVjQSR8LINMK-L-S4&user=8xHrregAAAAJ#d=gs_hdr_drw&t=1733502867805; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/visualizagr.jsp?nro=00000000019947
The project aims to automate the food inventory management process at the fast-food franchise " Los Combos del Establo” located in Meta, using Python. Currently, inventory management is carried out manually, leading to inefficiencies such as product accumulation and shortages, negatively impacting both profitability and customer satisfaction. The proposed automation seeks to optimize inventory control to reduce losses due to expired products, ensuring the availability of fresh and well-maintained food items. The system will use Python algorithms to monitor product inflows and outflows in real-time, generating alerts and restocking recommendations. This technological solution will enhance the operational efficiency of the franchise, optimizing costs and improving customer experience.
Análisis de control en posventas de proyectos de vivienda, caso de estudio: Conjunto Cerrado Jardín del Este en Cúcuta Norte de Santander
(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2025-03-28) Salazar Gelvez, Andres Fernando; Sánchez Caballero, Óscar Andrés
The present project consists of the bibliographic and documentary compilation existing in Colombia regarding the different after-sales presented in housing projects and taking it to the case study of the closed Jardín del Este complex in Cúcuta Norte de Santander. This project focuses on the after-sales phase of a construction project. This phase is one of the phases that represents the most legal actions against construction companies. The project seeks to generate an in-depth analysis of why after-sales are generated and how they are generated. We can minimize it as much as possible since this helps us generate a better perspective with respect to the consumer and generates a better image and a greater satisfaction for user, which is the goal that the construction company desires when selling a house.
Propuesta Arquitectónica de un Centro Cultural en el barrio Ciudadela Real de Minas de Bucaramanga
(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2025-03-14) Serrano Sarmiento, Angélica María; Villamizar Hernández, Jorge Alberto
Abstract The main objective of this proposal for a cultural center is to design an architectural object that, in addition to responding appropriately to the new approach and trends of this type of building, is effectively integrated into the public cultural policy and also responds to the regulations and standards applicable to cultural centers and their mission as a social service, consolidating for the community and the sector where it is located a nucleus of endowment services, and integrating itself to the network of public space and generating new meeting points and citizen participation that translate into the improvement of the quality of life and its appropriation by the inhabitants of a sector of essentially residential character but identified as an educational pole within the city of Bucaramanga as is the Ciudadela Real de Minas
Tendencias de los programas académicos relacionados con cultura física, educación física, ciencias aplicadas, deporte y recreación en los distintos Continentes.
(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2011) Correal Avendaño, Sergio; Melo Torres, Sara Melisa; Reina Ortiz, Santiago; Fonseca Zamora, Francisco Javier; Universidad Santo Tomás
The purpose of this work was the elaboration of a series of guidelines that allowed to analyze the global trend regarding academic programs related to Physical Culture, Physical Education, Applied Sciences, Sports and Recreation, consulted on the web, in the different continents and countries such as Cuba, Mexico, United States, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Federation of Malaysia, Spain, Basque Country and Russia. These guidelines were used to make a comparison with the Physical Culture, Sport and Recreation program offered by the University of Santo Tomas and thus to know the differences and similarities that it has in relation to the world level. For this purpose, a mixed type of research was proposed, with a descriptive and interpretative design based on the collection of data by means of RAE (Specialized Analytical Summary). The results showed the number of academic spaces currently offered in related programs and the most important fields of knowledge within them.
Experiencias imaginarios y significados de cuerpo-sí mismo asociados a prácticas de transformación corporal en usuarios de gimnasios y centros de actividad física en Bogotá
(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2011-06-28) Castiblanco Varela, Edwin Alexander; Cerón Noriega, Juan Manuel; Sastre Cifuentes, Asceneth; Universidad Santo Tomás
This project is part of the work of the research group Body, Subject and Education of the Faculty of Physical Culture of the University of Santo Tomás, which from the line of Interpretations of the body from the social and human sciences seeks to contribute elements to the complex understanding of the body, with support in the qualitative-hermeneutic epistemological paradigm, so that multiple perspectives are integrated in it, with a view to complexify the training process of students of human sciences of physical activity. The present work presents the most important understandings about the body found in western literature, proposed by philosophers, anthropologists, sociologists, and natural scientists, exposed as a conceptual foundation. Through open and in-depth interviews developed with 34 gym users, 20 men and 14 women, information was collected about the factors that intervene in the way in which the subjects mean their practices as experiences of body transformation, the components and symbolic dimensions of body work, the body image constructed in the practices, the life experiences that guide them, the referents of well-being that underlie self-care, as well as the irruption of the market and the media in the configuration of the archetype of beauty and the perception and subjective construction of the body-subject.The information was organized through descriptive and relational matrices, according to the analytical categories defined a priori, from whose analysis and interpretation emerge some possible understandings and actions to avoid cultural uprooting and the construction of a new pedagogical and pragmatic approach for the construction of physical culture in contexts such as gyms and CAF.

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