Extensión Universitaria
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Examinando Extensión Universitaria por Autor "Acosta Fajardo, Leydy Viviana"
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Ítem Gamificación en la Promoción de Hábitos y Estilos de Vida Saludable con las comunidades. Desafíos de la investigación socialmente pertinente(2024-08-02) Castro Ramírez, Cindy Joulieth; Ruiz González, Lady Johanna; Sierra Delgadillo, Viviana; Acosta Fajardo, Leydy Viviana; Fonseca Zamora, Francisco Javier; Romero Correa, Fray Juan Pablo; https://bit.ly/2kuXEO5; https://bit.ly/2lXOt9e; https://n9.cl/62li; https://n9.cl/sud2o; https://bit.ly/2BUiQWk; https://bit.ly/3957U4w; https://bit.ly/2mkaQpm; https://bit.ly/2mpJVZs; https://bit.ly/2mq0zrU; https://n9.cl/9nqnd; https://bit.ly/2Zh3Nit; https://bit.ly/3jdS8c6; Grupo de investigación Cuerpo Sujeto y Educación, Facultad de Cultura Física, Deporte y Recreación, USTA Bogotá. COL0030193; Grupo de investigación Raimundo de Peñafort. Promotoría de Justicia y Paz Orden de Predicadores Provincia de San Luis Bertrán Colombia. COL0028112; https://bit.ly/2mlPoA; https://bit.ly/2korUKg; https://bit.ly/2mo97zn; https://n9.cl/voxjw; https://bit.ly/2WkfanZ; https://bit.ly/30mj80This video presents the experience “Gamification in the Promotion of Healthy Habits and Lifestyles with communities. Challenges of socially relevant research” whose objective has been to generate installed capacity in health literacy processes from the gamification methodology for the promotion of healthy habits and lifestyles with the communities impacted by the Santo Tomás University.Ítem Promoción de hábitos y estilos de vida saludables desde la recreación pedagógica y comunitaria(2024-08-02) Sierra Delgadillo, Viviana; Castro Ramírez, Cindy Joulieth; Ruiz González, Lady Johanna; Acosta Fajardo, Leydy Viviana; Piratova López, Diego Andrés; Fonseca Zamora, Francisco Javier; Romero O.P., Fray Juan Pablo; https://n9.cl/62li; https://bit.ly/2BUiQWk; https://bit.ly/2lXOt9e; https://n9.cl/gil5u; https://bit.ly/2kuXEO5; https://bit.ly/3957U4w; https://n9.cl/sud2o; https://bit.ly/30mj80; https://bit.ly/2mq0zrU; https://n9.cl/9nqnd; https://bit.ly/2Zh3Nit; https://bit.ly/2mpJVZs; https://n9.cl/r01ca; https://bit.ly/2mkaQpm; https://bit.ly/3jdS8c6; Grupo de investigación Cuerpo, sujeto y educación; Grupo de investigación Raimundo de Peñafort; Grupo de investigación en Entrenamiento deportivo y actividad física para la salud.; https://bit.ly/2mo97zn; https://bit.ly/2WkfanZ; https://bit.ly/2korUKg; https://n9.cl/ks7fo; https://bit.ly/2mlPoA; https://n9.cl/voxjwThe Santo Tomás University, from the Social Projection Centers (CPS), articulate processes of interaction between communities, enterprises and the State, based on an exercise of co-responsibility and social transformation. This video presents the significant experience entitled: Promotion of healthy habits and lifestyles from pedagogical and community recreation, which has been possible thanks to the articulation of different social actors, such as: Il Nido del Gufo Association, Promotion of Justice and Peace of the San Luis Bertran Province of Colombia, Educational Institutions, community mothers, the team of teachers and researchers and students of the USTA, who in a determined commitment by the community, have given continuity to the processes of social projection, research and teaching from 2019, which have responded to the context of the town of Suba in terms of promoting the health of children and adolescents, generating installed capacity from the continuous training of different actors in the community, Interventions from the extension of the chair, the design and implementation of programs and actions that account for the strengthening and resolution of issues of social interest in the field of Public Health, mediated by pedagogical and community recreation methodologies.