Especialización Auditoría y Administración de la Información Tributaria
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Ítem Actualización del Banco de Datos en Derecho Tributario con Jurisprudencia de Consejo de Estado Sentencias del 21 de enero al 14 de abril de 2000(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2010) Mendez Espinosa, Luis Alfredo; Rincón Rodríguez, Fernando; Universidad Santo TomásÍtem Actualización del Banco de Datos en Derecho Tributario con Jurisprudencia del Consejo de Estado Sentencias de diciembre 11 de 2007 a febrero 7 de 2008(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2009) Fonseca Perdomo, Yenith Paola; Rincón Rodríguez, Fernando; Universidad Santo TomásÍtem Actualización Del Banco De Datos En Derecho Tributario Con Jurisprudencia De Consejo De Estado Sentencias Julio 28 De 2000 A Septiembre 29 De 2000(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2008) Diaz Ibarra, Lizeth Eugenia; Rincon Rodriguez, FernandoÍtem Actualización del Banco de datos en derecho tributario con jurisprupencia del consejo de estado sentencias de octubre 05 a octubre 12 de 2001(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2006) Gil García, Luis Ángel; Rincón Rodríguez, Fernando; Universidad Santo TomásÍtem Actualización del Banco de Datos de derecho tributario con jurisprudencia del Consejo de Estado sentencias de 2006(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2010) Ariza Zambrano, Yesid Enrique; Rincón Rodríguez, Fernando; Universidad Santo TomásÍtem Análisis de Sentencias(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2018) Sánchez Rico, Marliony; Rozo Ramirez, Hernando; Universidad Santo TomásÍtem Planeación tributaria para asegurar costos y deducciones(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2020-10-05) Castañeda Pineda, Leidy Marsella; Gonzalez Molina, Luis CarlosThis paper will show tax planning focused on the assurance of costs and deductions, however, to introduce ourselves to the world of tax planning it is important to talk about the global environment more precisely the National Government, the DIAN, the fiscal rules and their importance for safeguard the country's economy especially in times of crisis. When the economy goes into crisis, it is necessary to look for the mechanisms of tax policies and mechanisms for the change in the administration of taxes in Colombia to avoid the deterioration of social welfare, the effectiveness with which the strategy of the due expansion of finances is applied success depends on reducing the effects on the standard of living of the population. Dian's policies are the search for solutions to social problems through planning processes in which a long-term vision is defined; Public policy focuses on human rights, the population and their territories, which means that it is a tool that is oriented towards action and that serves to give way to change in society, innovating, offering dynamism, proactivity and inclusion in society, for this reason Dian is currently subject to such changes to achieve its goal of a more honest Colombia of non-evasion, therefore the great importance of having a well-oriented policy strengthens work and relations in cooperation in society, with management tools and strategic planning and thus ensure its financing. In periods of crisis such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the economy becomes sensitive, it is reflected in the quality of life of the population, affecting employment; To minimize these risks, the Dian as such, the government must guarantee the balance of public finances in that it must be capable of generating tax and non-tax resources, to achieve the objectives of education, health, public safety, justice, among others, to obtain good results, a tax structure must be created that allows individuals and companies to work in their activities of production of goods and services, to increase the economy and that the government does not become an obstacle to it.Ítem Planeación Tributaria(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2020-08-08) Manrique Isaziga, Diego Nicolas; González Ariza, Luis CarlosTaking into account the economic development of emerging countries such as Colombia, day by day organizations are in constant struggle to improve the profitability of their business and survive the shocks demanded by the local market, which is why it is more important to know and manage the greatest number of variables in the economic environment that surrounds organizations. Within the economic environment of organizations, the administration of tax information becomes relevant since it is an obligation that cannot be ignored and that directly impacts the company's cash flow and the final profitability of the shareholders. The above, added to the tax uncertainty that plagues the country due to the constant changes in tax legislation, make it necessary to implement Tax Planning as an element that allows: Optimize taxes, Determine the evaluation of investment projects, Increase the profitability of shareholders and improve the cash flow of companies; through the adequate payment of taxes taking advantage of the benefits enshrined in the current tax regulation.Ítem Planeación tributaria, control costos y deducciones(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2020-09-29) Moreno Silva, Natalia del Pilar; González Ariza, Luis CarlosThis work is focused on achieving conceptualization of the tax planning structure since although it is not difficult for taxpayers, currently a large part of them are not aware of the importance of correctly planning the management of taxes and the positive or negative consequences of good or bad handling of this fiscal responsibility. The optimization of the tax burden of the natural and legal persons responsible for Tax is essential for its economic development, that is why each person or The company must organize its processes and procedures in order to achieve a structured tax planning. Tax regulations allow taxpayers different legal alternatives to study and analyze adequately in search of reducing the tax impact and the possibility to increase the return on the investment made while maintaining the lowest cost tax, without committing acts that lead to tax avoidance and / or evasion.Ítem Planeación tributaria: conceptos básicos para la implementación de una planificación tributaria(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2020-09-18) Cristancho Puerto, Kevin Leonardo; Gonzalez Ariza, Luis CarlosThis document is made with the purpose of providing basic concepts and processes in the implementation of a correct tax planning, regardless of the size of the organization and thus be able to generate awareness in the use of it since in Colombia small and medium-sized companies do not They see the subject of its application practical, it also seeks to show the benefits that the implementation of this brings in companies, this as long as a corporate synergy is generated for its correct implementation, with which a restructuring of processes and procedures is necessary within and outside the company.Ítem Actualización del banco de datos de derecho tributario con jurisprudencias del consejo de estado(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2019-09-14) Atuesta Porras, Nelsy Johanna; Rozo Ramirez, Hernando;Ítem Actualización del banco de datos de derecho tributario con jurisprudencias del Consejo de Estado(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2019-09-11) Villarreal Mendez, Yady Mireya; Rozo Ramirez, Hernando;Ítem Análisis jurídico estructural de sentencias(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2017) Guerrero Alvarado, Claudia Lorena; Rozo Ramírez, HernandoÍtem Análisis de sentencias emitidas durante el año 2012(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2018) Martínez Herrera, Ana María; Rozo Ramírez, HernandoÍtem Análisis de sentencias tributarias consejo de estado(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2017) Caballero Mendoza, Angie Johanna; Rozo Ramírez, HernandoÍtem Actualización banco jurídico sentencias del periodo marzo - diciembre 2012(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2017) Gonzalez Cáceres, Deivy Jonathan; Rozo Ramírez, HernándezÍtem Ámbito jurídico, análisis de sentencias(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2018) Rodríguez Solano, José LuisÍtem Actualización del banco de datos del derecho tributario con jurisprudencia del consejo de estado: sentencias de enero a septiembre de 2012.(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2017) Vera Gamboa, Jorge Enrique; Rozo, Hernando