Doctorado Derecho Público
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Ítem Reflexiones Críticas de la Reforma Rural en Colombia: Lineamientos Estructurales para la Reforma Rural Integral con Enfoques Eco Céntrico y Económico Ambiental para la Obtención de una Política Rural Sostenible en el Sistema Colombiano.(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-10-11) Valderrama Velandia, José Eduardo; Arias Ramírez, Diego; Sáenz Rodríguez, Deivy Alberto; Universidad Santo TomásÍtem Ecocidio Contra la Humanidad(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-08-14) López Zamora, Sergio Andrés; Sáenz Rodríguez, Deiby Alberto;;;;;; interest in this research arises with the purpose of generating a proposition that inspires a change in the political system, from an anthropocentric model to an ambiocentric one, as ensuring human rights also requires securing an environment and natural resources suitable for life. Therefore, throughout this work, presented to obtain the title of Doctor of Public Law from the Santo Tomás University, Tunja campus, a punitive response is presented to help address the most serious problem of recent times, where a change is urgently needed to preserve life on Earth, and with it, all other rights. Thus, the possibility is considered that ecocide, understood as a severe and irreversible harm to the environment, could be considered a crime against humanity, as in cases of significant harm, the damage would impact all humanity by affecting the legal interest that allows life on Earth. The proposal that justifies large-scale environmental harm as a crime against humanity involves studying environmental damage of a severe and irreversible nature, which will be addressed in the first chapter; in the second chapter, a detailed study of the notion of crimes against humanity will be conducted, understanding its axiology and protection values; and in the final chapter, based on the epistemological current of ambiocentrism, where the human-environmental subject is postulated, ecocide can be justified as a crime against humanity. The two structural pillars of this thesis (the notions of ecocide and crimes against humanity) will allow us to address the central focus of the research, proposing the environment as a subject of protection under crimes against humanity, detailing the reasons for this in harmony with the conceptual and philosophical study that underpins this investigation. Indeed, the research will address historical, epistemological, and conceptual notions related to the object of study. Additionally, in order to obtain direct, objective, and non-interpreted information, all sources were consulted in their original language, with references translated by the author in German, Medieval Spanish, French, English, Italian, and Russian. Thus, it is necessary to begin with the problem question.Ítem Teoría del Derecho Administrativo del Acto de Estado y Riesgo Político.(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-10-12) López Peña, Edmer Leandro; Güechá Medina, Ciro Nolberto; Universidad Santo Tomás TunjaThe pourpose the administrative law theory of the act of state and political risk is to intended the existence of political discretion and how it bases the identification of the act of state of direction of international relations of government or state. The theory also indicates that there is a political risk in this type of decisions, in view of which it is proposed to strengthen the consultative control of the Consejo de Estado as a control of legality and the preservation of the stability of the cyclical relationship.Ítem Responsabilidad Patrimonial del Estado por el Prófugo Inmerecido. Una Modalidad de Defectuoso Funcionamiento de la Administración de Justicia.(2020-02-19) Huerta Gutiérrez, Fausto Enrique; Rodríguez Gutiérrez, Andrés; Universidad Santo TomásThe work makes a study of the patrimonial responsibility of the State in general and, specifically, of the responsibility derived from the activity of the Administration of Justice, to determine if it is adequate and legally sustainable, the attribution of state responsibility for the damages caused to the people who are persecuted by the justice, in order to enforce an arrest warrant as a result of a custodial arrest measure, who are later acquitted within the criminal process that originated the measure, making such persecution unjust and undeserved the damages suffered. In the same way, a theoretical development is made of the right to individual liberty, of the “ius necessitatis”, the damage and its unlawfulness, the distinction between the Administration of Justice (Judicial Branch) and the penitentiary system (Executive Branch), the rights of the investigated or prosecuted, the role of punishment and security measures, the true concept of collaboration with the Administration of Justice, individual and collective defense mechanisms against unjust aggression (the imminent danger that a detention center represents), and the legal and theoretical errors incurred by the Contentious Administrative Jurisdiction when resolving the cases raised characteristic of "undeserved fugitive".Ítem La Compra Pública Como Herramienta de Gestión Pública: una Nueva Perspectiva Desde el Derecho Económico(2021-03-01) Forero Forero, Deisy Joanna; Barreto Moreno, Antonio Alejandro;;;;; paper presents an analysis of state contracting as a public management tool, from different perspectives of economic law. Thus, in the first chapter the legal philosophy of the state contract is studied, from distributive and commutative justice, to determine which of them is applied to a greater extent, and which guides the philosophy of public contractual activity, in order to establish whether concepts of these two kinds of justice are related to the economy, to determine if the state contract can find a good grip on economic law and thus understand it as a means and not as an end, which will allow for better decisions, not only in as to the satisfaction of the general interest, but also, as to the very performance of the State. In the second one, a retrospective of the public management in the state contracting is carried out, in the third one the constitutional nature and the principle of legality are analyzed as enablers of the administrative law and in the fourth chapter the market model in the contractual management is studied. The work is based on the principles that govern the social state of law that prevails under the 1991 Constitution, and studies how these principles are developed by the legislature and subsequently regulated by the executive branch. Because they are different perspectives to focus on the subject, chapters 2, 3 and 4 present independent conclusions on the topics developed in each of them, which are addressed both from the analysis of legislation and jurisprudence, as well as doctrine. He has analyzed them.Ítem Marco Institucional para la Concreción de la Autonomía Política Territorial Tributaria en Colombia(2021-02-11) Patiño Rojas, Jorge Enrique; Higuera Jiménez, Diego Mauricio;;;; la tesis se analiza el precario papel de las entidades territoriales en Colombia, particularmente de departamentos y municipios, en materia de tributos o impuestos, dada la unidad nacional del Estado. Por lo mismo, desde el vigente marco constitucional, siguiendo ejemplos de otros países, se reclama una salida político administrativa que propicie mayor participación del nivel subnacional en el financiamiento de sus gastos, en búsqueda de mejores niveles de legitimidad para la gobernanza.