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  • Ítem
    Alcance conceptual de la Mejora, Adición, Modificación y Complementación de una Propuesta Realizada Durante el Término de Subsanación
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-09-27) Gonzalez Porras, Yessi Katerine; Lobo Garrido, Gustavo Andrés; Universidad Santo Tomás Tunja;;;;
    State contracting, although it is regulated by Law 80 of 199 (General Statute of Public Contracting) and its regulatory decrees, it presents gaps that over the years some have already been filled with jurisprudence, doctrine and normative analogy ; sources that have already helped to make the state contracting procedure more equitable, planned and objective. Despite the foregoing, there are currently regulatory and jurisprudential gaps for the development of contracting processes, especially for bidders who sometimes have different regulatory interpretations, so in this article we will delve into the scope generated by the improvement, addition, modification and complementation of the offer made after the closing of the selection process, as well as, the lack of legal clarity on the part of the state entities will be analyzed, and the implications that such actions entail with respect to the other proponents in the development of the contract process
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    Ineficacia de las Acciones Populares Como Medios Jurídicos para la Preservación, Cuidado y Protección del Lago de Tota
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-08-15) Araque Arevalo, Alvaro Alexander; Tellez, Lucia; Universidad Santo Tomas
    Lake Tota is the largest body of fresh water in Colombia, it is located in the Department of Boyacá, and includes the jurisdictions of the municipalities of Cuítiva, Tota and Aquitania. Despite its importance, the development of economic activities in its surroundings has generated a series of problems that have endangered the Lake; and in view of the inoperability of the entities in charge of their care, popular actions have been the effective mechanisms to achieve their protection, therefore, it is necessary to verify how efficient the decisions made have been, if what has been ordered in the different instances has been complied with judicial, and if not, verify what are the steps to follow to achieve compliance with the rulings.
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    Colombia Estado de Emergencia por el Cáncer de la Corrupción
    (2021-07-14) Ramírez, Daniela Alejandra; Rojas, José Luis; Cortes Zambrano, Sonia Patricia; Universidad Santo Tómas;;;
    Challenges of facing the fight against corruption in state contracting within the framework of the State of Manifest Urgency issued by the wave of contagion from Covid19 in Colombia, which despite having implemented virtual platforms to ensure transparency fell short of the demand for needs and acts of corruption.
  • Ítem
    Efectos Ecológicos del Establecimiento del Día Sin Carro en las Ciudades de Tunja y Bogotá.
    (2015-02-21) Romero Alvarez, Gustavo Antonio; Pisciotti, Marco; Universidad Santo Tomás
    Different cities in Colombia have implemented the “No – car day”. The first city to implement it was the Special District of Bogota, which purpose was “... to reduce the pollution and increase the use of alternative means of transportation, in order to have a city with a cleaner air, less traffic, more space and a better quality of life.” (14 OCHOMILES, 2013). Other cities, such as Tunja, have adopted this measure to “protect the environment by reducing the atmospheric emisions of carbon monoxide generated by vehicles and to improve the mobility” (Alcaldía Mayor Municipio de Tunja, 2012). The objectives must be evaluated by facing them with the ecological results, beyond the superficial impact released by the media.