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Ítem Plan de Negocio para la Producción de Huevos Doña María: Una Granja Avícola de Huevos Orgánicos en el municipio de Toca (Boyacá).(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-04-21) Acuña Martinez, Diego Alejandro; Bobadilla, Elver Julian; Osuna, Alexander Nivia Z,; Universidad Santo Tomás;; plan for a poultry farming project in the municipality of Toca, BoyacaÍtem Propuesta de una Ruta Gastronómica en la Provincia de Oriente Boyacá Colombia(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2021-02-08) López Caro, Erika Ximena; Infante Moreno, Carlos OrlandoOriente Boyacá Colombia province, is located in the southwestern area of the department of Boyacá, is one of the 15 provinces and is grouped by 8 municipalities. It limits to the north with the province of Márquez, to the east with the province of Neira and to the south and west with the Department of Cundinamarca. The 8 municipalities that make up this province are Almeida, Chivor, Guateque, Guayata, La Capilla, Somondoco, Sutatenza and Tenza. It has an area of 530 square kilometers. This region of fertile lands and colorful landscapes, its people dedicated especially to agriculture and handicrafts of all kinds, mainly horsehair miniatures. The influence of the climate is fundamental, for each type of climate there are special crops, in the Tenza Valley there is production of sugar cane, coffee, banana, and fruit trees. The gastronomy in this province has stood out for being an important pillar of the region, especially its typical dishes that are highlighted by its tradition and cultural development. It shares its own idiosyncrasy, a strong regionalism transmitted by its ancestors, which makes it a strong potential to promote the regional economy. The traditional cuisine of the province of Oriente is appreciated for the preparation of each dish with products from the region, they have a great natural wealth and agricultural and livestock development. What makes the Tenza Valley a tourist and gastronomic powerhouse of Boyacá. It is for these particularities that the region is characterized by offering high quality gastronomic products. For this reason, it has been wanted to take a research topic since gastronomy is highlighted in the region as a tradition and represents a cultural and ancestral regionalism. Where the practices and uses of their ancestors seek to prevail, taking it from generation to generation, showing the practices with which they have highlighted the most representative of gastronomy in each municipality of the Oriente province. This research is carried out by the knowledge of some typical dishes of the region and municipalities of the province, what interested me to do a more in-depth investigation, investigate and learn more about this topic. The typical dishes are accompanied by desserts, traditional doughs which makes the visit to this region more attractive. One of the reasons that motivated to propose a gastronomic route design in the province of Oriente is the variety of typical dishes typical of the region, the tourist sites and landscapes to visit, the variety of climate among other attractions that give it a value added to this region. Highlighting the ancestral flavors of each municipality that today is a tradition and known by locals and visitors. The purpose of this project is to find an administrative model that allows the operation guaranteeing the sustainability of the exposed route, in this way said proposal will be delivered to the (GAL VALLETENZANO) Local Action Group of the Tenza Valley, being a corporation with administrative autonomy so that be identified and executed by them, highlighting the territorial scope they have and that they ensure the local development of the region. It is expected to carry out the implementation of the gastronomic route through the 6 municipalities of the province because it would be a way to contribute socio-economically in this region, highlighting the typical dishes and the way of cooking of some, it is also a way to implement the tourism in this region and the department, taking into account that there are numerous restaurants in each municipality, served by family traditions from years ago and by people from other regions who have wanted to try a gastronomic business in the eastern province and its surroundings. Initially, a request was made to the Chamber of Commerce of the city of Tunja for the list of restaurants that appear registered in this province, a database with which the field work was carried out, each one of the restaurants was visited and applied a survey to each owner, in the same way an interview was applied to residents of each municipality to know the gastronomic opinion in each municipality. The expected result is the implementation of the route in this region, making known the ancestral gastronomy that they offer, providing a route design in which the Tenzan valleys feel identified with the most representative things they have to taste. Also taking into account that the government of Boyacá, from the Secretary of Culture and Tourism created the gastronomic route in the Central province and in a meeting that was held with them, they let me know that they have planned the implementation of said routes in each one of the provinces of the Department of Boyacá.Ítem Plan de negocios para la creación de una empresa dedicada a la comercialización y distribución de chorizo de cerdo santarrosano en la localidad de Bosa.(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2020-12-14) Borda, Camilo; Lizarazo, SoniaThe Chorico company was born from the idea of creating a food marketing company, being the Santarrosano Chorizo the initial product that allows knowing the manufacturing and marketing process, supporting the introduction of other products of similar quality directed at different levels of consumers for consumers with low purchasing power with greater frequency of purchase, in the town of Bosa. In Bogota Colombia.Ítem Asistencia técnica apoyada en dispositivos móviles para la captura de datos en Indupalma(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2015) López Posada, Juan Carlos