Especialización Proyectos Arquitectónicos
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Ítem NÚCLEOS DE INTERPRETACIÓN INVESTIGACIÓN Y CUIDADO DEL MEDIO AMBIENTE (NI+CA)(2022-07-05) Arango Bonilla, Francisco Javier; Restrepo Aguirre, Juan SebastiánAlto de San Miguel is a protective nature reserve located in the municipality of Caldas Antioquia; This place houses 10% of the total biodiversity of the country, and it is also a strategic site for the hydrographic reserve of the municipality of Medellin, since that is where the Aburrá River or also known as the Medellín River starts. The main intention of the project is to constantly monitor the area, which contributes to research, teaching and care for the natural environment, creatively promoting the environment, seeking to expose the natural and cultural legacy of the place to the public. . In order to raise awareness and make conservation more effective.Ítem PLAZA DE MERCADO SAN RAFAEL(2019-07-29) Ruiz Arbelaez, Tatiana; Valencia, Juan FernandoProposal for a new market square project in San Rafael, Antioquia.