Grupo de Investigación Filosófica "San Alberto Magno, O.P"
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Ítem La cosmología científica desde la antigüedad griega hasta Copérnico(2021-07-12) Moreno Ortiz, Juan Carlos; Palacios Céspedes, Carlos Rolando;;;;; text presents the most important features of ancient Greek cosmologies and Copernican cosmology. Specifically, the cosmology of the two spheres, the cosmology of the homocentric spheres, the adaptations of that cosmology in Hellenistic culture, and the Copernican cosmology. It also explains the fundamental factors that influenced the emergence of the Copernican scientific revolution, in relation to the Aristotelian-Ptolemaic cosmological synthesis.Ítem Parte 2: transhumanismo, poshumanismo y singularidad tecnológica. Capitulo 3: Hipótesis sobre la singularidad tecnológica(2020) Rengifo Ariza, Luis Eduardo; Universidad Santo Tomas;; philosophy of technology is a theoretical space that has been gaining strength and that through its development has awakened greater interest, after centuries of indifference within the academic world. The growing incidence of technologies on our lives has been removing the historical prejudices that have been maintained for centuries about technology in general. In the face of these prejudices, for many years the understanding of technologies was limited almost to that of mere doing, distant from the rational activities on which philosophical reflections are concentrated.Ítem Parte 2: transhumanismo, poshumanismo y singularidad tecnológica. Capitulo 2: Capacidades transhumanas(2020) Pérez Jiménez, John Alejandro; Universidad Santo Tomas;; Fukuyama, from a bioconservative point of view1 , considers the interventions made by biotechnology and genetics on the human condition to improve its capabilities as dangerous.Ítem Parte 2: transhumanismo, poshumanismo y singularidad tecnológica. Capitulo 1: El poshumanismo como crítica al humanismo ilustrado del transhumanismo(2020) Orrego Echeverría, Israel Arturo; Universidad Santo Tomas;;; chapter seeks to account for the ethical-epistemic referents of the critical understanding of posthumanism. First, the epistemic coordinates from which the post-human condition emerges will be identified, to give way to a determination of the European humanism that is questioned and from which this perspective is "posterior". Then, the epistemic paradigms and the way in which the post-human perspective assumes or distances itself from them will be described. Finally, some limits are demarcated from the denied subjectivity and the possibility of complementing the post-human condition from the otherness of Latin American humanisms and the proposal of the return of the repressed subject, as an autopoietic experience.Ítem Parte 1: el problema de la agencia. Capitulo 3: Hacia la superación del dilema entre la agencia material de los objetos técnicos y la intencionalidad de los agentes: revisión crítica de la propuesta de Bruno Latour(2020) Prada Rodríguez, Manuel Leonardo; Universidad Santo Tomas;;; chapter will explain the philosophical problem of whether or not technical objects act as agents of human actions and will critically review Latour's exposition of his actor-network theory -in which he proposes symmetrical responsibilities between human and technical actants-, based on the asymmetries that may arise, depending on the context in which human actants use technicians. The contribution of this text lies in the development of these counterexamples. Both the exposition of Latour's thought and the aforementioned critique will be based on the text entitled: Of technical mediation: Philosophy, sociology, genealogy, beginning with Latour's critique of Heidegger's thought, a German philosopher who maintains that technique is the agency of human actions.Ítem Parte 1: el problema de la agencia. Capitulo 2: Agencia eidética: agencia material, artefactos y agentes eidéticos(2020) Fonseca Martínez, Miguel Antonio; Universidad Santo Tomas; a broad sense an agent is a being that has the capacity to act, and agency is the manifestation of such capacity. Acting can be defined negatively as that which we do as opposed to that which happens to us (Wilson and Shpall, 2016). However, it is in a sense very difficult to understand the thin red line that limits a simple controlled activity from a controlled and directed activity. For these reasons, contemporary philosophy has described and analyzed this phenomenon from two perspectives, namely, the one that conceives action based on the concept of intentionality, also called standard theory of action, and, on the other hand, the conception according to which there is the possibility of ascribing genuine agency to beings lacking intentionality (Schlosser, 2015).Ítem Parte 1: el problema de la agencia. Capitulo 1: Tecnología y agencia(2020) Moreno Ortiz, Juan Carlos; Fonseca Martínez, Miguel Antonio; Prada Rodríguez, Manuel Leonardo; Orrego Echeverría, Israel Arturo; Pérez Jiménez, John Alejandro; Rengifo Ariza, Luis Eduardo; Universidad Santo Tomas;;; first part of this chapter critically evaluates the different perspectives from which attempts have been made to explain the agency associated with technological objects and processes. It analyzes the theoretical justifications that argue that technologies can be material agents in the strict sense, and not only means of expression or extension of human agency. In this way, a state of the art is offered that can be very useful for the study of the subject.Ítem Infografía–Resultados convocatoria 833 de 2018 de Colciencias- Grupo de Investigación Filosófica "San Alberto Magno, O.P"(2020-09-09) Ostos Ortiz, Olga Lucia; Corchuelo Rodriguez, Camilo Alejandro; González Gil O.P, Fray Eduardo;;;;;;;;;Ítem La educación moral en la tragedia y la comedia griegas clásicas(2020-06-16) Alonso Páez, Ciro; Pire Riveros, Mateo; Muñoz Aguilar, María Fernanda; Hernández, Nicolás; Rocha, Iván; Stevens Nevado, Dairo; Quintero Ceballos, Juan Camilo; Tobo Pérez, Michael Yessid; González, Ana María;;;;;;; intention is to resignify the theater of classical Greece, since it has been normally understood in concepts like beauty or form; a cultural precept by which emotions, facts or something that impress and exalt the senses. But beyond these alterations, the theatrical aesthetic field, through a cathartic purpose, shows an ethical concern, which is present in the tragedies of Aeschylus and Sophocles; however, comedy is also an instrument for education rather than a means of entertainment. And so giving evidence that the theater should not only be considered as an addition to the cultural life of man, but more important, as a means of moral education, always with a view to universal laws, which must be oriented at a practical level, in politics and the common good. The proposal of social education through theater presents a new perspective of theater in relation to its function and the way in which philosophy can make use of it: the ethical-political theatrical aesthetics.Ítem Segunda parte. La lógica-semiótica de Peirce(2020-05-22) Pongutá Puerto, César Fredy Noel;;Ítem Primera parte. Aspectos semióticos en el Órganon de Aristóteles(2020-05-22) Pongutá Puerto, César Fredy Noel;;Ítem Argumentación y persuasión, elementos orientadores para la construcción de comunidades de paz en Colombia(2019-08) Pérez, Diego; Pascagaza, Ernesto; González Cortés, Jorge;;;;;;;; proposal offers to take argumentation and persuasion into social practice, so that these capacities are rehabilitated in the Caldas displaced units and the Cazuca displaced units, as the elements on which they are offered the possibility of training from workshops and a diploma so that they acquire the epistemic tools that favor the construction of the authentic sense of truth on which peace is built. From the new rhetoric (Perelman and Tyteca) we will also train in communities capacities such as criticism and discernment so that they can approach and build their own arguments around truth and Peace, as inseparable elements in the Havana agreements between the Government Colombian and the FARC; arguments that must be reconstructed with the authentic sense from the same communities from the epistemic elements that the New Rhetoric offers us, as opposed to any dogmatism, irrationalism or utilitarian positivism of the truth. In effect, the Colombian conflict broke the ties between individuals, communities and peoples, on the other hand it severed the relations of many communities with the State, this matter, however, was intended to be corrected from the so-called Havana Agreement, on which we will resume both in everything that allows us to glimpse a dogmatic or pragmatic truth that is trying to criticize, in order to propose in second instance to the communities affected by the conflict, “epistemic” tools on which they themselves negotiate their truth and build their peace on the basis of argumentation and persuasion. For neither the technicalities of legal proof, nor experience, nor logical deduction can provide us with the ultimate solution to the problems of peace. We are located beyond the legal and governmental discourse, and from the new rhetoric we provide communities with criteria for reworking, reflection and criticism leading to rhetorical persuasion, and the argued adherence of the speeches, thus, from the rescue of the New rhetoric to distance itself from the dogmatism of the truth, whose positivization has installed the country in new conflicts, aggressions and violence and to place ourselves on the side of the construction of truth with an individual, community and social meaning.Ítem El signo y las virtudes de la fe, la esperanza y el amor. Un examen filosófico en diálogo con Tomás de Aquino y sus intérpretes(2019-08) Páez, Ciro; Pongutá, César; /cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculo; cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculo; user=HQ_3fE8AAAAJ&hl=es; user=wJCXaBgAAAAJ&hl=es; 0003-4741-6153; research project “The sign and the virtues of faith, hope and love. A philosophical examination in dialogue with Thomas Aquinas and his interpreters ”is the third stage of an ambitious project on the relationship between the sign and virtue considered both in its historical development and in its mature and finished expression in the work of Thomas Aquinas . The first part of this project focused on the intellectual virtues, and more specifically on prudence and its relationship with the moral virtues; The second part, currently under development, has been dealing with the relationship between the sign and Plato's fundamental virtues, with an emphasis on moderation and justice. The third part, which is the project that we now present to be developed in 2020, would explore the Greek and Jewish origin of the reflection on faith, hope and love, as virtues or essential dispositions for the formation and salvation of the individual, before having been considered as theological virtues by Thomas Aquinas. As in the project currently underway, they will be studied first in the Greek tradition, mainly in Plato and the Stoics, and then in that great meeting point with the Jewish tradition that is the work of Philo of Alexandria. From there, we will skip St. Paul and patristics (mainly Ambrose of Milan and Gregory the Great will be considered) and, finally, his formulation will be addressed at the very center of medieval theology, that is, in the work of Thomas Aquinas. In relation to the perspective adopted, the project considers the virtues - in this case, faith, hope and love - in the context of a broad and systematic reflection on the nature of the linguistic sign. Showing why this perspective is necessary will be one of the objectives of the project.Ítem Informes de avance 2018(2018-06-30) Antolínez Camargo, Rafael; Pérez Villamarín, Diego Germán; Páez Álvarez, Ciro Alonso;;;;;;;;;;Ítem Proyectos y planes de vida de familias campesinas del Meta asesinadas en áreas protegidas, en el marco del actual proceso de paz(2017) Clavijo Parrado, José Gregorio; Ballén Rodríguez, Juan Sebastian; Antolinez Camargo, Rafael Antonio;;; RecordÍtem Prudencia, justicia y signo en Tomás de Aquino: Origen y desarrollo(2017-10) Paez Alvarez, Ciro AlonsoThe project "Prudence, justice and sign in Thomas Aquinas: Origin and development" will explore significant aspects of the thought of Thomas Aquinas in relation to prudence, the justice and the sign - taking into account both its philosophical background and its projection 3 in current thinking--, in order to establish an area of relevance in the context current, maintaining the Postconflict in Colombia as the main reference. Similarly, the project intends to contribute decidedly, on the one hand, to the foundation institutional framework around Tomista Humanism, and on the other hand, the specific scenario of curricular activity of the Faculty. Naturally, the proposed task encompasses numerous aspects of the thought of Thomas Aquinas, but in this first stage will focus on the prudence, justice and the sign to lay the foundations of developments articulated in phases successive The treatment of prudence will be articulated with an investigation of the PhD in Philosophy around the virtues in ancient philosophy. The project will explore the way Tomás gives account of this precedent and incorporates it into your system. For its part, the study of conception of sign is relevant in light of the Thomistic interpretation that sees in the sign a means for knowledge, following the Aristotelian perspective of the problem of image and its relation with formulations antecedents like that of Plato. The review of this concept will take place in the context of semiotic investigations developed both in the PhD in Philosophy as in the program of the Degree in Philosophy and Language Castellana, which is expected to explore its implications in semiotic studies contemporary