Maestría Arquitectura

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  • Ítem
    Formulación de un proyecto vivienda de interés social (VIS), “Ciudad Verde”, para los habitantes del Barrio Llanitos, Municipio de los patios, Norte de Santander, bajó la guía de buenas prácticas del PMBOK
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-12-19) Peña Padilla, Hernán Javier; Zambrano Valdivieso, Oscar Javier
    This document is made in order to solve the problem of shortage of social housing that has the municipality of Los Patios in Norte de Santander, where the majority of women do not have possibilities in the area of projects that are subsidized by the national government. For this reason, it was proposed as a general objective. "Formulating a Social Interest Housing Project (VIS), "Green City", through the analysis of sustainable communities for the improvement of the housing quality of the inhabitants of the Llanitos neighborhood, of the Municipality of Los Patios, Norte de Santander, lowered the guide of good practices of the PMBOK" As a method, the non-experimental descriptive qualitative analysis was chosen to carry out this project as the best way to analyze the problem raised. Which allowed to achieve all the specific objectives and finally design the project which will be for the local public entity its choice and realization. The realization of this research allows us to establish as a discussion that the country effectively requires this type of projects and their financing to solve the current social problems experienced by many of the inhabitants of the Llanitos – Los Patios neighborhood.
  • Ítem
    Análisis de Islas de Calor Urbanas mediante imágenes satelitales e información georreferenciada en la ciudad de Bucaramanga, su materialidad y recomendaciones
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-01-16) Gualdrón Díaz, Luz Adriana; Moreno Yáñez, Paalo Andrea; Ayala García, Erika Tatiana; Universidad Santo Tomás
    The increase of temperature in cities, as a result of excess greenhouse gases, daily human activities in public space, the indiscriminate removal of the vegetation layer, and the use of inappropriate materials encourage the research to create strategic comfortable spaces in front of areas of heat accumulation. Therefore, through the analysis of satellite images and the crossing of geo-referenced information, heat islands will be identified in the city of Bucaramanga in order to analyze the materiality of these heat islands and recommend a material with Opto-thermal properties, allowing high solar reflection and low radiative absorption, to mitigate urban heat islands (ICU) in the city.
  • Ítem
    Parámetros de diseño con enfoque bioclimático para el mejoramiento de vivienda en el barrio Manuela Beltrán de la ciudad de San José de Cúcuta
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-12-11) Ramírez Muñoz, María Esperanza; Quijano García, Juan Felipe
    The houses that are the product of self-management must be viewed from a bioclimatic habitability perspective, since there is no model that specifies the minimum conditions of space and materiality, the factors to which they are exposed, or the reality of the occupants. This thesis mainly covers the analysis of the building envelope from self-built houses, to determine the most affected factor and it proposes feasible passive bioclimatic design solutions. It concludes that the roof, being made of zinc sheets and exposed to direct solar radiation, generates overheating, therefore the quality improvement of the interior thermal space and the life of the occupants is initially formulated by a shading system concept with a double ventilated roof in progressive stages.
  • Ítem
    Estrategias bioclimáticas para el sistema general de espacio público urbano de la ciudad de Bucaramanga. Caso de estudio barrio Cabecera del Llano
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-12-07) Suárez Zúñiga, Rafael Alirio; Pereira Pabón, Balmor Javier; Tapias Uribe, Sergio Alberto
    The present work addresses the problem of the heat island that directly affects the public space due to the increase in temperature and loss of comfort. The purpose of the research is to analyze bioclimatic strategies applicable to the public space of the city of Bucaramanga, in order to identify strategies that help build a sustainable city and contribute to improving the comfort of public space. The methodology used is oriented from the deductive method, a general vision to the particular, by obtaining data with a mixed approach and its scope is descriptive. As a result, it is concluded that urban bioclimatic planning must be adjusted to the characteristics of each place, allowing the development of strategies according to specific problems.
  • Ítem
    Cálculos y estrategias para mitigar la falta de confort térmico en la vivienda urbana del clima cálido húmedo
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-11-06) Gamboa Rincon, Carlos Eduardo; Tapias Uribe, Sergio Alberto
    This research seeks to prove quantitatively the improvement over the wind chill by using passive energy strategies over a model for urban houses on wet and humid climate. World faces consequences of climate change as a result for braking inhabitant - habitant relationship balance, so the response to the comfort lack (dew climate change) are detached solutions of environment consequences (more GHGs = more global warming, unsustainable vicious circle); these partial solutions only solve physical space problems and are careless for natural cycles and inhabitant - habitat trade. The propose is use passive energy strategies created over the observation of climate parameters on site, like avoid solar radiation through: orientation, strategic zoning, shape and surface interventions and maximize convection cooling processes to build a model which will be monitored and compared with a non-bioclimatic model; prove these will diminish lack of thermal comfort, reduces HACV use, energy consume and de GHGs pollution, closing inhabitants to restore habitat exchange balance, turning houses into men-nature exchange machines.