Maestría Tecnologías Limpias

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    Evaluación de la Producción de Biohidrógeno por Fermentación Oscura de las Aguas del Tanque de Acidificación de la PTAR Alpina Sopo
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023) Martínez González, Fredy Alexander; Cabeza, Ivan; Acevedo, Paola; Universidad Santo Tomás
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    Diseño de un Sistema Fotovoltaico en el Campo Petrolero Río Cravo Este (RCE) para Suplir Parcialmente la Generación a Diesel, Disminuir el Lifting Cost y la Huella de Carbono
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024) Cortés Díaz, Laura Andrea; Ducuara Castaño, Cristian Alexis; Saavedra Cotrina, Deiver; Medina Chadid, Paul Yesik; Universidad Santo Tomás
    The objective of this thesis is the design of a solar photovoltaic system for electric energy partial generation in the RCE (Rio Cravo Este) Oil Field in Casanare, Colombia. A diagnosis of the current generation conditions in the field is made and a projection about the development plan of the production of the field in the Tapir Block. With this base, the guidelines for the technical design are available, knowing the potential of solar radiation in the geographic location of the Field and the projection of the energy demand. The simulation is carried out to define the number of photovoltaic panels needed in available space. To evaluate reduction in the lifting cost, we made a cash flow for the current conditions of the energy supply in diesel generators, compared with the projected cost of the partial application of the solar system, evaluated at five years. Finally, the reduction of the carbon footprint is determined based on a comparative analysis between the equivalent emissions of CO2 currently generated in relation to the amount of gallons of diesel consumed in the generators and the emissions projected according to the proposed design.
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    Evaluación de la Viabilidad Ambiental de Mezclas Poliméricas Constituidas por Residuos Plásticos y Agroindustriales a Través de Vigilancia Tecnológica
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024) Fajardo Guio, Laura Tatiana; Fajardo Valderrama, Lizeth Johana; Solano Meza, Johanna Karina; Gomez Rosales, Zully Esmeralda; Universidad Santo Tomàs;;;;;;;
    Circular economy is a model that seeks to reduce resource consumption, waste generation, and pollution. Integrating this concept into the industry represents a sustainable option for achieving balanced societal development. Therefore, it is necessary to direct efforts towards markets that generate the highest negative impacts throughout their lifecycle, such as plastic production. In this context, innovative alternatives developed under the concept of circular economy are becoming increasingly attractive. Thus, this document aims to assess whether the polymer blends of expanded polystyrene and polypropylene represent an environmentally viable option. This analysis is conducted through the Circular Footprint Formula (CFF), as a new approach to addressing energy recovery/recycling processes, which is the result of the European Commission's Environmental Footprint Guide research. This article investigates the CFF for analyzing the environmental footprint of polymer blends consisting of plastic and industrial waste. The analysis of environmental impacts was carried out using the "EF database 3.1" for the application of the mathematical model. The results show that the CFF model considers the circular economy perspective in inputs, as the resulting quantification values are lower than those of conventional Polypropylene production, according to the consulted literature. This is chosen for comparison as it constitutes 90% of the composition of the case study. This demonstrates that the use of the circular footprint formula represents a valid methodology for evaluating the environmental viability of new products made from materials from previous cycles, as it confirms that the reintroduction of materials into the production cycle reduces the negative impact on the industry.
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    Transición Energética en Colombia: Propuestas para Promoverla a Partir del Potencial de las Energías Renovables y su Nivel de Implementación Actual en el País
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-02-12) Méndez Bernal, Abraham Armando; Gómez Rosales, Zully Esmeralda; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;
    In December 2015, following COP21 in Paris, an international agreement was signed that established the goal of keeping global warming below 2 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels before the end of this century, and if possible, limit it to 1.5 degrees. The Glasgow COP26, which took place in November 2021, ratified the commitment to achieve the so-called Carbon Neutrality by 2050 (Acosta, 2022). To achieve this goal, the main tool is the energy transition, that is, switching from an energy system based on fossil fuels to one with low carbon emissions, based on renewable energy sources (Enel Green Power, 2022). The development of renewable energies seeks an improvement in the level of well-being of the population, since it is based on the use of energies that mitigate GHG emissions, which directly impacts the moderation of climate change. Additionally, a broad portfolio of renewable energies allows the diversification of a country's energy matrix, with the consequent increase in its energy security. This paper analyzed the potential of renewable energies that the country has, and based on said analysis, a series of proposals are made leading to determining which are the most appropriate renewable energies to explore and exploit in a given region from the country. The aforementioned analysis is based on the particular characteristics of each region of Colombia, such as geographic location, meteorological data, number of inhabitants, energy demand, energy supply, whether or not there is a connection with the National Interconnected System (SIN), etc. Special emphasis is placed on showing that the country's energy matrix is one of the cleanest in the world, due to its high hydraulic component: The energy obtained through hydraulic resources is considered renewable (IEA, 2022), a fact that shows that the energy transition in Colombia is not It is carried out both for reasons of an environmental nature (an energy matrix as clean as the Colombian one allows easy compliance with the environmental commitments acquired in the international arena), if not for eminently socioeconomic reasons. The energy transition allows the entire population access to quality energy services and give the country greater energy security, since in the event of prolonged droughts, which implies a decrease in hydraulic generation, there would be solid support from of renewable energies. A methodology based on bibliographic research and the corresponding analysis of the information obtained was used.
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    Modelado de Una Instalación Generadora de Electricidad a Partir de Bicicleta de Spinning para Mejorar la Eficiencia Energética de los Gimnasios de Bogotá
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-02-09) Maturana Martínez, Manuel Alejandro; Penagos Ortiz, Nidia Elena; Clavijo Vargas, Andrés Gerardo; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;;;
    In this work, an analysis was conducted on a type of device capable of improving energy efficiency in gyms through the use of spinning bicycles that convert the kinetic energy of the facility's users into electrical energy. The main objective was to model an efficient system that would be more cost-effective than the machines available in the market. To achieve this, an analysis of the behavior of a power generation system coupled to a spinning bicycle was performed. The transmission mechanisms and electrical installation components were dimensioned. A simulation and an economic study were conducted to determine the project's viability, all of which was achieved with direct contact with the client. Finally, the mechanisms were approximated to standard components, which optimally supported the loads to which they were subjected. The simulation model revealed that it is possible to generate a peak of 600 Wh of energy and that the investment payback period would be in the best-case scenario of 3 years after the device investment.
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    Formulación de Estrategias para la Sostenibilidad Ambiental, en Modalidad Trabajo a Distancia, para la Empresa de Consultoría ATCAL SAS en Línea con la Norma ISO 14001:2015.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-02-05) Illera Caballero, Geraldin; Molina Gómez, Nidia Isabel; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;
    This degree work explored the environmental alternatives that can be adopted by organizations in remote work modalities such as the consulting firm ATCAL SAS, recognizing the particularities and challenges that these business alternatives offer in view of regulatory compliance in environmental matters or compliance with a standard such as ISO 14001 in its 2015 version. In the development of this project, options were established that allow the identification of the risk generated by the negative environmental impacts, typical of the activities carried out by the company and their quantification or valuation, in line with the working conditions and business culture. Likewise, we sought to show the strategies adopted by administrative organizations and how to transform them to be useful in this working condition, with this purpose, we proposed the recognition of the obligatory nature of the legal regulations to comply with in environmental matters, as well as common standards adopted by companies in Colombia framed in the principle of environmental sustainability, then in a second stage an instrument was created to identify environmental aspects based on the methodology of cause and effect, also known as 6M and the valuations of the positive and adverse impacts generated were established, Finally, the applicable strategies for risk control were presented, among which were the program for efficient water use, efficient energy use, integrated solid waste management and an environmental education, training and communications program, as well as a general analysis of the elements to be considered in each one, in order to contribute to objectives such as the control of carbon footprints, water footprints and the mitigation of greenhouse gases, among others.
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    Evaluación de la Eficiencia Energética del Diésel con Respecto al Gas Licuado de Petróleo (GLP), para la Generación de Energía Eléctrica en el Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-01-31) Millan Garcia, Nixon Andres; Rendón Tolentino, Jorge Leonardo; Ortiz Penagos, Nidia Elena; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;
    The possibility of a fuel substitution was evaluated to generate electrical energy in the archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina, since diesel is used there, which is highly polluting in terms of emissions and expensive compared to other fuels, for what is proposed is a change to LPG; The two fuels are produced in the Cartagena refinery and, being liquid, require similar logistics, transportation and infrastructure. Firstly, a theoretical review of the main properties of diesel and LPG was carried out to compare them with each other, taking as its axis the potential for generating electrical energy. In the case of LPG, it was found that its calorific value is greater than diesel in terms of in mass, but lower in terms of volume, so a greater amount of fuel is needed to produce the same amount of energy. With the official information provided, the energy efficiency of the Bahía Garett de Providencia and Punta Evans de San Andrés electric power generation plants was found to be at an average of 32.05%; With these data, two possible fuel substitution scenarios for LPG were proposed, the first in which the energy efficiency of the system remains the same and the second if the energy efficiency were increased to 46.96% for the Punta Evans plant and 37. 71% for Bahía Garett where the number of gallons used with diesel would be equal. Next, historical series were constructed with the purchase and freight costs of diesel and LPG, the unit cost of providing the electric energy service (CU) and the value of the service subsidies. With this information, two scenarios were carried out for the cost-benefit analysis; The first of them consisted of proposing the replacement of diesel with LPG for the generation of electrical energy and; the second, in addition to generating electrical energy with LPG, a price stabilization for the purchase of this fuel was included in the calculations, due to the volatility it presents in the market. Based on the above, for scenario 1, more gallons of LPG are required to generate the electrical energy that the archipelago demands, however, the monthly savings in the purchase of fuel would be around COP 2,607,952,029 for the San Andrés plant. and in COP 189,768,373 for the Providencia plant. In the same way, the (CU) on average would be 190 (COP$/kWh) more economical for users of the electric energy service, if LPG were used in energy generation. Then, the emissions of both fuels were analyzed with a comparison between the molecular components where it was observed that both have a higher proportion of carbon and in second place hydrogen; With the emission factors that were taken from the FECOC calculator established by the UPME, the emissions of CO2, CH4, N2O and SO2 were found for diesel, LPG scenario 1 and LPG scenario 2, finding that in the case of CO2, there would be a decrease of 13.3% and 36% respectively; Also, a ratio of 0.75 ton CO2/MWh would go from 0.65 ton CO2/MWh (scenario 1) and 0.48 ton CO2/MWh (scenario 2).
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    Diseño de Dispositivo de Censado para las Identificaciones de Alertas Relacionadas con el Nivel del Agua en la Subcuenca de Teusacá
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-12-18) Parra Lloret, Juliana; Romero Camacho, Juan Pablo; Jaramillo Londoño, Angela María; Amaya, Sindy Paola; Calderon Rivera, Dayam; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;;
    This project addresses the pressing issue of water scarcity in the Teusacá sub-basin, driven by climate change and population growth. The lack of early warning systems to manage this vital resource has created the need to develop a low-cost sensor system. The objective is to design a sensor, implement a data collection and alert algorithm, and provide a community interface. This project aims to ensure a more efficient water supply, benefiting the Teusacá community and promoting sustainable water resource management.
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    Análisis de Ciclo de Vida – ACV e Índices de Sostenibilidad Ambiental como Herramientas de Evaluación Ambiental de Paneles Solares del Proyecto “Parque Solar Fotovoltaico Guayepo 400 MW, su Línea de Evacuación 500 kV y Bahía de Conexión”
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-09-28) Arteta Barragán, Ana Katherine; Gelvez Miranda, Juan Sebastián; Molina Gómez, Nidia Isabel; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;
    The United Nations (UN) establishes the sustainable development goals (SDGs), the seventh goal states that energy must be clean and accessible for all. The term "clean energy" is associated with renewable (RE), green, or sustainable energy, related to low environmental impact technologies. However, REs present identifiable negative impacts mainly through the use of tools such as Environmental Impact Assessment – EIA and Life Cycle Analysis (LCA). This study aimed to evaluate the environmental sustainability of the Guayepo 400 MW Photovoltaic Solar Park project, its 500 kV evacuation line, and connection bay through the application of LCA and sustainability indices such as carbon, water, and energy footprint for the stages of panel manufacturing (cradle) and end-of-life disposal or recycling (grave) of the photovoltaic components of the project. This work began with the analysis of the information from the Environmental Impact Assessment used to grant the Environmental License for the project. In this process, the focus was on the activities described in the EIA and the environmental impacts evaluated at each stage. This information allowed understanding the components that are part of the solar park. Based on this knowledge, a life cycle analysis was conducted following the guidelines established in ISO 14040 and using the SimaPRO software application. The generated information allowed determining the sustainability indices of the project, including those related to the manufacturing of solar panels. Within the sustainability indices, those related to water, carbon, and energy footprints were calculated, which were used to formulate the environmental impact assessment of solar panel manufacturing integrated into the evaluation of the case study project. Likewise, the analysis of the SimaPRO results and the sustainability indices of solar panel manufacturing were inputs in the methodology for assessing the environmental impacts of photovoltaic solar projects developed in the country, from their inception to dismantling and abandonment. From the obtained results, a water footprint of 0.35 m3 , a carbon footprint of 328.21 kTon CO2 eq, and an energy footprint of 536.28 GWh were obtained during the manufacturing phase of the solar panels (for the total number of panels required in the Guayepo solar park). These values were weighted to assess the significance of these environmental impacts and integrate them into the environmental assessment of the case study project, where the importance of the three indices was found to be irrelevant. The above allowed us to conclude that even when the manufacturing of solar panels is included in the environmental assessment, photovoltaic solar projects remain environmentally sustainable if preventive, mitigating, controlling, and compensating measures for the identified and evaluated environmental impacts are implemented.
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    Determinación de la Viabilidad Técnica y Económica de un Sistema de Aire Acondicionado Soportado por Refrigeración Solar por Absorción para el Hotel Berdez en el Municipio de Neiva, Colombia
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-09-21) Tovar Correa, Silvana; Bernal Merchán, Brayan Yesid; Ortiz Penagos, Nidia Elena; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;;;;
    This project determines the technical and economic feasibility of an air conditioning system supported by solar cooling by absorption for the Hotel Berdez in the municipality of Neiva, Colombia; by collecting primary and secondary information that would allow characterizing the hotel and the air conditioning system in order to proceed with the thermodynamic calculation and the determination of the cooling heat of the air to be cooled; In addition to the dimensioning of the system from the balance and energy performance of the solar collector. Likewise, an economic validation is developed where it represents the viability of the system and highlights the technical efficiency, economic competitiveness, and a positive environmental impact, as a sustainable option for refrigeration.
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    Diseño de un sistema de energía solar fotovoltaico para la reducción de la huella de carbono, en la generación eléctrica de zonas no interconectadas. Caso de estudio Bocas del Pauto Casanare
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-02-11) Castillo Gómez, Johana Marcela; Romero Barrera, Rosa Angelica; Mosquera Beltrán, Yesica Natalia; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;;
    The purpose of this document was to design a photovoltaic solar system as an alternative power generation to replace diesel power plants in non-interconnected areas in Colombia, being Bocas del Pauto in Trinidad, Casanare the study site. To achieve this design, the calculation and characterization of the required energy demand was initially carried out, that would allow the supply of 24 hours of continuous electrical service for each of the 178 homes that exist on this site. With this information, possible substitution scenarios were proposed, both off-grid and on-grid, considering the financial factor and the carbon footprint emitted by each individual solution (photovoltaic, diesel) or by their hybridization. After performing the calculations and simulation in the Pvsyst software, it was obtained as a result that the off-grid photovoltaic system per home requires 8 solar panels of 310 Wp, a MPPT 150/60 of 48V regulator, a 2.7 kW 48V inverter and 8 12V batteries with a capacity of 234 Ah each (autonomy of 2 days). The total cost of this photovoltaic arrangement is of $70,381,077 COP with a margin of 15%. Regarding the on-grid simulation, 3 substitution scenarios were considered (100%, 70% and 30%) considering a schedule from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm (presence of sun) from which it was deduced that the financially and environmentally viable option is 100% substitution, that is, the on-grid system supplies the demand required during the day, and at night the diesel generator starts operating, thus allowing continuous electrical service. According to the simulation carried out in Pvsyst, the on-grid arrangement requires 9 panels of 310 Wp and a 2.7 kW inverter, that, according to the budget made, its total cost is $20,430,812 COP with a margin of 15%. The other two scenarios proposed require 3 solar panels with power of 310 Wp and 490 Wp respectively, and its implementation costs are below $12,000,000 COP. Finally, it was concluded that the financially and environmentally viable option to meet the energy demand and power required (2 kW) by the users of Bocas del Pauto, is the hybrid design of an on-grid SSFV with 100% capacity during daylight hours (7:00 am to 5:00 pm) and at night from 05:00 pm to 10:00 pm the diesel generator would work at its 100% capacity, and from 10:00 to 07:00 am the next day it would work at 25% capacity. For an implementation in the 178 homes of this zone an investment of $3,636,684,536 COP without VAT is needed which includes transportation, installation, accessories among others, and not including the cost to pay for the diesel fuel needed for the night. With the above configuration, a 99% reduction in the carbon footprint generated by electricity consumption was achieved and 69% regarding fuel consumption. Being the total emission of the hybrid system (electricity and fuel consumption) of 3,13 tCO2eq/year in each of the homes.
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    Propuesta de mejoramiento técnico y estratégico de la tecnología más usada a nivel nacional para el aprovechamiento de residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos RAEE, bajo el enfoque de economía circular
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-08-01) Manrique Zarama, Luis Ernesto; Molina Gómez, Nidia Isabel; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;
    Technologies for the management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), from computers and peripherals, are mainly aimed at the conception of reuse, reuse and recycling of discarded electrical and electronic equipment, specifically in remanufacturing, repair and reconditioning of said WEEE. However, the use of reuse and recycling technologies conceptualize the transformation of an inert material into another material for production processes, which determines that at the end of its life cycle, it is necessary to carry out final disposal processes with conventional methods such as confinement in security landfills, sanitary landfills and incineration. Considering the above, it is necessary to open up the integral management of WEEE, for applications through alternative and/or clean technologies that promote that the treatment of electronic waste is not limited only to the recycling and transformation of materials, but to the generation of an environmental service within the framework of the circular economy strategy promoted in recent years in the national territory. The objective of this research was to formulate a proposal for the technical and strategic improvement of the most used technology at the national level for the use of WEEE, under the circular economy approach. It is important to highlight that for the proposal the technologies applicable to the type of WEEE established were analyzed and with said analysis the proposal was formulated for improvement purposes. To fulfill this purpose, a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the existing technologies in the current management of WEEE was carried out, a consultation was applied to WEEE experts on the research topic, developing a complete evaluation of WEEE technologies and establishing the calculation indicators of innovation and technological capacity; Based on the technical review carried out, a hierarchy and comparison of the technologies was formulated through the projection of a technological ranking to determine the most widely used technology for the use of existing WEEE at the national level, taking into account the analysis of the best available technologies. For the evaluation of technological alternatives at the national level, the ICI evaluation methodology was established. This methodology was developed with a systemic approach of three fundamental points for the application of WEEE technologies; the suitability of the technology, the consequence in terms of treatment of the WEEE material and the impact related to the environmental, social and economic component (Gemma Muñoz, 1997). Finally, the proposal for technical and strategic improvement was made, which according to the consultation with WEEE experts and the technological ranking proposed in this investigation, was determined as the most used technology at the national level, said proposal with emphasis on the replacement of the final disposition. of WEEE for the concept of use and application of the circular economy strategy.
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    Visión - biogás, sistema de medición de producción de biogás para el proyecto Fodein titulado: digestión anaerobia como sistema integral para el suministro de productos de valor agregado
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-07-28) Sánchez Díaz, Andrea Carolina; Cabeza Rojas, Iván Orlando; Universidad Santo Tomás