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    Factores relacionados con las condiciones de pobreza y vulnerabilidad en la comunidad del Páramo de Suratoque. Floridablanca, Colombia
    (2014) Páez Ardila, Diana Carolina; Vásquez Vargas, Lizeth Caterine; Bermúdez González, Yoana Patricia; Escobar Villamizar, Sandra Milena;;;;;;;;;;;
    The purpose of this study was to identify factors related to the condition of vulnerability and poverty in the community of Páramo de Suratoque, in the Municipality of Floridablanca, Santander. A task for which it was decided to carry out a qualitative study, developed by students of the subjects Economic Development and Social Policy, convening two focus groups: one with expert professionals from the Universidad Santo Tomás Bucaramanga branch and other institutions that have worked with the community, the second, with students from the University linked to Pastoral Care who have also worked with the community. With this exercise, the topics of the research were discussed, from a personal experience. As a preliminary phase to the realization of the groups, the objectives of the meetings were identified, proposed from internal and external conditions of the community. The insufficiency of income, scarce guarantees of employability and decent work, insecurity, unsatisfied basic needs, precarious housing conditions, an environment with high environmental risk as well as a paternalistic State, without appropriation of the needs of the community are determinants in the condition of poverty faced by the inhabitants of the Páramo de Suratoque. Thus, this document is structured in three main sections, firstly, a literature review exercise was carried out for the appropriation of the concepts of poverty and vulnerability as well as the definition of their determining factors. Secondly, an analysis of the results of the focus groups is carried out from the internal and external conditions of the community and ends with some conclusions.
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    Identificación de las condiciones socio económicas, de tenencias de tierras y ambientales de los miembros de la Asociación de Trabajadores Campesinos del Carare - ATCC - dirigidos a la formulación e implementación de la ruta de reparación colectiva. Convenio N° 933 de 2013
    (2013) Vásquez Vargas, Lizeth Caterine; Muñoz Zea, Sandra Marcela; Mejía Sáenz, José Alejandro; Rueda Puerta, Isabel Cristina; Santamaria Bueno, Andrés Ricardo; Carrillo Quintero, Javier;;;;;;
    In 2012, the UARIV and the Universidad Santo Tomás Seccional Bucaramanga signed an agreement to collaborate in the collective reparation of communities affected by human rights violations. The specific project presented by the university, addressed to the Association of Peasant Workers of Carare (ATCC), sought to address the problems identified within the framework of the Collective Reparation Plan. During the formulation of the project, the importance of the university's technical and scientific support was highlighted, underlining the need to understand the social, economic, land tenure and environmental conditions of the ATCC. Through Association Agreement No. 933, UARIV and the University of Santo Tomás continued their collaboration to identify the socioeconomic and environmental conditions of the members of the ATCC. The objective was to implement a collective reparation route, with the support of the community, that would consolidate a baseline for crucial decisions, such as the possible creation of a peasant reserve zone aimed at sustainable development and the achievement of lasting peace. The resulting document, structured in five chapters, details the results obtained through the collection and analysis of information, addressing historical, demographic, social, housing, access to public services, economic and environmental conditions, with recommendations for the management of land use conflicts.
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    Plan de formación: Diplomando para el Fortalecimiento de Unidades Productivas Integrales Rurales
    (2015) Vásquez Vargas, Lizeth Caterine; López-Rodríguez, Nelly Milady; García Mora, Lewis Herney; Rueda, Isabel; Roso, Mauricio; Tavera, Evelio; Forero, Haydersson; Estupiñan Aponte, Luis Carlos;;;;;;;;;
    Within the framework of the project to Support the Component of Income Generation of the Victim Population – Convention No. 3515, an important role is played by the socio-economic projection that can be given to the different productive experiences of each of the beneficiaries, seeking that these are alternatives that, in their process of collective reparation, allow progress to be made in the improvement of their dignified living conditions of the families. culture and food security, permanence in the territory and in the reconstruction of their family and community life projects. Therefore, it is considered essential that in a process of comprehensive accompaniment to the victim population, they be strengthened through awareness of values, attitudes of coexistence, for the improvement of social relations, which allows progress in organizational strengthening with a view to participatory construction and to create a business conception, so that they can manage their productive units in order to make good use of the economic support they receive through the development of the economic support they receive. This is the aim of the Convention, in order to achieve the generation of sustainable income, which will have an impact on an improvement in the living conditions of the beneficiary families and that in the medium term will allow a strengthening of the Association of Peasant Workers of Carare thanks to the construction of marketing networks for its agricultural and livestock products.
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    Identificación de las condiciones socio económicas de la vereda Pomarroso – fase 1: articulación de acciones USTA – HIC – comunidad
    (2021) Olarte Dueñas, Maryi Yurany; Vásquez Vargas, Lizeth Caterine; Sosa, Kevin Eduardo; Flórez, Angélica;;;;;;;
    In 2020, the International Hospital of Colombia – HIC and the Universidad Santo Tomás Seccional Bucaramanga, signed a framework cooperation agreement for the articulation of actions for the benefit of teaching, research and social projection processes aimed at regional development. Thus, the University, in the exercise of its function of social projection, and for its part, the HIC, in the exercise of its social responsibility, have prioritized the population of the Pomarroso village of the municipality of Piedecuesta, for the implementation of a participatory construction exercise with the purpose of strengthening the social fabric and improving the quality of life. In this sense, a concerted exercise was carried out with the community through which it was defined as a first phase to characterize the population with the purpose of consolidating a baseline that facilitates decision-making and formulating and implementing a work route. This document, structured in three chapters, shows in detail the results obtained from the collection and analysis of primary information. Thus, in the first chapter, socio-economic conditions are identified. In the second chapter, housing conditions and access to public services are addressed, and finally, in the third chapter, associativity alternatives are planned and some of the needs are prioritized and possible lines of intervention are generated based on findings identified in the first chapter.
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    Recreación y Ocio Como Proceso Formativo en Liderazgo Comunitario
    (2022-09-21) Fonseca Zamora, Francisco Javier; Ruiz González, Lady Johanna; Sierra Delgadillo*, Viviana; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;;;;
    This article shows the results of a community development project, designed and executed from the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Recreation with the support of the Social Responsibility and University Extension Unit of the Santo Tomás University in Bogotá. The objective is to determine the benefits derived from leisure and recreation practices for the community attached to the Suba Social Projection Center, as a strategy to train promoters of lifestyles and well-being. The research-action was the methodology implemented, which allowed the creation of a model for reading reality, intermediate as the visualization of the leisure and recreation practices of the community in its territory and designed with the active participation of each one of the community actors.
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    Proyecto Oasis: un espacio para la sombra
    (2019-02-05) Viilota, Jhon; Mendez, Alexander; Pedroza, Carmen Yuriani
    The 1UNUNO WORKSHOP is a first semester course of the undergraduate degree in architecture at the Santo Tomás University, Medellín headquarters, whose objective revolves around the foundation on compositional issues aimed at new students. It is the academic space corresponding to the project workshop but with a different nuance: the structuring and materialization of ideas through a pedagogical practice that poses new challenges and reflections to the traditional way of teaching architecture, based on reality as a means of approximation, conceptualization and materialization of the architectural idea with a high ethical, technical and poetic commitment from the institution towards its students and from these towards society. This is the third version of the workshop (in the first 2018-1, 3 exhibition pavilions were designed and built for the Medellín Design Week; in the second 2018-2, 2 furniture prototypes were designed and built for the outdoor areas of the ALTIUS project) , and for this version, in an effort to articulate the three substantive functions of the Institution and positively impact a community, it was decided to take the exercise to the Villa Flor Urbanization in the municipality of Algeria under the theme of “shadow spaces and urban furniture ”that contribute to improving the quality of the urban space and the habitability of the place.
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    Tejiendo JAC desde Cazucá, Soacha. Cartilla audiovisual
    (2021-07-15) Quevedo Cruz, Juliana; Ángel Jaramillo, Jairo Ángel; Ángel Jaramillo, Jairo Ángel; Peña Espitia, Julieth Mariana;;
    The Communal Action Boards (JAC), are constituted as a body of citizen participation from which there is an empowerment and democratic participation from and by communities, in search of development, well-being and community growth. In this measure, the primer "Weaving the JAC from Cazucá, Soacha" has as its main objective to explain the legislative and organizational guidelines of the Communal Action Board so that its content will be focused on legislative support, the organisation and leadership processes of the JAC in a pedagogical way at the video and audio level, with the intention of guiding the community and facilitating the process of understanding and organising the Community Action Board, through the dissemination of the chapters of the primer.
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    El bosque de Atenea
    El Bosque de Atenea is a radio project created by practitioners of the Degree in Philosophy and Spanish Language at the Santo Tomás University (Bogotá), and hosted on the YouTube channel that bears the same name. In it, three spaces for conversation meet around different topics and readings of a philosophical and literary nature, namely: "El nido de los pájaros", "El llamado a la humanización" and "Charlemos sobre el mito del carro alado". This card corresponds to the first space, "El nido de los pájaros", which to date (11/25/20) has four episodes (some divided into two parts) about short literary and philosophical texts.
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    Presentación del Proyecto de Desarrollo Comunitario: Implementación de sistemas de generación energética con fuentes renovables para instituciones educativas u organizaciones sociales en los CPS
    (2020-03-01) Ortiz Penagos, Nidia Elena; Herrera Jacquelin, François; Huérfano Rodríguez, Karen Juliana; Gómez Contreras, María Camila
    Presentation of the Community Development Project carried out in coordination with the CPS Cazucá and the Social Projection and University Extension Unit whose objective was the environmental awareness of children and young people, members of highly vulnerable socially and politically communities from the implementation of energy generation systems with renewable sources in schools and social organizations.
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    Concepto jurídico: el término de prescripción en el proceso de responsabilidad fiscal
    (2020-03-10) Santacruz Palacio, Sara María; Cabra Díaz, Marcela Ínes
    The purpose of this document is to provide a concept regarding the parameters that determine the duration of the Fiscal Responsibility Process in Colombia, taking as reference the Law 610 of 2000. For this, different jurisprudential, legal and doctrinal statements will be taken as references.
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    Lineamientos y Directrices de Ordenamiento Territorial del Departamento de Santander
    (2014) Equipo Lineamientos y Directrices de Ordenamiento Territorial
    The Santander Territorial Planning Guidelines and Directives (LOTSA) have as their guiding principle the voluntary and supportive coordination of actions between political and administrative bodies to develop policies and macro agreements with the objective of achieving progress in comprehensive human development, social equity, territorial balance and competitiveness in the department. Build a body of wills and convergence scenarios for decision-making related to planning and territorial management, build technical and institutional capacity for the comprehensive management of the region in accordance with new demands, unify criteria and general planning and management guidelines of the territory that frame or include the planned actions of each of the entities and define a joint agenda of projects and fundamental actions, break down the guiding principle of the project. Its realization and success will depend on the appropriation work of each and every one of the people of Santander, which is none other than enjoying an environmentally sustainable, economically competitive and socially fair department.
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    Plan Integral Zonal Ciudad Norte Ciudad Jardín, Bucaramanga P.I.Z.
    (2018) Equipo Plan Integral Zonal Ciudad Norte-Ciudad Jardín
    The North City - Garden City Zonal Comprehensive Plan corresponds to the landing in the territory of an urban public policy, established in the Territorial Ordinance Plan "POT", through its articulation with the Municipal Development Plan "PDM". Therefore, it should be understood as an instrument of Territorial Management at the service of the government administration, whose ultimate goal is territorial human development and the progress of the community. The main objective of the Comprehensive Zonal Plan is to guide the actions and public investments of the Municipal Administration of Bucaramanga, to achieve in the sector an "Ideal, Balanced, Articulated and Functional Territorial System"; by fulfilling the proposals embodied in a short, medium and long-term execution program, coinciding with the planning horizon of the POT and articulated with three constitutional periods of municipal government, in search of improving the quality of life of the population.
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    ¿Cómo hacer crecer mi negocio?. Una guía para emprendedores
    (2020-07-30) Castro Molano, Geraldine Tatiana; Martínez Álvila, José Bayardo
    In the framework of the health contingency generated by the Covid-19 pandemic, a high percentage of members of the Cazucá community (Soacha, Cundinamarca) lost their main income strengths and were forced to undertake new business alternatives. In this context, with the aim of potentiating said alternatives and based on the self-learning method, this primer was prepared with academic content related to the administration and formalization of business models. Each module addresses a topic in depth from the theoretical and then proposes practical exercises.
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    Prácticas recreo-deportivas y ejercicio físico enfocados a la ocupación del tiempo libre de adultos mayores, pertenecientes al comedor comunitario del barrio Santa Viviana en la localidad Ciudad Bolívar (Bogotá).
    (2020-09-05) Abssenwell Rodríguez, Daniel Andrés; Forero Cardenas, Carmen Victoria
    This document includes the physical conditioning work in which the older adults belonging to the community dining room of the Santa Viviana neighborhood in Ciudad Bolívar were participants, through sports recess practices focused on occupying free time. To do this, it describes the concepts and organization of the sessions developed and developed with the targeted population, and provides recommendations and tutorials to carry out replications with other groups of older adults.
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    Ciudad Verde Activa
    (2020-08-12) Acosta Bautista, Camila Andrea; Farfan Acevedo, Claudia Valentina; Martínez Zapata, Laura Camila; Cifuente, Laura Daniela; Cabrera Lozano, Aida Milena
    :"Ciudad Verde Activa", is an initiative of ninth semester students of the faculty of psychology of the Universidad Santo Tomás, which emerges as a strategy of intervention and community accompaniment to the inhabitants of the town of Ciudad Bolívar. As a result of the work experience (derived from the practical professional exercise in territory at the beginning of the year 2020 until before the contingency deployed in the national territory) and the review of reading realities of the secretariat of social integration, a number of needs that must be met are evident. , “Ciudad Verde Activa” is a battery of psychosocial tools for the vindication of human rights from citizen participation and the development of critical thinking. As a web portal, Ciudad verde Activa contains one (1) booklet of legal tools for the protection of rights where the formats are provided to make these tools effective, one (1) booklet of human rights entitled Breaking to the right (product of a joint work proposal with one of the community leaders of the locality), one (1) booklet that contains the care routes for different situations of violation of human rights, and two (2) practical pamphlets of a reflective type, when regarding the contingency situation deployed in the national territory due to the pandemic by COVID-19.
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    Lineamientos Programa de Voluntariado
    (2020-08-12) Herrera Monsalve, Doris Yaneth; Quiroz Agudelo, Ledis Cecilia; Osorio López, O.P. Fray Edgar Gerardo; Tobón Perilla, Luz Natalia; Gómez Serpa, Jorge Alberto; Herrera Jiménez, Angie Norieth; Garay Bernal, Yudy Enerieth; Monroy Bernal, Paola Andrea; Rodríguez Amaya, Edna Liliana;;;;;;;
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    Video. Lavado de manos
    (2020-08-24) Cifuentes Puentes, Janyce; Matallana Jerez, Jenny Johana
    This is an educational video that has as main purpose to teach the steps to a proper hand washing using a didactic apporoach and also to emphasize the importance of selfcare to prevent contagion with COVID-19.
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    Video. El bruxismo
    (2020-08-10) Agudelo Cuevas, María Alejandra; Matallana Jerez, Jenny Johana
    Bruxism is a parafunctional activity present the situations of stress or anxiety and sleep disorders that can affect manifesting at the level of oral cavity producing pain, dental and functional alterations, the measures for an appropriate treatment can be seen in the daily routine of the individual so this material video format presents alternatives for management from the home.
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    Video. Higiene y salud bucal
    (2020-08-24) Cifuentes Puentes, Janyce; Matallana Jerez, Jenny Johana
    The main purpose of this video is to educate about the benefits of an adequate oral hygiene, the required implements and the proper way to do it.
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    Video. Hábitos de vida saludable
    (2020-08-24) Cifuentes Puentes, Janyce; Matallana Jerez, Jenny Johana
    This educational video define what are the healthy lifestyle habits, the unhealthy practices and give advice to carry on with a healthy lifestyle.