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Ítem Línea 3: Gestión pública. Capítulo 4: Impuesto Departamental al Consumo en Boyacá para el Año 2017 Respecto a Vigencia Fiscal Anterior Frente a la Aplicación de las Leyes 1801, 1816 Y 1819 de 2016(2020-07-13) Ulloa Sáenz, Elina; Aranda Camacho, Carlos Andrés; Ramírez Ahumada, Luis Rodrigo; group of the biggest taxpayers of consumption tax in the Department of Boyacá shows a significant reduction in sales in the first quarter of 2017, they point to the entry into force of the National Code of Police and Citizen’s Coexistence to Live in Peace, the Law 1819 of 2016 or Tax Reform and Law 1816 of 2016 or Law of Liqueurs. The Secretary of Finance of the Department, with the purpose of knowing the social impact of the commercial sectors in relation to the payment of the departmental taxes, developed an opinion survey in commercial establishments in order to establish the behavior of sales of cigarettes, beers, wines, liqueurs and the like during the first quarter of 2017. It was found that for the majority of the merchant’s sales have decreased significantly and that they indicate as causes the measures of the Police Code or of the Municipal Decrees that regulate the sales of the Products.Ítem Línea 2: Empresarismo. Capítulo 3: Creatividad en innovación en la empresa: reflexiones teóricas(2020-07-13) García Pacheco, Nancy Patricia;;; and business innovation are´nt only fundamen-tal to success in a company, but are also requirements to achieve the company’s survival. At present it is not possible to pretend to run a company with the same tools of 20 years ago, today the reality is unique, the lifestyle and consumer behavior is different, novel ideas play a fundamental role in business development, a good idea will always find adequate financing and growth. The creative instinct is engraved in the hearts of people; all can create only that it must be taught to find this possibility as a primordial input to come to produce innovation. In this chapter, some theoretical reflections will be carried out that stimulate creativity and innovation in order to provide tools to entrepreneurs, since some research has shown that they pay very little attention to this topic, prioritiz-ing their work in less relevant, more economic and financial aspects, which are preventing their adequate growth.Ítem Línea 1: Economía, empresa y región. Capítulo 2: El conocimiento, inductor del desarrollo sostenible: una experiencia en el sector lechero de Boyacá(2020-07-13) Suárez Pineda, Luri; Suárez Pineda, Marlén;;;;;; present research exercise is a quantitative approach, with a logic of inductive reasoning, approaching the daily life of a dairy farming community, recognizing its practices of knowledge management and sustainable production, in order to identify whether it exists or not some relationship between the two variables. Through the techniques of questionnaire and in situ observation, the data are taken according to di-mensions that emerge from the theoretical review, to make a rational type analysis applying the Pearson correlation index. It is evident that the variable of knowledge management has an influential behavior on the variable of sustainable develo-pment, and a positive relation is maintained, which allows to formulate the proposal that the greater knowledge management obtains greater use of sustainable production practices.Ítem Línea 1: Economía, empresa y región. Capítulo 1: El turismo como una oportunidad de crecimiento económico para Boyacá: Turismo Cultural en Tunja(2020-07-13) Medina Roa, Juan; Lesmes Ortiz, Lizeth Viviana; Callejas Rodriguez, Nataly Yohana;;;;;;;;;, capital of the department of Boyacá, Colombia, has outstanding social, cultural, historical, heritage and architectural conditions, which allow you to stand out from other cities in the country and internationally, becoming a comparative advantage to promote the development of economic sectors such as tourism and opportunity for economic growth in the region. However, it not has been able to consolidate a chord tourism industry this potential, largely due to the lack of a model that links all sectors and strategically plan a value proposition in line with the current requirements of all stakeholders. Therefore, this project aims to develop through a documen-tary and descriptive analysis methodology, using primary sources such as the interview to experts and secondary, such as the theoretical revision, a sustainable tourism model based on the experience that Tunja can offer, related with culture, history and heritage; so that it becomes an opportunity for economic growth for the city and strengthening of the tou-rism sector.Ítem Parte 2: Productos biocidad(2020-05-29) Rodríguez Cely, Elvia Pilar; Morales Rodriguez, Laura;;Ítem Parte 1: Objetivos de la cartilla(2020-05-29) Morales Rodriguez, Laura; Rodríguez Cely, Elvia Pilar;;