Distributed piezoelectric sensor system for damage identification in structures subjected to temperature changes
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Structural health monitoring (SHM) is a very important area in a wide spectrum of
fields and engineering applications. With an SHM system, it is possible to reduce the number
of non-necessary inspection tasks, the associated risk and the maintenance cost in a wide range of
structures during their lifetime. One of the problems in the detection and classification of damage
are the constant changes in the operational and environmental conditions. Small changes of these
conditions can be considered by the SHM system as damage even though the structure is healthy.
Several applications for monitoring of structures have been developed and reported in the literature,
and some of them include temperature compensation techniques. In real applications, however,
digital processing technologies have proven their value by: (i) offering a very interesting way to
acquire information from the structures under test; (ii) applying methodologies to provide a robust
analysis; and (iii) performing a damage identification with a practical useful accuracy. This work
shows the implementation of an SHM system based on the use of piezoelectric (PZT) sensors for
inspecting a structure subjected to temperature changes. The methodology includes the use of
multivariate analysis, sensor data fusion and machine learning approaches. The methodology is
tested and evaluated with aluminum and composite structures that are subjected to temperature
variations. Results show that damage can be detected and classified in all of the cases in spite of the
temperature changes.