Evaluation of heavy crude oil from a water-oil model system as starting material for the preparation of adsorbents type NaY zeolite-templated carbon
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In this work, NaY zeolite is explored as a possible “template” to obtain porous materials type ZTC from
the adsorption of heavy crude oil in a water-oil model system (emulsion). In order to produce the adsorbents,
a cationic surfactant is selected to facilitate the adsorption of the crude oil into the pores of the
zeolite and to get the composite, which was activated with controlled thermal treatments (T: 700 - 800 C and t: 0.5 - 1 h) in inert conditions (N2 gaseous). The starting materials, composite and porous
carbons were characterized using structural/surface analysis techniques (API Gravity, SARA, IR, XRD, XRF,
TGA, Langmuir isotherms, BET and SEM). The results showed that four types of mesoporous carbons were
produced with specific surface areas between 70 ± 1 m2/g and 220 ± 3 m2/g, average pore volumes
between 0.144 cm3/g and 0.40 cm3/g and average pore widths between 4.9 nm and 8.3 nm. The activation
conditions of 800 C and 1 h allowed to make the carbonaceous material with the best surface
characteristics (220 ± 3 m2/g, 0.27 cm3/g, and 4.9 nm). Therefore, it is concluded that under assay
conditions employed, the heavy crude oil, as a mixed model (water-oil), from an aqueous environment is
a starting material suitable for preparation of “mesoporous” carbons.