Structural design of the wing for URCUNINA (UAV)
dc.contributor.advisor | Carvajal Bonilla, Elver Jofre | spa | | Pinto Delgado, Juan Sebastian | spa |
dc.contributor.cvlac | | spa |
dc.coverage.campus | CRAI-USTA Bogotá | spa | | 2019-05-16T01:39:04Z | spa | | 2019-05-16T01:39:04Z | spa | | 2019-01-22 | spa |
dc.description | El diseño del ala de URCUNINA (VANT) fue llevado a cabo. El diseño preliminar fue realizado usando restricciones aerodinámicas para proceder al diseño detallado con un análisis estructural. Para este proposito simulaciones en CFD fueron realizadas para obtener las las cargas sobre el ala, se requirió un proceso para transformar los datos de salida obtenidos por CFD a información que pueda ser suministrada al modelo de Elementos Finitos.Este proceso incluye recolección de datos, Matlab, extrapolaciones, ajustes polinomiales y construcción del diagrama V-n para tener datos que sirvan para alimentar el modelo de elementos finitos. El análisis fue hecho en el software comercial ABAQUS CAE. La comparación de 3 configuraciones en laminado dieron las herramientas para decidir la configuración estructural de la propuesta después de ser evaluada usando desplazamientos y teorias de falla. | spa |
dc.description.abstract | The structural design of the wing for URCUNINA (UAV) was carried out. The preliminary design was conducted using aerodynamic restrictions to pass into a detailed design by a structural analysis. For this porpoise CFD simulations were accomplish to obtain the loads over the wing, the usage of a process to transform the CFD output into information that could feed the FEA model was accomplished. This process include data collection, Matlab extrapolations, polynomial fits and construction of the V-n diagram to obtain proper data that work as input for the FEA. The analysis was done in the software ABAQUS CAE. The comparison of 3 different configurations of layup give the tools to decide the configuration used as a proposal after being evaluated using displacements and failure theories. | spa |
dc.description.degreelevel | Pregrado | spa |
dc.description.degreename | Ingeniero Mecánico | spa |
dc.description.domain | | spa |
dc.format.mimetype | application/pdf | spa |
dc.identifier.citation | Pinto, J (2019). Structural design of the wing for URCUNINA (UAV). Universidad Santo Tomas, Bogotá, Colombia | spa |
dc.identifier.instname | instname:Universidad Santo Tomás | spa |
dc.identifier.reponame | reponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás | spa |
dc.identifier.repourl | repourl: | spa |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | spa | spa |
dc.publisher | Universidad Santo Tomás | spa |
dc.publisher.faculty | Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica | spa |
dc.publisher.program | Pregrado Ingeniería Mecánica | spa |
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dc.relation.references | @article{McGonigle2008, author = {McGonigle, A. J S and Aiuppa, A. and Giudice, G. and Tamburello, G. and Hodson, A. J. and Gurrieri, S.}, doi = {10.1029/2007GL032508}, file = {:D$\backslash$:/Drive/USTA/TESIS/Articulos/Estrutura UAV/McGonigle{\_}et{\_}al-2008-Geophysical{\_}Research{\_}Letters.pdf:pdf}, isbn = {1944-8007}, issn = {00948276}, journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, keywords = {, doi:10.1029/2007GL032508, volcano monitoring, unmanned aerial vehicles, volcanic gas monitoring}, mendeley-groups = {Referencias TCC}, number = {6}, pages = {3--6}, title = {{Unmanned aerial vehicle measurements of volcanic carbon dioxide fluxes}}, volume = {35}, year = {2008} } | spa |
dc.rights | Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia | * |
dc.rights.accessrights | info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess | |
dc.rights.coar | | |
dc.rights.local | Abierto (Texto Completo) | spa |
dc.rights.uri | | * |
dc.subject.keyword | Structural-Design | spa |
dc.subject.keyword | Wing | spa |
dc.subject.keyword | Composite | spa |
dc.subject.keyword | Abaqus | spa |
dc.subject.keyword | Layup | spa |
dc.subject.keyword | FEA | spa |
dc.subject.keyword | Tsai-Wu | spa |
dc.subject.lemb | Laminado | spa |
dc.subject.lemb | Elementos Finitos | spa |
dc.subject.lemb | Diseño | spa |
dc.subject.proposal | Diseño | spa |
dc.subject.proposal | Diseño Estructural | spa |
dc.subject.proposal | Materiales compuestos | spa |
dc.subject.proposal | Abaqus | spa |
dc.subject.proposal | Laminado | spa |
dc.subject.proposal | Elementos Finitos | spa |
dc.subject.proposal | Tsai-Wu | spa |
dc.subject.proposal | Ala | spa |
dc.title | Structural design of the wing for URCUNINA (UAV) | spa |
dc.type | bachelor thesis | |
dc.type.category | Formación de Recurso Humano para la Ctel: Trabajo de grado de Pregrado | spa |
dc.type.coar | | |
dc.type.coarversion | | | | info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis | |
dc.type.local | Tesis de pregrado | spa |
dc.type.version | info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersion |
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