Implementación de un programa de escuela para familias en una institución educativa durante la contingencia sanitaria COVID-19

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Universidad Santo Tomás, Bogotá, Colombia

El estudio tuvo como objetivo implementar un programa de escuela para familias en modalidad virtual en una institución educativa de la ciudad de San Juan de Pasto, Colombia. La investigación es de tipo cualitativo, con paradigma crítico-social y retoma fases de la investigación acción (IA): planificación, ejecución y evaluación de resultados. En el programa participaron 90 familias colombianas e inmigrantes, y se emplearon técnicas de revisión documental, entrevista grupal y grupo focal. Para el análisis de la información, se realizó la sistematización, categorización y triangulación de la información con el marco de referencia. El software empleado fue ATLAS.ti versión 9. Los hallazgos indicaron que la implementación del programa es funcional para fortalecer el rol de la familia en el sano desarrollo de niños, niñas y adolescentes de la institución educativa.
The study aimed to implement a program of School for Families in virtual mode in an educational institution in the city of San Juan de Pasto- Colombia. The research is qualitative, with a critical-social paradigm and takes up phases of action (AI) research: planning, execution and evaluation of results. The program involved 90 Colombian and immigrant families, using documentary review techniques, group interview and focus group. For the analysis of the information, systematization, categorization and triangulation of the information with the frame of reference was performed. The software used was ATLAS.ti version 9. The results indicated that the implementation of the program is functional to strengthen the role of the family in the healthy development of children and adolescents in the educational institution.
The study aimed to implement a program of School for Families in virtual mode in an educational institution in the city of San Juan de Pasto- Colombia. The research is qualitative, with a critical-social paradigm and takes up phases of action (AI) research: planning, execution and evaluation of results. The program involved 90 Colombian and immigrant families, using documentary review techniques, group interview and focus group. For the analysis of the information, systematization, categorization and triangulation of the information with the frame of reference was performed. The software used was ATLAS.ti version 9. The results indicated that the implementation of the program is functional to strengthen the role of the family in the healthy development of children and adolescents in the educational institution.
Palabras clave
child rearing, family, pandemic, teaching program, Colombia, crianza del niño, familia, pandemia, programa de enseñanza, Colombia