Estudios en Derecho Público "Francisco de Vitoria"
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Ítem Implementación de la Ley de Víctimas y Restitución de Tierras en Colombia: Un análisis presupuestario y del avance en su implementación(2023-11-08) Delgado Baquero, Jessica Lorena;; Law 1448 of 2011 named as the "Victims Law and land restitution", was created to guarantee the rights of the people which are victims of the armed conflict in Colombia within the framework of transitional justice. Throughout 10 years the policy has been able to compensate, repair and restitute some victims, however, the effort which has been made budgetary hasn't been enough to cover more than 9.4 millions of victims. In spite of increasing the resources assigned to land restitution policy every year, the results and the impact of its implementation haven't achieved the previous expectations. This article is based on determine the relationship between the budget allocation for the reparation of victims of the conflict and the implementation of the land restitution policy between 2014 and 2022 and due to that identify if the budget for the implementation of the victims' law has increased, how is it explained that the level of progress in the implementation of the land restitution policy is not being conscious with the growing number of victims whose are demanding that measure? To investigate this situation, a mixed analytical approach study was conducted, using congressional reports as the primary source. The study revealed that during the elaboration of the law, some significant factors were omitted, such as the growing number of requests, non-compliance with the terms in the administrative and judicial evaluation, security problems, shortcomings in the products elaborated by the UAEGRTD and lack of collaboration between entities.Ítem Decisión Judicial: ¿En qué medida las sentencias emitidas por la corte constitucional fortalecen u obstaculizan el activismo judicial?(2023-10-26) Varón Rengifo, Daniel Felipe;, one of the most highly debated elements within the judiciary as a branch of public power, and within the Colombian legal system, is the undeniable role in creating jurisprudential precedents by the supreme constitutional tribunal, such as the Constitutional Court, since its inception with the 1991 Constitution to the present day. Additionally, the subsequent development in our legal context of the concept of judicial activism serves as a clear demonstration of the interpretative power of the constitutional judge according to their ideology, philosophy, and interests. At times, it appears to go beyond the scope of seeking the general interest and shifts towards the pursuit of individual interest, ultimately affecting the objectivity of the decisionmaking process for the issuance of judgments. This creates a common pattern within the legal system that ultimately permeates all other branches of public power. Furthermore, this situation is a tangible example of the development of what scholars have termed "processes of constitutionalization" where there is a "prevalence of jurisprudence, judicial precedent, and discretion" (García, 2013) as part of the objective of the process, which is nothing more than the constitutionalization of the entire legal framework. This is why the classical conception of the separation of powers, or the balance of powers has been questioned and reinterpreted. This new version involves both the judge and the precedent, making jurisprudence a formal source of law that significantly strengthens this process of judicial activism that has been gaining momentum over the past few decades.Ítem La Importancia y los Beneficios de la Investigación Conjunta en la Actualidad(2023-10-05) Pachón Silva, Santiago Pachón Silva; Puerta Velásquez, María Camila; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;; central purpose of this research is to explore the importance and benefits of joint research today. To this end, it is proposed to begin with a brief explanation of the fundamental elements of law, since they are a key tool to expose the relationship between them and the need for joint research. Subsequently, the entire development of the research will be exposed to the existing international agreements signed between the University of Santo Tomas with other institutions of higher education in North America and Europe. In addition, the role played by globalization is mentioned so that all this is carried out and continues to make inroads at the present time. Finally, it is explained how the research ended and the importance of the development of joint research is mentioned.Ítem Impacto Pandemia COVID Educación.(2023-09-28) Guerra Ramos, Abraham Camilo; Universidad Santo TomásThe objective of this research is to present a descriptive, graphic and accounting diagnosis of the social problems at the educational level, as a result of the impact of the covid-19 pandemic, in three specific approaches.Ítem La eficiencia de la pena de multa en Colombia.(2023-08-23) Roa Sanabria, Jimena;; investigation aims to analyze the efficiency of the fine penalty in Colombia, based on the fundamental principles established by legal doctrine and the collection data provided by the Superior Council of the Judiciary. For this purpose, a comprehensive examination was conducted, beginning with an explanation of the nature of the fine penalty. Subsequently, the prerequisites that render it effective are presented, along with its regulation in the Penal Code, in order to identify the reasons why the effectiveness of this penalty diminishes. Finally, alternative solutions are proposed to address these issues.Ítem La República como escenario esencial para hacer democracia en la actualidad(2023-08-05) Sabogal Martínez, Jhojan Esteban;;; we will analyze, it is really difficultto talk about authoritarian regimes today in the 21st century, since the great battles that have been unleashed as a consequence and in reproach of authoritarianism and totalitarianism have not been few. It is then when the concepts of Republic and Democracy are strengthened to the point of considering another way of exercising power inefficient. The great struggles against the concentration and perpetuation of power have given rise to societies where the sovereignty of the people is practically a universal principle, whether it is fulfilled to a greater or lesser extent, but which, in the end, is known and implemented. even when it is not respected. The Republic in turn, as a concept of quite old origin, V century BC. by Roman republicanism, it was shaped in such a way that it founded a system which had as key principles, that is to say that in the absence of one it would not be considered as such, equality before the law, the division of powers, popular sovereignty and not the periodicity of the charges isless important, since it is there that perhaps it could differ a little with the concept of Democracy, since this is simply based on the voice of the people, but beyond that it is the decision of the majority, and if As a majority, a decision is made regarding the permanence of its ruler, it is simply Página 2de 7a decision that obeys the majority but not the concept of the Republic as we know it today and as it has historically developedÍtem ¿Cuál es el efecto vinculante de las Decisiones del parlamento andino?(2023-07-10) Ballesteros Cruz, Manuela;;; Andean Parliament, as the deliberative body of the Andean Community of Nations, is of great importance from the functions that the constitutive document of the integration process conferred on it. In this understanding, and based on the principles emanating from the United Nations charter of 1945 and specifically from Resolution 2625 of the same international organization, regarding the self-determination of peoples related to the cession of their autonomy to join a supranational body and compulsorily abide by its rules, it is imperative to think that the decisions made by the body whose object westudy in these lines, would have a binding and transcendent effect for the legislation of each of the member states, however, More than 50 years after the creation of the Parliament, we will come to the conclusion that the binding effect of its decisions is null in the nations linked to the integration process.Ítem La tecnología de las criptomonedas como aliados de la justicia(2022-10-31) Lara Montea, Kevin Andrés;;; the second stage of the 21st century, new technologies have changed the dynamics of society, in terms of new ways of committing crimes and being able to administer justice, since new forms of data transactions have gradually caused society to adopt new ways to market, added to this, the preference of electronic or digital money, to cash-physical money, to carry out daily transactions, has helped to make financial movements easier to track, helping to make it easier to identify cybercrimes, progress that Blockchain technology has brought, given that its registration or data is impossible to modify since they are found in different computers that serve as servers, for which it has forced the States to regulate on this subject , of cryptocurrencies, and that those in charge of each State worry about training their crime investigation entities to be able to act efficiently.Ítem Estudio A La Reparación De Las Víctimas De Desaparición Forzada Con Ocasión Al Conflicto Armado En Colombia En El Campo De La Victimología(2022-10-31) Gómez Galindo, DanielaIn Colombia since 1985 there has been great violence and thousands of forced disappearances have been carried out due to the armed conflict, which has generated millions of victims due to this, this is how it has been claimed in recent decades repair these victims and try to give them the justice they deserve, so that the damages that were caused do not continue to increase and that equality is generated in the advance of the country, for which this work aims to analyze how that reparation of the victims of forced disappearances due to the armed conflict, and more specifically what percentage of reparation has been given to date, and the impact it has had on the victim, understood from the field of victimology, which is the science that is responsible for study the victim and victimization in its three phases: as a direct victim, as an object of evidence in the investigation and as a person who suffers from the memory of the crime.Ítem La dosis personal y su criminalización policial(2022-11-22) Henao Amaya, Sophia; Ruiz Peña, Gina Paola;;;;;; Colombia, over the years, the personal dose has been considered as a subject of various controversies, so no consensus has been reached on whether it should be allowed or penalized within the Colombian State. Although, through legislation, the legislator has sought to establish limits on the personal dose, within the legal system it is evident as a diffuse issue since factors such as social morality influence the little acceptance that citizens have had on the subject. As a country that has been a victim of the effects of the armed conflict that has triggered the phenomenon of drug trafficking for many years, this has generated rejection in society. Concomitantly, the regulation of the personal dose faces various obstacles such as the clash that is evident between them should or should not be allowed and the guarantee of some fundamental rights such as the free development of the personality. This article pretends to make an analysis of everything that surrounds the regulation of the personal dose in Colombia, covering constitutional jurisprudence, the police law, criminal law and the economic factor.Ítem Vídeo del informe final del proyecto de investigación Debates contemporáneos en la administración de justicia penal en los albores del posconflicto colombiano V(2022-09-13) Bernal Sarmiento, Camilo Ernesto;;;; project, in its fifth stage of development, deals with investigating the predominance of Criminal Law as the main resource to confront the behavior of the agents of armed violence that it faces in Colombia and the irruption of restorative practices as alternatives in the penal system. . In this way, certain actors in society require that the State intervene in the face of crime and request that the highest penalties be established and that they be imposed on those who are perpetrators and participants in crimes, but these are crimes of traditional delinquency. , all according to the central idea that only the most extreme penalties represent true justice for the victims. This limited perspective makes the transgression of the principles of democratic criminal law invisible and turns it into an instrument of revenge. This punitive vision materializes in the Colombian case, in the sanctions that are established in the Final Agreement signed between the Colombian State and the FARC-EP, and that some sectors of society do not accept because they do not establish the imposition of custodial sentences. mandatory freedom. The purpose of this stage of the investigative process is to continue the investigations into the contradiction between the bases and limits of democratic criminal law in relation to the requirements made by social agents, among which are the victims of the armed conflict, to the JEP to that deprivations of liberty be imposed as the exclusive way to achieve truth, justice and reparation. The research will be carried out on the Colombian case, focusing on the implementation of the JEP's powers, having as transversal axes of observation the claims of certain social agents in the fight against impunity, and the demand for action by the ICC due to an apparent situation of impunity.Ítem Podcast Semillero de Investigación en Derecho Público Normatividad COVID-19(2022-05-17) Barbosa Otalvaro, Leidy Bibiana; Castro Pinedo, Clara Margarita; Pachón Vega, Angie Rosita; Rojas Tovar, Diego Fernando; Guarín Lozano, Andrés Felipe; Prieto Peña, María Valentina; Lasso Valbuena, Ana María; Ramírez Moreno, Mayra Alejandra; Torres Rodríguez, Daniel Alejandro; Trujillo Sanabria, Andrés Felipe; Mosquera Acosta, Laura Camila; Vargas Hurtado, Emilio José; Gómez Ramos, Jhonattan Stick; Sanabria Leal, Ginna Paola; Universidad Santo Tomas;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; brief seeks to carry out a specific analysis of Judgment C-197/20, in conjunction with what is mentioned and developed in judgments C-352/20, C-247/20, C-209/20, C-184/20 and C-311/20. Through Sentence C-197/20 measures are adopted to mitigate access to telecommunications and in turn, these studies the constitutionality of Legislative Decree 540 of April 13, 2020 which studies and develops those measures or means that will be taken into account. account to expand access to telecommunications by virtue of the reality experienced by the Colombian citizen as a result of Covid-19.Ítem Medidas tributarias en época de pandemia en el estado colombiano(2022-05-18) Lasso, Ana Maria; Prieto, Maria Valentina; Sanabria Leal, Ginna Paola;;;;;;;;; work reflects the analysis of the controls made by the Constitutional Court on the decrees issued on tax matters within the framework of the State of Emergency; decreed by the Government issued as a basis, under Decree 637 of May 6, 2020, generated by the pandemic caused by the virus COVID-19.Ítem El estado de excepción con ocasión al Covid-19 y su estudio constitucional(2022-05-18) Guarín Lozano, Andrés Felipe; Sanabria Leal, Ginna Paola;;;;;; present brief seeks to give a description of the parameters established by the Constitutional Court for the examination of the constitutionality of legislative decrees issued on the occasion of a state of emergency. Consequently, it has been drawn, in particular, from judgments C-307/20, C-210/20, C-194/20, C-157/20, C-145/20 and C-180/20. The result of the analysis is that there is a rigorous examination established by the Constitutional Court itself, with respect to the legislative decrees, both the matrix and those that develop the first and the examination is divided into two: formal and material. The Constitutional Court makes use of this examination in all the judgments in question to elucidate whether it is compatible both with a state of emergency and mainly with the Political Constitution.Ítem Análisis del control de constitucionalidad del decreto legislativo 540 del 13 de abril de 2020 en materia de telecomunicaciones(2022-05-18) Trujillo Sanabria, Andres Felipe; Sanabria Leal, Ginna Paola; Universidad Santo Tomás;;,;;;;,This brief seeks to carry out a specific analysis of Judgment C-197/20, in conjunction with what is mentioned and developed in judgments C-352/20, C-247/20, C-209/20, C-184/20 and C-311/20. Through Sentence C-197/20 measures are adopted to mitigate access to telecommunications and in turn, these studies the constitutionality of Legislative Decree 540 of April 13, 2020 which studies and develops those measures or means that will be taken into account. account to expand access to telecommunications by virtue of the reality experienced by the Colombian citizen as a result of Covid-19.Ítem Análisis Jurisprudencial de los Decretos Legislativos Expedidos por el Gobierno Colombiano en Relación a la Educación(2022-05-18) Pachón Vega, Angie Rosita; Sanabria Leal, Ginna Paola;;;;;; Colombian government has currently issued a multiplicity of legislative decrees regarding the declaration of economic, social and ecological emergency as a result of the effects produced in all areas by COVID-19. Through these decrees, he sought to mitigate this crisis and prevent its effects from spreading, in order to provide urgent and immediate attention to the sectors most affected by this virus. Hence, the education sector has been one of the most affected and indeed a sector that requires immediate attention, as it is an essential public service, where the State has a set of obligations that it must provide efficiently. and continues to all the inhabitants of the national territory. Among some of the judgments that are the subject of analysis in this text, are judgment C-158 of 2020, C-161 of 2020, C-164 of 2020, C-193 of 2020, C-199 of 2020, C-350 of 2020 and C-418 of 2020.Ítem Análisis del control de constitucionalidad de los decretos 797/2020 y 579/2020 en materia de arrendamiento(2022-05-18) Castro Pinedo, Clara Margarita; Sanabria Leal, Ginna Paola;;;;;; is an analysis of providences C-509 of 2020 and C-248 of 2020 through which the constitutional court makes a review of the constitutional decree 797 of 2020 and 579 of 2020 respectively, those decrees deal with issues of unilateral termination of lease contracts in local establishments and on the measure in the field of horizontal property and lease contracts.Ítem DOCUMENTO DE TRABAJO: Estudio en Materia Laboral de Decretos Estudiados por la Corte Constitucional con Ocasión de la Pandemia Covid-19: Análisis de las sentencias de constitucionalidad de los decretos legislativos expedidos durante la vigencia del estado emergencia económica, social y ecológica.(2022-05-18) Torres, Daniel Alejandro; Sanabria Leal, Ginna Paola;;;;;; purpose of this work is to analyze the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court regarding the issuance of Legislative Decrees issued by the executive body in the labor jurisdiction, aimed at establishing public policies that weigh the effects that the health crisis generated, product of the Covid pandemic -19, thereby seeking to safeguard the labor and constitutional rights of citizens and generate progressive effects that contribute to weigh and overcome the effects that could be generated in all social groups, emphasizing those population groups most affected.Ítem Covid 19 una pandemia que trajo más de una necesidad: entre la economía y el derecho(2022-05-18) Rojas Tovar, Diego Fernando; Sanabria Leal, Ginna Paola;;;;;; writing will deal with the regulations by the government in the framework of the Covid 19 pandemic, where 2 issues of utmost importance will be discussed: essential public services and the framework of the municipal and departmental economy, where it is necessary to establish that the entities territorial levels both at the district and municipal level up to the national level, they were forced to find a way to maintain an acceptable standard of living for citizens, at this point it was mandatory for the governments of the world to adopt protection measures for the population in the areas of daily life, focusing more on health and the economy, for this different measures were implemented ranging from subsidies to elimination of taxes, on the other hand, as observed in Colombia, it was necessary to establish a system that would allow each territorial entity maintain a stable economy for which private entities were turned to who made loans to the government and is This allowed as a fundamental basis to generate certain benefits for citizens such as the application of public services in a more free way and with fewer restrictions or at least on paperÍtem Capitulo 4: ¿Qué es una bacrim?(2016) Castañeda Díaz, Augusto; Universidad Santo Tomas; investigations are primarily aimed at primarily aimed at clarifying crimes formally recognised as conventional crimes conventional crimes (common crimes); however, However, given the presence of organised armed groups However, given the presence of organised illegal armed groups and the systematic violations of international of international humanitarian law, the Prosecutor General's Office has been facing the increasingly felt need to recognise when it is to recognise when it is in the presence of perpetrators of international crimes - the presence of perpetrators of international crimes - criminally responsible collectively criminally responsible.