Maestría Gestión y Consultoría en Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación

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  • Ítem
    Sistema de IoT para medición de variables ambientales
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2025-02-02) Pedroza Rodríguez, Hugo Andrés; Sánchez Galvis, Iván Javier
    Currently, and due to the effect that climate change is having on the planet, it is considered necessary to find means through agriculture that allow us to have precision that guarantees sustainable food production, which is the most vital life resource for human beings. as is water. It is for this reason that an IoT system is implemented and developed for the measurement of variables that, through a system and control components linked to the cultivation of Tahiti lemon, allows, through the developed interface, the visualization of certain variables in real time that measure and They control the system through automation, which allows us to reach and link all these components where it gives us the certainty of increasing the effectiveness through the data provided by the production of the Tahiti lemon crop.
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    Evaluación de la adopción de soluciones Blockchain para la mejora de procesos empresariales en Colombia
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2025-01-27) Alvarado Forero, Jhoana Gabriela; Caro Jiménez, Julián; Sánchez Galvis, Iván Javier
    The main objective of this research is to explore the current state of Blockchain technology adoption to improve data security and process efficiency in the Colombian business sector. Despite the significant advantages it offers, such as transparency and traceability, there is a gap in the literature regarding its implementation in small and medium-sized enterprises. The study aims to identify the obstacles and facilitators of this adoption through the evaluation of five implementation cases, analyzing their impact on improving business processes and promoting adoption both nationally and internationally. The findings are expected to provide valuable insights for businesses in the sector, helping them make informed decisions about adopting these technologies, as well as being useful for suppliers and consultants interested in fostering their effective implementation in Colombia.
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    Propuesta de una estrategia metodológica en torno al mejoramiento de la apropiación de las TICS, enmarcada en lo establecido por el modelo de implementación de la política de gobierno digital, caso: Hospital Lázaro Alfonso Hernández Lara del municipio de San Alberto - Cesar
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-08-08) Gil Niño, Daniel; Vega Monsalve, Edwing Josué; Rada Ortíz, Loredana
    The following research entitled "Proposal of a methodological strategy around the improvement of the appropriation of ICTs, framed in the implementation model of the digital government policy, case: Hospital Lázaro Alfonso Hernández Lara of the municipality of San Alberto-Cesar" arises from the identification that the hospital does not develop processes from the adequate and updated implementation of the ICT tools currently available. Therefore the research aims to "Design a methodological strategy around the improvement of the appropriation of ICTs, framed in the implementation model of the Digital Government Policy, case: Hospital Lázaro Alfonso Hernández Lara of San Alberto (Cesar), to provide a possibility that allows the strengthening and quality of the service provided according to the parameters proposed by the Ministry of ICTs (2022) in decree 767 for the implementation of ICTs in state institutions in Colombia, this with the aim of generating processes in accordance, Taking into account this aspect arises the need to design a strategy based on the framework of a descriptive qualitative research in which a series of aspects are proposed to be implemented in the Hospital Lazaro Alfonso Hernandez to improve the development of processes and the service provided to the community in order to improve the conditions and quality of life of people who are part of the area of influence of the hospital.
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    Diseño de una estrategia que le permita a Bucaramanga transformarse en una Smart City líder nivel nacional, a través del establecimiento de una ruta tecnológica basada en buenas prácticas de Smart Cities
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-05-03) Gamboa Torres, Leidy Paola; Albarracin Navas, Elkin Alfredo; Herrera Bedoya, Oscar Elias
    The city of Bucaramanga has made significant progress in recent years, thanks to the projects and actions carried out at the level of deployment and repowering of infrastructure and implementation of technological services for the benefit of citizens, however, from professional experience in the public sector, it has been evidenced that these resources are not being used in the best way, due to the disarticulation of the goals and projects that are raised from the Municipal Development Plan at each change of government. Therefore, the development of this project seeks to design a strategy for Bucaramanga to continue its path to become a leading Smart City at a national level, establishing a technological route based on good practices of smart cities. The above, through the application of a methodology with a qualitative approach, based on a technological surveillance exercise that includes the review of transformation processes at national and international level and recognized methodologies, as well as the delimitation of priority aspects to guide efforts and continue advancing in the aforementioned process; to this end, a roadmap document was prepared with the main issues and problems identified, together with proposals designed for the construction of the 2024-2027 municipal development plan, articulating it with the 2023-2026 national development plan and the Smart Cities and Territories Maturity Model implemented by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies, MINTIC, in Colombia.
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    Definición de un plan de transformación digital acorde a las necesidades de uso y apropiación de los servicios de TI en la Empresa de Alcantarillado de Santander EMPAS S.A. E.S.P.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-12-18) Gómez Suárez, Julio César; Londoño Galvis, Gildardo; Álvarez Pizarro, Yuli Andrea
    Today, digital transformation is not focused only on the adoption of digital technologies, it is also focused on the processes of institutional change, culture and business strategy in public entities such as the Empresa de Alcantarillado de Santander EMPAS S.A. E.S.P. therefore this work aims to make known the plan of digital transformation, in order to provide appropriate tools to employees for growth and strengthening to the needs of use and appropriation of IT services, training and training sessions. To carry out the entire process, it is essential to understand the methodology provided by Innpulsa Colombia, covering the stages of awareness, diagnosis and socialization of the transformation plan, through the implementation of a data collection instrument or measurement tool (meeting type), focused on evaluating in an analytical and detailed manner the capacities as technological needs of the company.
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    Diseño de un modelo de seguridad orientado a las redes de telefonía IP de Colombia basado en el protocolo STIR/SHAKEN para evitar la suplantación de identidad de números telefónicos por medio de herramientas de simulación
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-12-20) Anaya Blanco, Gabriel Fernando; Duarte Forero, Ivonne Andrea; Medina Puentes, Ricardo Andres
    This thesis proposes the design of a security model based on the STIR/SHAKEN protocol, aimed at preventing the identity spoofing of telephone numbers in IP telephony networks in Colombia. Through a methodological framework consisting of four main phases, an analysis of the current global landscape related to the implementation of the STIR/SHAKEN protocol is conducted. The security models currently implemented in IP telephony networks, specifically within the Colombian context, are identified to tailor the proposed model to the country's specific conditions and challenges. The protocol's functionality is then validated in a controlled simulation environment, allowing for a comprehensive performance evaluation. Finally, an analysis of the obtained results is presented, based on which a guide for the implementation of the STIR/SHAKEN protocol in Colombian IP telephony networks is generated. The primary contributions of this thesis include providing a better understanding of the specific requirements for implementing the STIR/SHAKEN protocol in the Colombian context. By addressing the lack of specific regulations and the absence of robust security mechanisms, this project aims to enhance protection against telephone number identity spoofing in Colombian VOIP networks.
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    Propuesta de una solución tecnológica para mejorar adquisición y trazabilidad de datos en los procesos de cría y ceba en sector ganadero - caso de estudio empresa Agroinversiones Hecarse S.A.S.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-01-26) Velandia Sánchez, Ernesto; Largo Jaimes, Dania Andrea; Universidad Santo Tomás
    Without a doubt, technology has become a strategic ally in any organization and in the livestock sector, has not been the exception. The use of new technologies offers the possibility to bring better control and monitoring to the different events and variables related to the traceability of animals. Inconsistencies due to the lack of timely and/or incorrect information, means that management often does not make more accurate or timely decisions. On the other hand, it is important to have certainty of the data that are reported, such as controls on the location of the survivors, clinical history in issues of vaccination, diseases, among others, that make the activity more productive. Seeing these needs in one of the companies in the sector called Agro Investments, a technological solution was implemented that manages and makes the traceability of the data of the breeding and fattening livestock process. This application is web and can be accessed from any mobile device connected to the internet, through a user authentication and password. It allows the creation of the different teachers, resume and other novelties or events that are presented. The system will allow the farmer to generate individual reports of his animals through photographic registers with georeferencing, and to observe the evolution of the weight along its production chain through dynamic graphs and registers that help decision making and obtain better results in the livestock company
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    Recomendaciones para la implementación de la norma RITEL para proyectos de Viviendade Interés Social en Colombia
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-09-08) Sua Cadena, Sandra Patricia; Vargas Hernández, Tito Raúl
    The construction sector faces innumerable challenges, which are especially related to the incorporation of technology in all areas of human development and the construction of interconnected homes. In Colombia, a minimum of interconnectivity requirements in the home has been established through the Internal Telecommunications Networks manual (RITEL), led by the Commission for the Regulation of Communications, which, among other things, suggests minimum structures in the construction of residential housing projects. Social Interest (VIS) that guarantee users access to telecommunication services through a wide offer. Recent updates have been set to improve the experience for consumers; however, due to the lack of bibliography in this regard, it is worth establishing recommendations for its application. Keywords: Internal telecommunications networks; Construction; Projects; Social interest housing; RITEL.
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    Formulación de un Plan Estratégico de Tecnologías de la Información (PETI) para el Colegio Panamericano
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2021-11-08) Medina, Oscar Enrique; Herrera, Oscar Elías
    The purpose of this work is to formulate an Information Technology Strategic Plan for Colegio Panamericano, in order to reorient IT management towards the achievement of the institutional goals. The adjustments used will favor the improvement of internal processes, optimize the use and investment of resources and promote the efficient provision of services. To design the plan, the PETI methodology was used as a guide. The development of its four main phases and components, allowed to know in depth the current state of IT management, identify the environment of the organization, redefine the philosophy of the department and propose strategies and technological projects focused on the objectives established in the Institutional Strategic Plan for the period between 2020 - 2025. Finally, the relevance and implementation of the plan was validated with professionals of extensive experience in the educational technology field through the technique of expert judgment.
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    Propuesta para la integración de infraestructura de la empresa telefónica en el nodo centro de Bucaramanga, orientada a mejorar la satisfacción de la demanda actual de los servicios
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2021-11-08) Antolínez Medina, Gerson David; Sánchez García, Rodolfo; Universidad Santo Tomás
    In the central hub network in Bucaramanga, which is managed by Telefonica company, there is evidence of convergency issues with the whole network that are concentrated there due to the formerly Telebucaramanga's network inherited by Telefonica, which is still up and running. Also, the issues are related to the lack of maintenance and regular upgrading of the equipment and network management platforms due to the lack of improvement of connectivity technology and the outdated topology that could satisfy the customer's requirements. These issues could make that in the future if the customers notice a decrease in the quality of service and connectivity problems. With this paper proposal, the intention is to complete a deep analysis of the current services and networks that belongs to the central hub network in the city of Bucaramanga and bring an intervention proposal which allows solving the current situation and the future issues once the number of the customer is increased, in the offered services in networking traffic (data, voice, and mobile) in the next five years.
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    Plan de transformación digital de MIPYMES del sector agroindustria en el Municipio de Rionegro, para fomentar la competitividad empresarial
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2021-11-05) Martínez Vásquez, Jenniffer Dayanna; Gómez Arias, Marly Daniela; Vargas Hernández, Tito Raúl
    This paper presents the business digital transformation process carried out at the Santo Tomas University Business Digital Transformation Center, for the agribusiness sector (Cacao, citrus fruits and rabbit meat) in the Rionegro Santander area, where finally a digital solution and an enabling course will be executed according to each association that participates in this project. All this in order to give them adequate tools for the growth and strengthening of their business model. In order to carry out the entire process, the methodology taught by Innpulsa Colombia must be known through a course that will last three weeks, from there meetings will be held with stakeholders to carry out the entire digital transformation process (awareness, diagnosis, socialization of the plan transformation) and finally the result of the digital transformation will be evaluated through a survey to determine the increase in its competitiveness.
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    Implementación de una estrategia pedagógica para la enseñanza y aprendizaje de las redes definidas por software en el laboratorio de telemática de la Universidad de Pamplona sede Villa del Rosario
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2021-11-05) Moreno Acosta, Jairo; Zabala-Vargas, Sergio; Flórez Moreno, Dolly Smith; Universidad Santo Tomás
    The use of technology in education helps to improve the results in the teaching and learning processes at all levels, there is a variety of platforms and support tools that facilitate teaching by creating new options for teaching methodologies. The objective of this work was to measure the effect on motivation and academic performance when implementing Game-Based Learning and Gamification as a pedagogical strategy, likewise, to introduce the topic of Software-Defined Networks in the curriculum of the Engineering program in Telecommunications of the University of Pamplona. A quasi-experimental quantitative investigation was established on 26 students of the Telematics III course, divided into two groups according to their location. 4 didactic units were developed applying the proposed teaching strategy in one of the groups. A knowledge test was carried out in both groups to measure academic performance and a motivation survey on teaching materials adopted from Keller's motivational model. Finally, the topic of software-defined networks was included in 2 courses of the telematics line. The group that received the new strategy presented higher academic performance and better levels of motivation. In conclusion, Game-Based Learning and Gamification are a strategic option that makes it possible to exploit the affinity that young students have for games and the native use of technology to take advantage of them in the improvement of teaching-learning processes at the university level.