Especialización Gobierno y Gerencia Territorial

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    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-06-21) RATIVA JIMENEZ, DAVID EDUARDO; JARRO, MAURICIO
    This study investigates the impact of managerial skills on the adaptation and success of Platzi Online during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on the transition to virtual education. It examines aspects such as adaptive leadership, change management, effective communication, and pedagogical innovations, identifying them as key factors in addressing the challenges posed by the pandemic. Through a qualitative research methodology, the perceptions and experiences of Platzi Online leaders are explored. The findings highlight the importance of empathetic leadership, data-informed decision-making, and the ability to innovate in pedagogical practices as crucial elements for the growth and consolidation of the platform in an ever-evolving digital educational environment.
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    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-01-19) Monica Liliana, Pérez Mesa
    Financial institutions, such as savings and credit cooperatives, allow people to access and use financial services, which is why their main objective is to cover the entire population, given that there is inequality between income and the poverty rate, however, constant changes are taking place in this globalized world, These changes are made by institutions updating both knowledge and procedures to carry out the fulfillment of objectives, without leaving aside the issue of human talent since it is a representative part of financial institutions. That is why it is important to highlight trends in financial skills are the fundamental pillar to ensure proper organizational functioning, generating a high level of competitiveness and work commitment, The importance of our research is to describe and identify those managerial skills that are trending and those that are most suited to financial institutions.
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    Identificación del servicio de atención al ciudadano Alcaldía Municipal de Barbosa, Santander.
    (2022-10-07) Camacho Camargo, Víctor Manuel; Mateus Cadena, Didney; Robles, Alba; Universidad Santo tomas
    The citizen service is a process implemented in public and private entities, which allows for assertive lines of communication in which the needs or requirements of the population can be met in a timely manner. The present article was developed with the following aspects: description of the process of attention to the citizen in the national framework, taking into account the current regulations, analysis of the tools, mechanisms and strategies currently used in the municipality for the improvement in attention to the citizen, identification of the studies carried out based on the statistical analysis processes that allow the comparison of the information of the municipality of Barbosa compared to other municipalities. As part of the recognition of the communication mechanisms between the municipal administration and the citizens, contact channels that have been implemented are identified, taking as a reference the NTC 6047 of 2013, which evaluates accessibility to the media available for citizens around the public administration, to ensure universal participation and accessibility, without limitation or discrimination. The development of this article serves as a fundamental tool for the strengthening of the processes, tools and procedures around the citizen service, which seek to improve the relationship between public entities and the citizen, providing quality care, which allows improving municipal projects and the interaction of citizens in the development of the municipality from the different points of territorial progress.
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    La paradiplomacia como estrategia de cambio e integración de los jóvenes del municipio de Guacamayas en la industria de las artesanías
    (2022-04-29) Barón Palacios, Luis Enrique; Lesmes, Lizeth; Universidad Santo Tomas
    The handicrafts of the municipality of Guacamayas Boyacá obtained through resolution 30000 of June 19 2009, by the superintendence of industry and commerce the "denomination of origin", this being the third product with this recognition after Colombian coffee that obtained this recognition in in 2005 and the cholupa from the department of Huila, as an exotic fruit. The denomination of origin allows artisans protection of goods that represent quality, reputation and other characteristics that are due exclusively or essentially to the geographical environment in which they are produced, including natural and human factors. Since 2009, the artisans of this region have an added value that could translate into better prices and recognition in the market, allowing them to enter foreign trade. The work of the artisan of the municipality is an empirical work that over the years they have been learning from generation to generation, a job in which many of the artisans, if not the majority, have not had training, for example, in terms of optimization. of resources, improvements of processes, commercialization of products and much less in exportation of products. To this great problem is added the lack of interest on the part of the young people of the municipality or the province in the incursion of this project or of belonging to these artisan cooperatives. With this working paper, what is intended is to see the importance of the articulation of the main actors of the municipality and create a growth strategy through paradiplomacy for the artisans and youth of the municipality. (SUPERINTENDENCIA DE INDUSTRIA Y COMERCIO , 2009).
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    Seguridad humana y desarrollo humano en las políticas públicas
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2014-01-01) Ramirez Mora, Jose Crisanto
    A reflection is presented on the subject related to human security and human development in public policies, which have become the focus of attention of different disciplines such as politics, economics and social issues. The fulfillment of these policies, in recent times, are the concern of certain international organizations such as the UNDP, the UN, among others, who have been worrying about the promotion of development with the satisfaction of basic needs, all directed towards human security.