Especialización Gerencia de Multimedia

URI permanente para esta colección


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Mostrando 1 - 20 de 42
  • Ítem
    T.A.E ltda: Tecnologías aplicadas a la educación
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2009) Páez Molina, Julio Andrés; Díaz Avendaño, Diego Armando; Garzón Vanegas, Vidal; Universidad Santo Tomás
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    Crear una página web que fortalezca la presencia digital de la joyería artesanal, resaltando el trabajo de la mujer nariñense (Caso Amalba Joyería).
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-07-21) Chamorro Villarreal, Angie Vanessa; Mendoza Duran, Carmen Laura; Saenz Valencia, Maykol Yusep; Universidad Santo Tomás
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    Comunicación para la convivencia: estrategia digital para el Conjunto Cerrado “El Trébol Manzana 13”
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-07-18) Bonilla Beltrán, Leidy Marlen; Universidad Santo Tomás
    The main motivation of this intervention project is to establish an effective, timely, educational and interactive digital strategy that allows the 1,200 inhabitants of the “El Trébol Manzana 13” residential complex to consult topics of interest and access administrative information to make better decisions than contribute to the development of the whole and to healthy coexistence. Therefore, the digital strategy involves various technological tools to develop hypermedia products that capture the attention of residents to generate identity, recognition of others and a sense of belonging on the issues that bring together the whole and its community, without neglecting the connection and information with other communities in the municipality.
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    Inclusión cultural otaku: El audio manga para personas en condición de discapacidad visual
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-07-08) Gaona Umbajan, Juan Sebastían; Universidad Santo Tomás
    Manga and anime have a giant entertainment industry behind millions of fans who buy manga and watch series year after year but there "Sebas tells you" as a social network project found an opportunity to contribute and that is that in the big industries they do not know take into account those communities that also want and enjoy narratives rich in content, valuable content that captivates people and that
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    Estrategia digital para el fortalecimiento de la participación cooperativa de los asociados de USTACOOP.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-07-18) Reyes Galeano, Yudy Andrea; Arellano Estrada, Rafael Alberto; Samacá Ramírez, Diana Patricia; Universidad Santo Tomás
    The cooperative model is distinguished by the voluntary action of its associates to build and strengthen a socioeconomic model based on the participation and democratic control of its members. In this sense, the project proposes the development of a digital strategy for the Santo Tomás University Savings and Credit Cooperative, USTACOOP Ltda., based on two identified problems: the low participation in self-management of its associates and having a single channel of unattractive and functional communication to promote and inform the services for its associates. Using the logical framework methodology, the aim is to develop actions that allow compliance with the general objective of the project: Develop a digital communication strategy to strengthen the participation of the Associate in USTACOOP, who through training in cooperatives and with a communication channel functional communication will be able to access information that will motivate them regarding the importance of taking ownership of your company.
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    5 pa la Ciencia: cuestiona, conoce, comparte
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2019-08-16) Blanquicet Humanez, Maria Camila; Ramirez Hurtado, Juan Carlos; Universidad Santo Tomás
    The dissemination and communication of science, its languages, advances and multiple impacts, a necessity in the Colombian population of the 21st century, which, not being fully supplied, promotes the generation of a problem of collective ignorance. Under the previous premise, the possibility arises to meet this need, under the use and staging of new information technologies, their tools, platforms and massifications, thus reducing the boundaries between language, scientific reality and communities.
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    Alimentación saludable para niños
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2019-08-16) Arciniegas Beltrán, César Augusto; Perilla Medina, Edna Lucía; Ramírez Hurtado, Juan Carlos; Universidad Santo Tomás
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    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2019-04-19) Leguizamón Valero, Hector Jairo; Ramírez, Juan Carlos; Universidad Santo Tomás
    This document shows the problem of oil pollution, and as it negatively affects people, living beings and the environment, in this way a multimedia solution is proposed through the implementation of an application for mobile devices in order to educate people.
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    Gerencia y gestión de proyectos hipermediales - Proyecto Hipermedia Ser CuidadorEs
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-02-01) Castañeda Latino, Carlos Daniel; Castañeda Ríos, Luis Fernando; Pinilla Vega, Jesús David; Pinzón Sánchez, Ana María; Romero Wilches, Adriana; Alzate Ponguta, Juan Felipe; Universidad Santo Tomás;;
    Ser CuidadoEs project is adjusted to the current situation in the country regarding the recognition of vulnerable populations such as family caregivers of people with orphan diseases. The Congress of the Republic has already begun to take steps to recognize this segment of the population, such as the Caregiver Law project, which seeks to promote training, job access, entrepreneurship and income generation for caregivers, approved in the third debate on November 10, 2021, remaining one debate from Congress to be sanctioned. For this reason, Ser CuidadoEs hypermedia site can be applicable in the social framework of the country.
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    iWork Online-Colombia : Portal multimedia de servicios
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2013-09-09) Orozco Rivera, Wilson Arturo; Universidad Santo Tomás
    In the normal development of the activities of any company, specialized, specific and sporadic professional services are required; To supply them, a process of selection and evaluation of personnel is initiated and in some cases of companies that provide the type of solutions requested, these activities are generally quite meticulous and time-consuming, even high costs are incurred with respect to the same service and internal administrative procedures They tend to take a long time, therefore it becomes inefficient and unprofitable to carry out this type of process or contracting. iWorkOnLine Colombia proposes a new system for registering and publishing service requests under the On Demand modality, this model allows different companies to receive proposals in the form of a tender and accordingly choose the most appropriate option for their requirement, they are not subject to Rigid hiring, it is only defined and applied to the project to work, in this scheme the requirements have a specific need and time, it is not a job bank and the objective is not to achieve a direct contract with any company, it is a labor flexibility for professionals that facilitates and evolves traditional forms of work, based on the benefits of new digital media in improving the flow of the professional services process, with respect to the times and costs that it may take to contract through traditional means.
  • Ítem
    Take a wall
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2013-12-30) Sanabria Contreras, David Leonardo; García, Mónica Eliana; Universidad Santo Tomás
    It is an online television program that promotes tourism in the different regions of Colombia, it will have multimedia content that will show a new experience of watching some micro-chapters that, fed with stories from the different places visited, form an innovative way to produce and create content. multimedia based on video.
  • Ítem
    Diseño de una red social especializada en audio profesional
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2013-12-30) Rosero Tobar, Servio Alexander; García, Mónica Eliana; Universidad Santo Tomás
    The degree work to be developed consists of an application where it is intended to create a virtual social network around professional audio, where users in addition to register your basic personal information, create your profile, according to the specialty of the audio in which they perform, will be divided into 6 groups that are: producers, recording engineers, mixing engineers, mastering engineers, recording engineers live sound and post production engineer for video audio. (Short description of his work, profile photo, credits and an audiovisual file). There will be a main wall in which users can generate discussion posts, as well as a search engine where you can find information about the participants, such as generated topics for the same and their credits. With this, users will be able to generate competitive value by facilitating work connections, through adequate channels of information and build reputation and work history.
  • Ítem
    LABREGIONAL - Transformando el periodismo en las regiones
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2021-10-05) Santisteban, Ginna Marcela; Viveros, Jhenny Daniela; Espinosa, Hector Daniel; Torres Sanmiguel, Alexander; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;
    This document reports on research that proposes the creation of a regional journalism laboratory, which supports the processes of appropriation of digital tools and digital transformation of the media in the department of Chocó, Colombia. Throughout the research, a description of the territory is presented, through media. The key aspects to understand the dynamics of journalism in the region are described, among armed conflict, connectivity, and digital transformation stand out. Finally, it is concluded that the media in Chocó are currently facing a crisis, which raises the opportunity to make a transition from traditional ecosystems to digital journalism, in which stories and multimedia content take precedence.
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    Diseño de una plataforma web para la administración y generación de pedidos en la cadena mayorista Makro
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2021-09-22) Suarez Morantes, Roger Alberto; Rojas Torres, Christian Steven; Manrique Villanueva, Lina Maria; Universidad Santo Tomas;;;
    The objective of this project is to make available to MAKRO users an application designed on a web platform that will allow consumers of the wholesale chain to make requests for any type of product that is available in the different stores. As a result of the process applied in this project, a web platform is obtained that makes the information that the MAKRO wholesale chain has in its warehouses available to consumers and to be able to provide the respective supply that is required. The development of this business web application is expected to have a competitive space compared to the other order and delivery platforms that currently exist.
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    Diseño de un prototipo de aplicación móvil para localizalizacion de bicicletas
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2021-09-22) Lamprea Villamil, Beatriz Elena; Muñoz Buitrago, Yuly Andrea; Diaz Garzón, David; Universidad Santo Tomas;;;
    This document describes the development and design of a mobile application prototype for the bicycles geolocation, this project aims to help reduce the theft rate of bicycles in the Bogotá city. Through this application and the GPS device can locate it, in real time the exact location. This app also offers services such as: route recommendation, panic button, activity history, traffic notifications, accident or theft alerts, among others, in order to be a key information tool for the prevention, support and safety of bicycle users who roll daily through the streets of the Bogotá city.
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    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2021-08-09) Jiménez Barreto, Martha Janneth; Andrade Moreno, Lina Marcela; León Garzón, Iván Rene; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;
    Emprendatos is an initiative that intends to generate a digital space with free access, focused on social good and economic development, for facilitating the use of public statistical data by entrepreneurs. Through educational and informative resources, interactive spaces, and online talks, Emprendatos will allow the users to understand the basic concepts, and to know the potential of the data for the development of their ventures. Emprendatos is a scalable product to different economic sectors and regions of Colombia. Perhaps, in its initial stage, this will have a pilot test with a specific market niche, the segment of travel agencies and tour operators registered in Bogotá between the years 2018 to 2020.
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    Esterilizando ando
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2019-10-11) Garzón Ramírez, Mónica Lizeth; Ramírez, Juan Carlos
    The development of this application allows to make known the implementation about the mobile application “Sterilizing Ando” so that the owners of their pets know the importance that must be had for the process of feline and canine sterilization. It is important to carry out this procedure as it helps with the care and protection of animals, cancerous diseases are prevented, animals become more social, reduce aggression towards man and also abandonment, preventing them from being mistreated. or of vehicle accidents.
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    Multimedia para el Área de Meteorología del CEA
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2019-10-10) Benavides Albesiano, Silvio Enrique; Ramírez, Juan Carlos
    Weather and climate have a great influence on virtually all the activities of man, for this reason people and communities in general must be attentive to current conditions and predictions issued by the meteorological service. At specific case of the aeronautical sector many of the decisions taken are contingent to the behavior of the meteorological variables, for this the aeronautical meteorologists they provide a service and prepare a diverse range of products applied to aviation that help to plan operations areas, reducing departure delays, flight time and fuel consumption, among others. Through a multimedia product called: “Introduction to Basic Meteorology” of Seminar: "Foundation in Aeronautical Meteorology", in the area of ​​(MET) Meteorology of CEA. It will contribute to the improvement of aviation safety levels in Colombia and with the training of those responsible for it, in dynamic learning environments. Multimedia contents allow users to interact with different virtual objects of learning interact with audio and video content
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    La animación: Una herramienta multimedia efectiva para dar a conocer a los jóvenes la radioafición
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2019-10-07) Osorio Triana, Leidy Johanna; Bandera Martinez, Jorge Luis
    This document sets out how to use multimedia tools and in a timely manner the animation can be made known a traditional and unknown hobby to the youth population. A tour is carried out through the concepts of radio hobby, multimedia, animation and an applied proposal is created in the young students of the university The sixth semester forest of environmental engineering, where you can appreciate the results.
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    Libro digital: leyendas de Colombia
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2019-01-28) Poveda Linares, Carlos Alberto; Bandera Martinez, Jorge Luis; Martinez Molkes, Daniel;
    The Digital Book: Legends of Colombia seeks, from the development of a multimedia tool, to encourage reading learning in the fourth-grade students of IE D Las Mercedes during their extracurricular activities, based on the identification and analysis of the interests and needs of these children. This project also seeks to help these students acquire a taste for reading to autonomously emerge in them an understanding of the importance of reading. Also, to be able to broaden their vision regarding the important role they can play in society by acquiring more knowledge. Finally, they can be free because, as the American writer Frederick Douglass wrote, "when you learn to read, you will be free forever".