Facultad de Administración de Empresas Agropecuarias
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Ítem Abono orgánico: aprovechamiento de los residuos orgánicos agroindustriales(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2017) Álvarez Palomino, Laura Vanessa; Vargas Bayona, Javier EnriqueAt the global level agricultural activities produce a large amount of organic waste generating pollution and degradation of the environment due to the inadequate management in the final disposal thereof, for this and as a sustainable and sustainable alternative is presented the alternative of the production of organic fertilizers, With the aim of generating environmentally friendly by-products that in turn allow soil nutrition through the amendments that are incorporated to improve their physical, chemical and biological properties being represented in the improvement of the land and in the productivity of the crops. The objective of this report is to present as an agro-industrial alternative the production of organic fertilizers based on the use of organic waste, for this, a review and analysis of literature of more than 50 publications on the processes of decomposition and fermentation of residues Organic and the benefits in the application of them. As a result it can be inferred that the most used methods are composting and bocashi generating significant advantages in agriculture mainly in the incorporation of organic matter that nourishes the soil, generates corrections in the nutritional deficiencies, potentiates the qualities of the same and allows obtaining Of excellent results in the crops.Ítem Acceso y uso de internet por parte de los estudiantes de pregrado de la universidad Santo Tomás de Villavicencio(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2014) Triana Valiente, María Fernanda; Vidal Rojas, Julián Marino; Gartner Trejos, Jesús AlejandroÍtem Acciones claves para la activación de un SIAL de la arepa santandereana en el Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-07-28) Montesino Rincón, Sandra Milena; Blanco Tirado, Teresa del SocorroFrom the perspective of localized agri-food systems, SIAL, the specific resources of the territories can be revalued and thus promote rural development and territorial management supported by collective action that it triggers. The production of arepa santandereana is a growing practice in the Bucaramanga metropolitan area and, therefore, implies a demand for regional goods and services. In order to formulate actions leading to the activation of a SIAL around the Santander arepa, a mixed methodology with a descriptive approach was used to determine the supply potential of the Bucaramanga metropolitan area for soft yellow corn, the main raw material for this product with strong local roots. It was possible to identify that 71% of the population comes from the Metropolitan area of Bucaramanga, 68% are women, 57% are over 50 years old, 46% have only elementary school, 32% have a high school degree, 18% are technicians or technologists and only 4% have a professional career. The knowledge of arepa making in Santander has been based on family tradition; identifying that the processors interviewed have transmitted their know-how through: 86% by family tradition. The main actions necessary to advance in the articulation of producers and processors determined that it is possible to propose an articulation with the purpose of activating a SIAL, because the transformation has strengths and opportunities that can be potentiated and taken advantage of through a definition and organization of the corn production chain and support from public and private entities that allow starting relationships and links between the activities by the SIAL concentrations and an increase in the sense of territorial anchorage in order to establish improvements in the local, regional and national economic activity.Ítem Adaptación de sistemas silvopastoriles en Colombia: lecciones y experiencias desde Brasil.(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-05-30) Oviedo Moyano, Manuel Alejandro; Perdomo Vasquez, Luisa Maria; Perez, Amable José; Universidad Santo Tomás; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001692588; https://scholar.google.es/scholar?hl=es&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=Amable+Jos%C3%A9+P%C3%A9rez&oq=Ama; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9777-9297Ítem Alternativa para reducir los costos de producción en alimento para gallinas ponedoras en comunidades indígenas del municipio de Puerto Gaitán beneficiadas por la fundación pervivir (La Fazenda)(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-10-19) Chacon Baron, Ever Dorley; Cubillos Mayorga, Yury Daniel; Universidad Santo Tomás; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001755774; https://scholar.google.es/citations?hl=es&user=WGyzBHEAAAAJThis study had its origin in the high costs of feeding laying hens, which raise the price of eggs, putting barriers to their commercialization, therefore the research focused on determining the best alternative to mitigate the cost of production in feed for laying hens in indigenous communities of the municipality of Puerto Gaitan benefited by the Pervivir Foundation (La Fazenda).Ítem Análisis Comparativo De La Producción De Cachama (Colossoma Macropomum) Y Mojarra (Oreochromis Spp.) Desde Una Perspectiva Financiera Para La Finca La Perla En El Municipio De San Juan De Arama - Departamento Del Meta(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-09-02) Cabrera Blandón, Leidy Vanessa; Ortega Sánchez, Beatriz Alejandra; Universidad Santo Tomás; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001692642; https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=_GnUfgcAAAAJ&hl=es; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9038-6407Aquaculture plays a crucial role in global food security and is a significant source of employment and economic development in the country, generating approximately 57,756 direct jobs and 173,269 indirect jobs according to the National Aquaculture and Fisheries Authority (AUNAP) (Contexto Ganadero 2022). In the specific context of the Ariari region, fish farming has been consolidated as a fundamental activity, generating one more link and becoming one of the most promising crops in the department. The two prominent species in this area are the cachama (Colossoma macropomum) and the mojarra (Oreochromis spp. ), each with its own biological particularities and production requirements. In addition, it is important to mention that together with the fisheries sector, they contribute 0.2% of the (GDP) and 3.3% of the agricultural GDP. Between 2012 and 2021, aquaculture production increased 116.16 %, from 89,064 to 192,521 tons of products such as tilapia, trout, cachama and shrimp, among other species (Contexto Ganadero 2022). Translated with DeepL.com (free version)Ítem Análisis de aprendizaje y desarrollo de actitudes y aptitudes en liderazgo de los asistentes a los campamentos ETO 2016 II – 2018 I(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2018) Ramírez Camelo, Juan Diego; Riveros Romero, Miguel AndrésÍtem Análisis de calidad de la información agropecuaria del municipio de Onzaga (Santander) entre 2011 y 2016(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2017) Guarín Urrego, Kelly Mallerly; Mantilla Rueda, Fausto; Muñoz Zea, Sandra MarcelaÍtem Análisis de la adopción de tecnología mejorada para la producción de cacao en el municipio de Rionegro - Santander.(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2015) Torres Morantes, Félix Alberto; Rodríguez Barrios, Diana LizethÍtem Análisis de la asociatividad empresarial en la compañía Hortifruiti, en el marco de la experiencia de la v Escuela Internacional en Chapecó (Brasil)(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-04-04) Montoya Sierra, Juan Pablo; Galeano Rodriguez, Diana; Universidad Santo Tomás; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001656833; https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=6RSxSl0AAAAJ&hl=es; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5877-3829This degree work shows an analysis of the Business Associativity in the HORTIFRUIT company, studied from the academic experience lived in the V International School, where we participate in business activities for agroindustry organizations in Chapecó (Brazil). This study is derived from the international academic practice organized by the Faculty of Agricultural Business Administration, of the Santo Tomas University, Villavicencio, developed from September 7 to 22, 2019, Business Associativity is a mechanism by which organizations unite wills, initiatives and resources, around common objectives, in order to be more competitive in the global market. (Ceglie, 1999) Associativity is recognized as a mechanism that opens the possibility of cooperation between companies in order to achieve competitive advantages, both for themselves and for their associates, which produces greater productivity, business dynamism and market coverage.Ítem Análisis de la cadena de valor de marca para la empresa APTI en Brasil a partir del Lovemark(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2021-02-18) Macías Arias, Laura Camila; Camacho Guevara, Valentina; Gartner Trejos, Jesús Alejandro; http://scienti.colciencias.gov.co:8081/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001404332; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1614-2797Brazil is a leading country in the production of goods and services focused on the satisfaction of primary needs, a situation that makes it a commercially competitive Marketplace (Lacu,2017). Potential companies that really want to position their brand not only for its qually, production and efficiency, but for the love they want to create towards their name, cannot leave to chance the implementation of strategies and improvements in their value chain. Day by day they need to make use of new ideas and plans that lead them to be superior in what they do, but above all to show the final consumer how important it is for their brand or product (Babilonia, 2012).Ítem Análisis de la comercialización de heliconias en la ciudad de Villavicencio(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2013-10-16) Quiroga Lozano, Cesar Adolfo; Villamil Granados, María Fernanda; Giraldo Viatela, Jesús Hernán; http://scienti.colciencias.gov.co:8081/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000957488Ítem Análisis de la Dinámica Comercial del Aceite de Palma en el Mercado Global y su Proyección en la Agroindustria Colombiana(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-04-08) Ocampo Corrales, Luis Felipe; Carolina, Rossi LazoVegetable oils are raw materials for the production of food, cosmetics, personal care productos, and biofuels; this is due to its high and growing demand in the global market. Mereover, Palm oil accounts for 36% of global production, followed by soybeans, rapeseed and sunflower, among others. In the world ranking, the main palm oil producing countries are Indonesia with a 59% share in production, Malasia with 25%, Tailandia with 3%, followed by Colombia in fourth place in world production with a 2% share with approximately 1.6 million tons by 2020 and 1.7 million tons in 2022.Ítem Análisis de la Incidencia de la Política de Distribución de Tierras, en el Desarrollo Rural del Departamento del Meta(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-06-21) Moreno, Jhon Sebastian; Sarmiento Suarez, Gisela Patricia; Universidad Santo Tomás; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000111890; https://scholar.google.es/citations?view_op=new_profile&hl=es; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8454-0412Since 2015 there has been talk of Sustainable Development at a global level, therefore,therefore,countries such as Colombia, seek mechanisms to help meet this However, in the analysis of the transition to sustainable development, rural areas are highlighted,Well, it is, there is the population that has the highest rates of poverty and inequality,Therefore, it seeks to analyze the shortcomings that the Colombian countryside, specifically in the department of Meta at present, and the failures of the current public policy that seeks to solve these problems. Among the current shortcomings of the department of Meta in Colombian countryside is, the poor distribution of land,an outdated cadastre, illiteracy, among others; which, at the sametime, do not allow an effective development of public policy;.therefore, it is intended to highlight that from the equitable distribution by the State of land leads the country to have a sustainable rural development, As established by Colombia's Rural Development Agency, the president Higuera warned that a more equitable distribution is needed in Colombia to improve production." (Colombian Rural Development Agency, 2023).Ítem Análisis de la responsabilidad social empresarial en Panamá: para la empresa farmazona en Panamá una nueva cultura empresarial.(2018) Perdomo Bejarano, Federico; Prieto Delgadillo, Mario FernandoA socially responsible company must be consistent between its business speech and its actions. In the same way, there must be a direct relationship between image and identity, since this in itself, rather than tools to develop social, economic and environmental improvement (inside and adjacent to the company), is a powerful strategy to increase the legitimacy and good name of a company, which rather than offering goods or services, cares altruistically for the integral benefit of its core. This is how in Panama a remarkable economic growth is evidenced by the use of strategic market niches, being Farmazona a Logistic Operator in Central America and the Caribbean and from the heart of the world, Colon Free Zone, Republic of Panama where they can put their provision of a wide range of logistics and value-added services. Being a very strategic position.Ítem Análisis de la viabilidad de la permacuaponia en el cultivo de hortalizas y peces.(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-02-14) Sánchez Mora, Geidy Natalia; Osorio Garzón, Paola Andrea; Prieto Delgadillo, Mario Fernando; Universidad Santo Tomás; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001588923; https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=es&user=X7E38GAAAAAJ; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5564-0011This research examines the benefits and challenges of implementing a permacuaponics system in vegetable cultivation. Permacuaponics combines permaculture and aquaponics to create a sustainable food production system. The study investigates the agronomic benefits of permacuaponics, the challenges and limitations associated with its implementation, plant health and product quality, economic and social potential, as well as social and community implications. The research problem is stated, and specific objectives are established to address the research questions. The study aims to contribute to the scientific knowledge on permacuaponics in vegetable cultivation, providing valuable insights for farmers, researchers, and policymakers interested in promoting sustainable food production systems. Key words: permacuaponics, vegetable cultivation, sustainability, aquaponics, permaculture, horticulture, fish farming, plant health, economic potential, social implications, food security.Ítem Análisis de las estrategia del sector turismo desde la experiencia de la V escuela internacional en Chapecó (Brasil)(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2020-09-23) Otalora Garces, Jairo Andres; Galeano Rodríguez, Diana Lorena; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001656833; http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=6RSxSl0AAAAJ&hl=es; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5877-3829This experience lived during the V International School organized by the Faculty of Administration of Agricultural Companies, of the Santo Tomas University campus Villavicencio, developed in the City of Chapecó and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, on September 7 to 22, 2019, This document seeks to study the most relevant strategies of tourism in Brazil and propose a comparison analysis with tourism in the department of Meta, in order to leave conclusions for improvement in this economic sector. Tourism is a sector that integrates various economic activities in one place, it promotes education, the exploitation of natural resources, safeguards traditions, cultures and history, generates significant changes in the hospitality of the inhabitants, contributes to the strengthening of the activities of leisure and recreation, generates marketing strategies, drives the development of science, technology and innovation, encourages the generation of public policies, affirms the most important characteristics of consumer psychology, makes religion an attractive potential for international tourists, clearly promotes transport, contributes notoriously to the foreign exchange market and generally generates economic development in the population, that is why the importance of this analysis.Ítem Analisis de las unidades productivas en los barrios playarica, Villa lorena, Catumare y Maranatha del municipio de Villavicencio Meta(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2014-07-13) Cortés Valdés, Laura Stephanie; Ortiz Rodríguez, Emelina Andrea; Gartner Trejos, Jesús Alejandro; http://scienti.colciencias.gov.co:8081/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001404332; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1614-2797Ítem Analisis de variables macroeconomicas para la valoración del riesgo pais en el grupo de mercados emergentes denominado CIVETS(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2013-07-13) Muñoz Espitia, Karen Lorena; Gartner Trejos, Jesús Alejandro; http://scienti.colciencias.gov.co:8081/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001404332; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1614-2797Ítem Análisis de Viabilidad para la Creación de una Empresa Productora y Comercializadora de Carne Bovina(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-09-26) Montilla Chilito, Yamileth; Nivia Osuna, Alexander; Universidad Santo Tomás; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000268917; https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=es&user=4_cfJWAAAAAJ; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3289-151X