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  • Ítem
    Plan de Mejora Implementación Social Selling en el Departamento de Digital Sales Ibm
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-01-29) Botero Villamil, Gabriela; Diaz Villarraga, John Milton; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
    This improvement plan focuses on the vital importance of innovation in sales strategies to drive business success in an ever-changing business environment. It addresses the need to abandon conventional approaches and adopt cutting-edge tactics to stand out in a competitive market. Various crucial aspects in the implementation of new sales strategies, from opportunity identification to effective execution. This work is designed to strengthen and enhance the skills and performance of the sellers, thus contributing to the sustained growth of the company. Focuses on key aspects which include the development of communication skills, deep understanding of the product, the effective management of customer relationships and the strategic use of technological tools. Start by giving a little context about the company, the area and the functions of the post; thus exploring the importance of thoroughly understanding the market and the needs of the customer. Next, different innovative strategies are analyzed in detail, such as personalization of the customer experience, the adoption of emerging technologies and the integration of digital platforms. Ultimately, it concludes with the implementation of innovative sales strategies Not only is it essential for business survival, it can also catalyze growth. significant. This work offers a comprehensive guide for organizations to understand, Adopt and successfully execute new sales strategies in a dynamic business world
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    Aprendizaje Práctico en Acción, mi Primera Experiencia Empresarial en la Universidad EAFIT.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-02-23) Zárate Guarín, Ana María; Sánchez Restrepo, Santiago; Universidad Santo Tomás;
    During the course of my academic training at the Santo Tomás University I have acquired fruitful knowledge that has undoubtedly enriched my personal life and therefore the beginning of my work experience; financial, administrative, logistical and marketing skills have been the four fundamental pillars on which my career is based, transforming it into a highly versatile profession. Taking into account the above, I made the decision to carry out business internships as a degree option offered by the university as a fundamental requirement to obtain the professional title of International Negotiator, where I had the opportunity to carry out my process with EAFIT University in the department from Llanogrande, a higher education institution focused on high-quality training. Here, I arranged the position as a marketing intern, focusing on the processes that assisted the marketing and some administrative areas. This is where my first business experience began, framed based on knowledge tested in different relationships that enriched my personal and work life.
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    Reajustando la balanza: Desafíos y oportunidades comerciales entre Colombia y Brasil
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-01-19) ROJAS SANTOS, ANGIE TATIANA; MALAGÓN SÁENZ, ELIZABETH; Universidad Santo Tomas
    Colombia's trade deficit in relation to Brazil has generated problems in terms of achieving beneficial trade relations. Addressing this challenge is fundamental for the Republic of Colombia to be able to achieve proper growth and economic development. However, for this to be possible, Colombia must implement a series of strategies that will allow it to become a more competitive country, not only with Brazil, but also in the international system as a whole.
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    Plan de Marketing Digital para el Centro de Consultoría Empresarial de la Universidad Santo Tomás
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-12-06) Cuellar Chona, Jinandy Paola; Barrios Mendoza, Carolina
    The objective of this project is to analyze the current situation of the Business Consulting Center (CCE) of Universidad Santo Tomás, highlighting the relevant factors in its business environment. The main purpose is to develop a digital marketing plan based on the findings obtained, taking into account the technical and financial capacity of the organization, in order to implement it effectively. It is important to note that this study focuses on applying the knowledge acquired as a Professional in International Business to address a specific problem identified in the Business Consulting Center (CCE). Through a strategic and problem-solving approach, it seeks to provide practical and efficient solutions that help the CCE to overcome the challenges and obstacles identified in its business environment.
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    Plan de mejora prácticas profesionales Spradling Group
    (2022-04-08) Pulido Castillo, Karen Andrea; Díaz Villarraga, Johnn Milton; Universidad Santo Tomás;; 0000-0002-1012-7932
    This document describes the approach and preparation of an improvement plan that is developed during the professional practice in the company Spradling Group-Proquinal, which is a member company of the Spradling Group, the world's leading manufacturer and partner in terms of coated fabrics, with a presence in Europe, the United States and Latin-America. The improvement plan was identified through the SWOT analysis in the Intelligence area of business (BI). This plan proposes the design of a macro that allows to optimize the times to identify customers and products that have their information incomplete in the software used in the company. On the other hand, it should be clarified that this macro is designed to handle both product and customer data. This improvement plan takes product masters for reference.
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    Practica Internacional UNILIMA
    (2021-09-28) Mojica Zuluaga, Juan Diego; Pava Ratiaga, Javier Dario; Universidad Santo Tomas;;
    The purpose of this article is to compile all the information regarding the international practice carried out at the University of Lima, Peru. The main objective of the practice was to expand the knowledge base acquired throughout professional training, as well as to know and develop abilities, skills and potential to respond and have a comprehensive global business, labor, social, economic and professional vision. which entails becoming an agent for the promotion and execution of regional development. The approach method was carried out through an agreement between the Universidad Santo Tomás and the Universidad de Lima, developed through business visits, addressing issues such as tactics and negotiation strategies benefiting the parties and establishing evidence of knowledge, photographic records and adaptation to the market demands
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    Informe de práctica empresarial en Distribuciones Arama Limitada
    (2015) Arjona Aguirre, María Alejandra; Calderón Sanchez, Henry
    In the following report a detailed description is made of the functions that practitioner María Alejandra Arjona Aguirre developed within the company Distribuciones Arama LTDA and the Department of Logistics and Foreign Trade. The practice period was carried out from November 4, 2014 to May 4, 2015. During this time, a strong work was carried out to organize and establish processes for the creation and strengthening of the new department within the company. As a result, two imports from China of merchandise selected for the expansion of the portfolio of products marketed by the company were successfully made.
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    Actualización de la matriz de aspectos e impactos ambientales de la corporación autónoma regional de Santander “CAS”
    (2015) Gómez Joya, Norberto; Villalba Bernal, Ricardo
    The daily activities of the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Santander are organized, planned and controlled by means of procedures that allow the excellent functioning of the Corporation and the fulfillment of the objectives and policies, however, activities that lack control still persist causing possible effects negative to the environment in which the activity is being generated. For this reason, it was necessary to update the matrix of environmental aspects and impacts that the institution has in such a way that it allows us to avoid, mitigate and / or correct the harmful impacts on the environment and human beings, and contribute to the improvement Continuous and pollution prevention. To begin with the update of the matrix of environmental aspects and impacts, it was necessary to plan an action plan that would allow us to define the stages, activities, expected results and those responsible, this allowed us to quantify the resources and time to be invested for the effective update of the matrix and to be able to meet the objectives by applying the procedure to identify environmental aspects, establish and maintain environmental objectives and goals. Once the system was planned, the second stage was continued (Colombian 1998) With the work group of the Integrated Management System, the matrix review is started, process by process is analyzed, what are the activities that are developed. (Fernández-Vítora 2009) In the third stage, environmental aspects and impacts were identified together with each owner or person responsible for the process. In the fourth stage, With the valuation criteria, the impacts are evaluated one by one according to the probability, magnitude, area of ​​influence, recoverability and importance in order to reach the impact value. In the fifth stage, Starting from the significance of the impacts, the ones of significant value are taken to define the environmental programs to be defined. In the sixth stage, we proceed to deliver the matrix properly adjusted and evaluated to be incorporated into the modifications of the Integrated Management System of the entity by the quality committee. The formulation of environmental programs defined the objectives and goals to improve environmental performance, using the evaluation of environmental impacts as the main basis and management indicators were established to periodically measure each of the established objectives and goals.
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    Informe final de la práctica empresarial Acopi Regional Santander
    (2015) Mosquera Vera, Dinah Slade; Trillos Celis, Andrés
    This report brings together the points on which business practice was based at ACOPI Santander, an entity that contributes to the support and strengthening of micro, small and medium enterprises in the region. It is a trade union representation that is responsible for offering promotional, commercial and business development services by formulating projects to respond to the needs and behaviors of the region. The work as a student in practice was mainly focused on issues of support for the implementation of programs for the strengthening of MSMEs. Among the activities, the logistics management of the Moda kids fair stands out, in addition the events in the tourism and manufacturing sector were organized and became part of the organization of the EIMI 2015 children's fashion event, this being the most important event of the company . The creation of reports, weekly minutes of activities, committees carried out in ACOPI, telemarketing tasks previously documented by the director for the different businessmen of different sectors were activities assigned to the position.
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    Informe de práctica empresarial Macroinsumos L&L
    (2015) Sepúlveda Jaime, Katherin Paola; Agurto Flórez, Luz Helena
    Macroinsumos L&L, is a company dedicated to the nationwide distribution of clothing and footwear supplies. Given its main activity and having the globalized world in which it lives today facilitates the purchase of goods abroad at more affordable and competitive prices, the company found a business opportunity through the importation of goods from foreign countries, currently counting with suppliers in China, but in search of negotiations with Pakistan, always thinking of offering better quality, prices and customer services. Next, a detailed report on the activities carried out as a practitioner will be presented as head of the foreign trade department during the last 6 months of continuous work, aimed at meeting the organizational objectives of Macroinsumos L&L.
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    Informe final de práctica empresarial David & Goliath
    (2015) Amado Guevara, Carlos David; Agurto Flórez, Luz Helena
    This report is based on the experience acquired during the six (6) months of practice established by the Santo Tomás University as a degree requirement, in which the requirements lived in the performance of programs such as Google Analytics and Google Adwords for Development will be explained of executive reports, data analysis and creation of Excel tables of indicators for greater understanding by customers. The experience acquired as a practitioner allows realizing international business, and integrating the academic and theoretical knowledge acquired from education with the practice exercised within a company. Finally, the teachings and contributions that the company provides to all practitioners who have the privilege of performing functions in line with international business will be described, with a greater emphasis on international marketing, in turn, the practitioner provides the company with the knowledge acquired during his professional training.
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    Informe de práctica empresarial en Starbucks Colombia
    (2015) Roa Jiménez, Laura Juliana; Agurto Flórez, Luz Helena
    In October 2014, I started business practice with Starbucks Colombia, North American brand, with presence in around 66 countries in the world; who since July of this year enter the Colombian market, in the sale of coffee in all its varieties.The arrival of the brand was a great controversy, because it entered a country recognized for exporting one of the coffees, with higher quality standards of the world. However, the Colombian consumer has given great welcome to the brand and feels identified with the experience that is provided. According to a well-known phrase by Howard Shultz: “We are not in the coffee business at the service of the people, but in the business of the people and we serve coffee. ”I practiced it in operations management, being my main function, the support and solution of my immediate boss's requirements, therefore also supporting the needs of other support center areas, this whole process being a great help to complement my Professional and personal training.
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    Informe práctica empresarial Expeditors de Colombia
    (2015) Díaz Morantes, María Claudia; Prada, Jorge Gregorio
    In the following work you will find the general objective of the practice that is the function that was carried out in all the activities within the company Expeditors de Colombia Ltda, also these activities included the support of the international transport operations within the air of operations Aerial and imports. On the other hand, the position taken by the practitioner, their functions and activities to be followed in this case will be explained, serving as an import customer support for the management of certain clients such as Zrii and Oracle, this allows the practitioner to have a high degree of learning and in this way they can meet the requirement of their practice and work within the company. Likewise, the most general aspects of the company will be explained, making known its activity and social reason that as an international agent allows the development of the practice since it is clearly logistic and the student's emphasis is the same, the portfolio will also be announced of services for which the student took as a basis to develop their functions within the company. Finally, you will find the contributions of the student who gave the company because thanks to his position as a customer being as a practitioner he opened a space for both him and the company, in this way also the contribution of the company to the practitioner because it is clear that no There is a better way to bring knowledge and apply it within a labor field, these contributions are based on quality standards and its mission as a company, finally opening a job opportunity for the student in the multinational logistics.
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    Informe práctica empresarial Agencia de Aduanas Serimex Sarmiento S.A.S Cúcuta - Norte de Santander
    (2015) Cárdenas Tirado, Cristian Fabián; Rodríguez Melendez, Sandra Helena
    The end of every stage in life involves new challenges that will only be overcome using previously acquired knowledge and experiences; the academic and human training instilled in a student will always have his maximum test at the moment in which he begins to perform productively in society because only then can he challenge himself and start an endless learning path to achieve the yearned for success. This report talks about the experiences lived as a practitioner in the level II customs agency Serimex Sarmiento, a company recognized in the sector for its compliance and commitment, in addition to opening the doors for practitioners to start their work path.
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    Informe práctica empresarial Agencia de Aduanas Serimex Sarmiento S.A.S Cúcuta - Norte de Santander
    (2015) Navarro Calderón, Paola Andrea; Rodríguez Melendez, Sandra Helena
    The end of the academic training stage is undoubtedly the moment of greatest uncertainty for any professional because it is time to prove himself, to know if all that effort and dedication that has remained worthwhile for years. In order for the student to strengthen their knowledge and recognize themselves within a work structure, the business practice is carried out; through this, strengths and weaknesses are identified that will be vital to form an adequate work profile; This report highlights the importance of the practice carried out at the level II customs agency Serimex Sarmiento sas, where for six months what was learned in the university was brought into daily life, recognizing a work environment and understanding what it takes to be productive in the society.
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    Informe final práctica empresarial TH de Colombia S.A.
    (2015) Otero Becerra, César Fernando; Barreto, Guillermo
    This report shows my performance in the company TH de Colombia S.A as an International Business Practitioner, fully fulfilling each of the functions assigned by the company. Starting a process of search for savings and better prices in the purchase of products and / or services, selecting possible suppliers and negotiating with these payment terms and delivery times, also making purchase orders for the acquisition of these products and / or services. Similarly looking for new national or international suppliers that offer us better prices and are strategic allies that help in the growth of TH de Colombia S.A
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    Práctica empresarial en la gestión de operaciones de Zona Franca Santander.
    (2015) Soto Jiménez, Silvia Daniela; Trillos, Andres
    Zona Franca Santander was born in 2007, as an initiative led by strategic actors in the region in view of the need for an instrument to promote competitiveness and attract foreign direct investment to the department, through the implementation of the Regime Frank. These are defined as the geographical area delimited within the national territory, where industrial activities of goods and services, or commercial activities, are developed under a special regulation in tax, customs and foreign trade matters. Goods entered in these areas are considered outside the national customs territory for purposes of taxes on imports and exports, according to Law 1004 of 2005. (Zonafranca Santander) This document describes the functions assigned as a practitioner in the management of operations of the Santander Free Zone, the achievements and improvements obtained, as well as the work dynamics and the special conditions required to be the operator user of the first Permanent Free Zone of the region. This report describes the scope of ZFS which consists of administering, operating and marketing, thus creating opportunities for future professionals, installed companies, international companies and all the inhabitants of the region. Permanent Free Zones are areas managed by a user operator where multiple new companies are installed that enjoy tax, customs and foreign trade incentives. To access these benefits, companies must be installed and develop commercial or industrial activities of goods or services; They must also comply with certain employment and investment requirements, according to the total amount of their assets, within a stipulated period of time.
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    Informe final de práctica empresarial en Altamax
    (2015) Paredes Rey, Juliana Paola; Calderón Sánchez, Henry
    My business practice was carried out in a Santander-based company in the automotive sector, dedicated to the production and marketing of auto parts, performing my duties in the area of ​​foreign trade, an agency responsible for import negotiations with suppliers abroad, thus supplying the raw material needs. generated by the production unit. This practice covered the period of the second half of 2014, during which time I was able to get involved in all aspects related to foreign trade, putting into practice the knowledge acquired at the university and promoting solid pillars that allow me to verify that I am prepared with All the criteria required by a professional in international business.
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    Informe final práctica empresarial en Petroco S.A.
    (2015) Gómez Serna, Paola Andrea; Ortiz Núñez, Wanda Ximena
    The work carried out as a practitioner during the six months worked at Petroco S.A is presented to the university community, during which time the practitioner had the opportunity to implement the theoretical knowledge acquired during the academy in the labor - practical world. It begins in the delegation of tasks and functions, following the management and development of each of them and ending with the contributions of the practitioner to the company and the company to the practitioner.
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    Informe final de la práctica empresarial realizada en REPRESANDER LTDA Bucaramanga
    (2015) Jaimes Moreno, Nayady; Moran Cuan, Henry
    This work is the result of the practice carried out at REPRESANDER LTDA Bucaramanga, a company dedicated to the marketing and distribution of medicines with great opportunities for commercial growth and effective contacts promoting the development of the same. During the execution of the process as a practitioner, there was an opportunity to expand the capacity to develop commercial skills and learn about this pharmaceutical industry in the area of ​​imports, braces and see how market is potential in the region through the commercialization of strategic business points.