Maestría Agronegocios
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Ítem Identificación de la factibilidad técnica y ambiental del cultivo de cáñamo, Cannabis Sativa L, en la vereda Las Quebradas, Piedecuesta, Santander: un enfoque en la nueva ruralidad y la sostenibilidad(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2025-02-18) Valdivieso Mendoza, Silvia Juliana; Estupiñán Aponte, Luis CarlosThis project aims to identify the technical and environmental feasibility of hemp cultivation in the village of Las Quebradas, Piedecuesta, Santander, Colombia. It is proposed as a comprehensive strategy to revitalize rural areas and promote sustainable development in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations. Special emphasis is placed on goals related to affordable and clean energy (SDG 7), fostering industry, innovation, and infrastructure (SDG 9), and promoting sustainable production and consumption patterns (SDG 12). In response to challenges such as youth migration to urban areas, the decline of the active rural population, environmental degradation caused by inadequate agricultural practices, overexploitation of natural resources, the disconnect between production and markets, and the lack of added value in agricultural production, this study seeks new economically and environmentally sustainable opportunities for the rural community of Piedecuesta. The importance of diversifying production methods and accessing environmentally friendly products is emphasized. The study is based on a comprehensive analysis that combines the principles of new rurality and sustainability. It examined aspects such as the availability of suitable land for cultivation, the municipality’s compatibility with the agroecological factors required for hemp development, the potential for job creation, and possible environmental impacts. In conclusion, productive alternatives are offered that foster rural development and promote hemp cultivation as a viable and sustainable option, significantly contributing to the well-being and prosperity of rural communities in Colombia.Ítem Formulación de estrategias participativas con los productores asociados a COOCIC para su alistamiento frente a la Norma de Aceite de Palma Sostenible de Colombia(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-09-11) Sánchez Reyes, David Segundo; Blanco Tirado, Teresa del SocorroThis study was conducted with the objective of formulating strategies with a participatory approach to help small producers associated with COOCIC advance in complying with the NE001 standard for Sustainable Palm Oil from Colombia (APSCO), in the municipality of Tamalameque, Cesar. These producers face significant challenges, such as climate change and market regulations, which affect the commercialization of palm oil in the European market, making certification in sustainability standards necessary. The research used a non-experimental descriptive methodology based on territorial planning. A census of the 38 producers was conducted using a questionnaire of 142 questions to determine the sustainability index (IDS), considering practices established in the economic, environmental, and social dimensions of the standard. The results obtained reveal that the overall average sustainability index (IDS) of the producers was 43.1%. This percentage highlights critical areas that require attention, particularly in the environmental and social dimensions, which received scores of 21.2% and 38.1%, respectively. Identified limitations include non-compliance with environmental and labor regulations, particularly in aspects such as water resource management, chemical waste management, protection of flora and fauna, labor formalization, and the occupational health and safety management system (SGSST).Ítem Plan de negocios para una empresa productora y comercializadora de sales mineralizadas para bovinos en la provincia de García Rovira(2024-07-08) Álvarez Palomino, Laura Vanessa; Ardila Pinto, Tilcia YanethIn the province of García Rovira, there are no companies producing mineralized salts for cattle. The project aims to determine the feasibility of establishing this agribusiness through market, technical, and financial studies, with the goal of boosting the region's growth and development. The project was of a mixed type, with an exploratory statistical approach through observation and a descriptive study applying survey techniques through data collection, systematization, analysis, and dissemination. As a result, the market study revealed a promising opportunity for creating the company; there is significant product demand among ranchers, with 94.23% using mineralized salts and a purchase intention of 19 tons per month, showing favorable disposition from key market players. The technical study identified significant opportunities, highlighting the importance of operational efficiency, territorial focus, and commitment to social and environmental responsibility. The installed capacity is 45 tons per month, starting with 42% utilized capacity and an annual growth projection of 12%, estimating that in five years the company will utilize 90% of installed capacity, reaching 487.2 tons annually. Finally, the financial study confirms the business's viability and profitability potential, achieving a 25% net profit margin per product sold and a gross profit margin of 14.3%, reflecting efficient cost management. From the first year, the company will generate $28,733,085 in profits. The project's IRR is 7.39% in the first year, indicating profitability and the ability to generate attractive returns for investors. In five years, 65.67% of the initial investment will be recovered, presenting the project as a solid and innovative opportunity in the province of García Rovira.Ítem Análisis de la Dinámica Comercial del Aceite de Palma en el Mercado Global y su Proyección en la Agroindustria Colombiana(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-04-08) Ocampo Corrales, Luis Felipe; Carolina, Rossi LazoVegetable oils are raw materials for the production of food, cosmetics, personal care productos, and biofuels; this is due to its high and growing demand in the global market. Mereover, Palm oil accounts for 36% of global production, followed by soybeans, rapeseed and sunflower, among others. In the world ranking, the main palm oil producing countries are Indonesia with a 59% share in production, Malasia with 25%, Tailandia with 3%, followed by Colombia in fourth place in world production with a 2% share with approximately 1.6 million tons by 2020 and 1.7 million tons in 2022.Ítem Propuesta para la creación de un hotel tipo glamping en el municipio de Guadalupe, Santander(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-11-20) León Mendoza, Jorge Alejandro; Buitrago Nuñez, Diana AstridThe absence of a glamping-type hotel to offer new and innovative services for tourists was identified as a problem, the general objective was to develop a business plan for the creation of a glamping-type hotel in the municipality of Guadalupe, Santander. To this end, specific objectives are established: identify the sociodemographic characteristics of potential clients and thus recognize their market niches. Also, the tourist plant of the municipality was characterized, evidencing the offer or competition present in it. Likewise, to potentiate the impact of the project, a portfolio of products and services was designed, which underlined its differentiation from competitors in the sector. Finally, the financial evaluation that allowed to analyze the feasibility of the project was carried out, being this beneficial for the parties involved. The methodology used, was defined as a mixed approach method, divided into three stages, literature review, questionnaire surveys and assisted interviews. The results of the characterization identify young people, with a medium-high purchasing power, with a high level of training, willing to live an experience in contact with nature without losing comfort conditions. On the part of the hotel offer of the municipality, 95% are managed by local people. A financial viability matrix is presented, allowing the conclusion that in time Gache Glamping will be a strong company in financial matters that will make it sustainable in the market.Ítem Modelo empresarial para la empresa AGROSILVER en el municipio de Sabana de Torres, Santander, Colombia(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-11-29) Sandoval Vargas, Julián Eduardo; Vargas Cediel, Juan Pablo; Buitrago Núñez, Diana AstridThe Purpose of the project was to implement a business model for the company AGROSILVER, located in Sabana de Torres, Santander. The model pretended to create an administrative, productive, and financial structure that could lead to further certifications such as Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), Good Livestock Practices (GLP), as well as RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) certification. A projective qualitative and quantitative research was conducted by means of implementing surveys, interviews, and field observations which allowed a deep analysis of the company’s current situation, leading to the suggestion of possible alternatives to optimize the administrative, productive, and financial processes of the business. AGROSILVER’s information of the last two business years was used to create the SWOT base of this project. As a result of the matrix, a proposal for the administrative structure was presented, which included a new business mission and vision, an organizational chart with departments, divisions, responsibilities, and job profiles. The proposal also suggested the implementation of standardized programs on productive processes and included an evaluation of the company's financial statements in order to determine the business’ possible growth within a period of five years and to predict the possible profitability of the company based of different financial models. Finally, improvement proposals were presented. These proposals will substantially favour AGROSILVER's organizational model, enhancing the company’s position in the market, enabling in turn, medium to long-term sustainability.Ítem Perspectivas comerciales del agronegocio de tomate producido bajo cubierta en el Municipio de Betulia, Santander(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-11-22) Arguello Granados, Sergio Alberto; Paez Ardila, Diana CarolinaThis research work was developed with the objective of proposing a marketing scheme for Betulia farmers in the department of Santander, in which the different marketing schemes that are implemented in many places in the world were identified. A contextualization of tomato production at a global and national level was carried out; the research carried out is descriptive and explanatory in nature. As a primary source, a survey was applied to characterize the farmers where it was possible to know: the personal and household profile of the farmers, their economic aspects, aspects related to production and its marketing. As results, four determining aspects were raised to generate a marketing scheme promoting: technological aspects, safety, associativity and chaining with integration of added value, with the objective of proposing improvements in the commercial management of tomato farmers in the municipality of Betulia Santander.Ítem Análisis del sistema agroalimentario implementado en las comunidades con situación de vulnerabilidad socioeconómica para determinar los efectos en la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en Puerto Wilches(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-01-24) Pérez García, César Augusto; Estupiñán Aponte, Luis Carlos; Universidad Santo Tomáswhich is located on the banks of the Magdalena River 143 kilometers from the city of Bucaramanga, whose main economic activities are the planting of African palm, small-scale agriculture and livestock. Today, agri-food systems are replaced by conventional agriculture and extractive economies, mainly oil palm and oil extraction in the territory. However, the Small Agricultural Producers of the municipality contribute from their plots with the supply of locally produced food, guaranteeing the transport of food to the local market, made up of small neighborhood shops, able to distribute food to communities in situations of socio-economic vulnerability. For the development of this project, a methodological framework of qualitative and quantitative research was used; the latter method is based on the search for secondary information contained in the coordination instruments. articulation and follow-up arranged for the SAN of the Wilchense territory. In the case of the qualitative method, it is ethnographic, supported by primary information collection instruments, such as; semi-structured interviews, recordings and field observations of small-scale food producers in conditions of socio-economic vulnerability and to the entities responsible for agri-food intervention in the region. From the results obtained, it was determined that the producers of Puerto Wilches have ancestral knowledge inherited and transmitted from generation to generation, which have been perfected with daily work. This knowledge favors the care of the environment and helps the sustainable development of the municipality. The production obtained is not varied, but it contributes to family nutrition and strengthens food sovereignty. On the other hand, the lack of synergy of the institutions identified in the territory that support the agri-food system was evidenced, which leads to a lower food coverage for communities in a situation of socioeconomic vulnerability. Nevertheless, this document presents a series of recommendations that contribute to the improvement of the current agrifood system, as an academic contribution from this research.