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Ítem Hallazgos de la revista RIIEP (Revista Interamericana de Investigación y Pedagogía), Volumen 16.1(2023-11-08) Fonseca Castellanos, Andrés Esteban;; Inter-American Journal of Research, Education and Pedagogy (RIIEP), was born in 2008 with the purpose of publishing original articles resulting from research, reflection and review articles on issues of education, pedagogy and cultural studies conducted by communities interested in social issues. The purpose of this document is to perform a bibliometric analysis of the articles published for RIIEP in the year 2023, in volume 16.1. This analysis is based on a review of the publications, where the findings made by the authors of the different articles are taken into account, according to the thematic axes of the journal. The aim is to analyze the social impact of the journals and their contribution to knowledge. As a conclusion, it is evident that in its volume 16.1, the Inter-American Journal of Education and Pedagogy, houses different articles that contribute new knowledge to pedagogy, with various educational models or strategies in different areas. In addition, these articles seek to study various aspects of cultural interest related to pedagogy, as is the case of renewable energies and digital educational contexts. In this way, the findings made by the published researchers are articulated with the thematic axes and objectives of the journal.Ítem Hallazgos de la revista RIIEP (Revista Interamericana de Investigación y Pedagogía), Volumen 16.2(2023-11-08) Fonseca Castellanos, Andrés Esteban;; Inter-American Journal of Research, Education and Pedagogy (RIIEP), was born in 2008 with the purpose of publishing original articles resulting from research, reflection and review articles on issues of education, pedagogy and cultural studies conducted by communities interested in social issues. The purpose of this document is to perform a bibliometric analysis of the articles published for RIIEP in the year 2023, in volume 16.2. This analysis is based on a review of the publications, where the findings made by the authors of the different articles are taken into account, according to the thematic axes of the journal. The aim is to analyze the social impact of the journals and their contribution to knowledge. As a conclusion, it is evident that in its volume 16.2, the Inter-American Journal of Education and Pedagogy, houses different articles that contribute new knowledge to pedagogy, with various educational models or strategies in different areas. In addition, these articles seek to study various aspects of cultural interest related to pedagogy, such as the impact of education on human development or the SDGs themselves. In this way, the findings made by the published researchers are articulated with the thematic axes and objectives of the journal.Ítem Hallazgos de la revista RIIEP (Revista Interamericana de Investigación y Pedagogía), Volumen 15.2(2023-11-08) Fonseca Castellanos, Andrés Esteban;; Inter-American Journal of Research, Education and Pedagogy (RIIEP), was born in 2008 with the purpose of publishing original articles resulting from research, reflection and review articles on issues of education, pedagogy and cultural studies conducted by communities interested in social issues. The purpose of this document is to perform a bibliometric analysis of the articles published for RIIEP in the year 2022, in volume 15.1. This analysis is based on a review of the publications, where the findings made by the authors of the different articles are taken into account, according to the thematic axes of the journal. The aim is to analyze the social impact of the journals and their contribution to knowledge. As a conclusion, it is evident that in its volume 15.1, the Inter-American Journal of Education and Pedagogy, houses different articles that contribute new knowledge to pedagogy, with various educational models or strategies in different areas. In addition, these articles try to study various aspects of cultural interest related to pedagogy, as is the case of the teaching of the armed conflict in Colombia and music as a method of inclusion.Ítem Hallazgos de la revista RIIEP (Revista Interamericana de Investigación y Pedagogía), Volumen 15.1(2023-11-02) Fonseca Castellanos, Andrés Esteban;; Inter-American Journal of Research, Education and Pedagogy (RIIEP), was born in 2008 with the purpose of publishing original articles resulting from research, reflection and review articles on issues of education, pedagogy and cultural studies conducted by communities interested in social issues. The purpose of this document is to perform a bibliometric analysis of the articles published for RIIEP in the year 2022, in volume 15.1. This analysis is based on a review of the publications, where the findings made by the authors of the different articles are taken into account, according to the thematic axes of the journal. The aim is to analyze the social impact of the journals and their contribution to knowledge. As a conclusion, it is evident that in its volume 15.1, the Inter-American Journal of Education and Pedagogy, houses different articles that contribute new knowledge to pedagogy, with various educational models or strategies in different areas. In addition, these articles try to study various aspects of cultural interest related to pedagogy, as is the case of the teaching of the armed conflict in Colombia and music as a method of inclusion.Ítem Análisis bibliométrico de la revista RIIEP (Revista Interamericana de Investigación y Pedagogía), Volúmenes 7 - 5(2023-11-02) Fonseca Castellanos, Andrés Esteban;; Inter-American Journal of Research, Education and Pedagogy (RIIEP), was born in 2008 with the purpose of publishing original articles resulting from research, reflection and review articles on issues of education, pedagogy and cultural studies conducted by communities interested in social issues. The purpose of this document is to perform a bibliometric analysis of the articles published for RIIEP during the period 2012-2014, in volumes 7, 6 and 5. This analysis is based on a review of the publications, where the thematic focuses and research methods used by the authors were taken into account, with the purpose of providing an overview of the contents published in the journal, topics of interest and social impact of the research. As a conclusion, a coherence is evidenced between the editorial line proposed by the journal and the publications of research articles carried out during the years 2012-2014, in volumes 7,6 and 5, whose thematic focuses revolve around education and culture, predominantly the study of gender and equality. In the 3 volumes analyzed, the recurrent practice of the study of discourses and analysis of institutional practices in educational entities is evident. On the other hand, teacher training and academic performance are part of the main thematic axes of the journal. Finally, ICTs appear as a topic of interest, without much concern for virtuality, which will be more relevant in the following publications.Ítem Análisis bibliométrico de la revista RIIEP (Revista Interamericana de Investigación y Pedagogía), Volúmenes 4-2(2023-11-02) Fonseca Castellanos, Andrés Esteban;; Inter-American Journal of Research, Education and Pedagogy (RIIEP), was born in 2008 with the purpose of publishing original articles resulting from research, reflection and review articles on issues of education, pedagogy and cultural studies conducted by communities interested in social issues. The purpose of this document is to perform a bibliometric analysis of the articles published for RIIEP during the period 2011-2009, in volumes 4, 3 and 2. This analysis is based on a review of the publications, where the thematic focuses and research methods used by the authors were taken into account, with the purpose of providing an overview of the contents published in the journal, topics of interest and social impact of the research. As a conclusion, there is evidence of coherence between the editorial line proposed by the journal and the publications of research articles made during the years 2011-2009, in volumes 4,3 and 2, whose thematic focuses revolve around learning methods, teacher training and institutionalism, with a predominance of the study of pedagogical strategies. In the three volumes analyzed, there is evidence of an interest in cultural studies, covering topics such as sociolinguistics or media and mediations in the academic environment. In addition, topics such as politics in education, ICT and academic performance, which despite losing incidence continues to be important, were covered.Ítem Análisis bibliométrico de la revista RIIEP (Revista Interamericana de Investigación y Pedagogía), Volúmenes 16-14(2023-11-02) Fonseca Castellanos, Andrés Esteban;; Inter-American Journal of Research, Education and Pedagogy (RIIEP), was born in 2008 with the purpose of publishing original articles resulting from research, reflection and review articles on issues of education, pedagogy and cultural studies conducted by communities interested in social issues. It is associated to the research response of the Doctorate in Education program of the Faculty of Education of the Open and Distance University (Universidad Abierta y a Distancia). The purpose of this document is to perform a bibliometric analysis of the articles published for the RIIEP, in volumes 16, 15 and 14. This analysis is based on a review of the publications, where the thematic focuses and research methods used by the authors were taken into account, with the purpose of providing an overview of the contents published in the journal, topics of interest and social impact of the research. In conclusion, there is evidence of coherence between the research line of the journal and the articles published, whose thematic focuses revolve around the topic of education and culture, with a predominance of the study of teacher training, educational tools or methodologies and the development of academic skills. On the other hand, there is a strong interest in environmental and cultural studies, as well as virtuality and ICTs, according to the socio-historical context of the pandemic.Ítem Análisis bibliométrico de la revista RIIEP (Revista Interamericana de Investigación y Pedagogía), Volúmenes 13 - 11(2023-11-02) Fonseca Castellanos, Andrés Esteban;; Inter-American Journal of Research, Education and Pedagogy (RIIEP), was born in 2008 with the purpose of publishing original articles resulting from research, reflection and review articles on issues of education, pedagogy and cultural studies conducted by communities interested in social issues. The purpose of this document is to perform a bibliometric analysis of the articles published for RIIEP during the period 2018-2020, in volumes 13, 12 and 11. This analysis is made from a review of the publications, where the thematic focuses and research methods used by the authors were taken into account, this with the purpose of providing an overview of the contents published in the journal, topics of interest and social impact of the research. In conclusion, there is evidence of coherence between the research line of the journal and the articles published, whose thematic focuses revolve around education and culture, with a predominance of the study of learning tools and ICTs. On the other hand, there is a strong interest in the development of tools and/or skills for teaching, as well as cultural studies, organizational culture and the environment. In addition, during this period, several bibliometric studies and literary analyses were presented in the journal.Ítem Análisis bibliométrico de la revista RIIEP (Revista Interamericana de Investigación y Pedagogía), Volúmenes 10 – 8(2023-11-01) Fonseca Castellanos, Andrés Esteban;; Inter-American Journal of Research, Education and Pedagogy (RIIEP), was born in 2008 with the purpose of publishing original articles resulting from research, reflection and review articles on issues of education, pedagogy and cultural studies conducted by communities interested in social issues. The purpose of this document is to perform a bibliometric analysis of the articles published for RIIEP during the period 2015-2017, in volumes 10, 9 and 8. This analysis is made from a review of the publications, where the thematic focuses and research methods used by the authors were taken into account, this with the purpose of providing an overview of the contents published in the journal, topics of interest and social impact of the research. As a conclusion, a coherence is evidenced between the editorial line proposed by the journal and the publications of research articles made during the years 2017-2015, in volumes 10,9 and 8, whose thematic focuses revolve around education and culture, predominantly pedagogical practices and methods. A greater number of publications related to cultural studies and conflict were also evident, contrasting with the simultaneous increase in publications addressing the thematic of institutionalism. In addition, during this period there were a variety of studies on the development of academic competencies and professional profiles.Ítem Caracterización socio económica y de las dinámicas de interacción familiar y laboral de los niños y niñas trabajadores del municipio de Acacias(2021-02-12) Rodriguez Paez, Elsa Ruth;;;Ítem Análisis de la relación existente entre las competencias del programa de Administración de Empresas Agropecuarias y las líneas medulares de investigación de la Universidad Santo Tomás(2021-01-12) Ruiz López, Adriana Isabel;;Ítem Aproximación al perfil criminal del violador en serie en Colombia(2021-02-12) Balaguera Rojas, Monica del Pilar;; study aimed to develop an approach to criminal profile of serial sexual offender in Colombia, based on personality traits of five subjects convicted of violent sexual crime referred in the Colombian penal code.This qualitative research was proposed to Revista EPISTEME / Universidad Santo Tomás/ Villavicencio a 05 develop from the principies of inductive-analytical method with a non-experimental descriptive cross. The information was obtained through research and study strategies of case studies, call interception cassettes, records radio, newspaper records, interviews with researchers and interviews with prosecutors provided by the Division of Crimes Against Life Judicial Police Directorate of the National Police and prosecutors' offices investiga-ting each case. The information was organized through content analysis of matrixes, categorical and sub categorical types. Due to this investigation, an approximation to the criminal profile of serial sexual offenders in Colombia was obtained following the protocol established by the FBI: Physical characteristics of the sexual offender, background, details of the crime, the victim's personal data and data collected from the crime scene.Ítem Caracterización del sector empresarial en la zona urbana del municipio de Restrepo Meta(2021-02-12) Gartner Trejos, Jesús Alejandro; Ramirez Castellanos, Edwar David;;;;;Ítem Los niños y niñas no son menores: Promoción de los derechos de niños y niñas desde un enfoque social participativo proyecto de investigación proyección social, pastoral universitario y el área de humanidades(2021-02-11) Rodríguez Paez, Elsa Ruth;;; violence that affects and undermines the rights of children is a social phenomenon evident in the history and across cultures. Their demonstra- tions take on meanings and significance from the social representations and the dynamics of power that legitimized. The growing concern felt, and informed by various disciplines, about the importance of ensuring the full development of the child and the child and their access to the rights proclaimed in the 1989 Convention, to promote the social and human development in all nations, has led to new laws in the country and likewise has had greater influence in the formulation of public policies regarding children and adolescents. However, the existence of such regulations is no guarantee of a change in social practices that even in the XXI century have not been changed in relation to the treatment and recognition of the dignity of children and adolescents. It is therefore essential that the university is committed to the process of transforming the practice of violence towards children, reaching from the research and social outreach for the voice and the reality of children is heard and viewed, and to be the children themselves who build and propose new forms of relationship and recognition of their particularity.Ítem Las ciencias sociales: de la explicación a la comprensión ensayo(2021-01-12) Rodríguez Paez, Elsa Ruth;;; about social sciences and the role of epistemology in their constitution as sciences, places us in the primary exercise of identifying what has been the historical scenario from which the question of social reality and the psychological as a peculiar object of science has been forged. In the same way, it brings us face to face with the question of the methods of approaching this reality as well as the conception of science in the West and the hegemony, it seems that still more in force than ever, of the Galilean and positivist model, against which the scientific foundation is debated by the construction of the epistemology of the social sciences that proposes a teleological or hermeneutic model to do science.Ítem Lo bueno y lo malo de ser hombre o de ser mujer: Representaciones sociales de género en niños y niñas estudiantes de una Institución Educativa del área rural en el Departamento del Meta(2021-02-11) Rodríguez Paez, Elsa Ruth;;; article shows the children's comprehension about the positive and negative aspects of being man or woman, which were gathered in the development of the sexual education's project from the Simon Bolivar educational institution in La Palmera town, municipality of San Carlos de Guaroa. It was made a comprehensive approach about the children's comprehension of being man or woman. In order to make this work, it was used a population of 3 15 students from sixth to eleven grade. Its comprehension will let us contribute to the development of educational proposals materialized in teaching strategies that acknowledge the teaching communitiesÍtem La gobernanza organizacional en las instituciones de educación superior(2020-08-20) Torregrosa Jiménez, Norhys Esther; Moreno Munevar, Luisa Fernanda; Carreño Dueñas, Dalia; Moya Vargas, Manuel Fernandom; Piñeros Cortes, Carlos Alberto;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Ítem Gobernanza de la educación virtual: horizontalidad sin más(2020-08-20) Carreño Dueñas, Dalia; Torregrosa Jiménez, Norhy Esther; Moya Vargas, Manuel Fernando; Piñeros Cortes, Carlos Alberto;;;;;;;;;;;;Ítem New Frontiers in Higher Education(2020-08-20) Moreno, Luisa Fernanda; Torregrosa Jiménez, Norhys Esther; Carreño Dueñas, Dalia; Moya Vargas, Manuel Fernando; Piñeros Cortes, Carlos Alberto;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,; this document, the author comparatively exposes the behaviour of higher education institutions in the United States before and after the Second World War; which once ended, placed the country as one of the two world superpowers of the moment.Ítem Aprendizaje con valores internos(2020-08-20) Aparicio Gómez, Oscar Yecid; Ostos Ortiz, Olga Lucía;;;;