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Ítem Paz ambiental y el posacuerdo colombiano. Reflexiones preliminares(2020-11-19) Idrobo, Jhon Alexander; Pascagasa Usaquén, María Alejandra; Jaime Ruíz, Edwin Diomedes; Reyes Alfonso, Daniela; Puerto Villamizar, Valentina;;;;;;;;;;;; 0000-0002-2228-0002; 0000-0002-7032-5981; 0000-0002-4218-9249; 0000-0001-5619-7699; 0000-0001-6172-2451The concept of peace within the framework of the Colombian post-agreement has had different aspects to be approached and has generated countless discussions regarding what it means to finally make peace¸ build peace, make peace; From academic resources, numerous texts have already been dedicated and debates have been generated on the subject, making it part of the academic-culture that has managed to categorize the multiple levels and actors of the historical conflict in the country. However, the reconstruction of peace itself seems to have fallen into a disciplinary reflection that seems to be abstracted from a specific Colombia. Faced with this reality, the commitment to recognize the various peace, peace, perhaps with surnames such as territorial, environmental, tries to rescue new and old narratives that bet on transcending studies on conflicts to provide solutions and real initiatives within the framework of post-war rehabilitation, giving way to reflection within and outside the communities that have been involved in the issue. Environmental peace as a struggle and as an investigation has had a great impact in recent decades at the regional and national level, taking into account that during that time the issue has had various problems due to disputes and conflict over natural resources. In Colombia, this dispute has taken place with different actors in different territories, within these are multinationals, communities, collectives and armed groups, where the post-agreement has assumed an important role, making this situation a debate taken by various entities and social groups that try to develop the different problems within the subject, making a group of reflections from different perspectives against it. That is why in the following working document it presents a preliminary reflection to leave the task of thinking about environmental peace on the common agendaÍtem Ontología latinoamericana. Fase 2: Ontología indígena(2020-06-26) Idrobo Velasco, Jhon Alexánder; Cepeda H., Juan; Piedrahíta H., Jadany; Chicuazuque A., Viviana; Barragán, Miguel Ángel; Rodríguez, Manuel;;;;;;;;; Ontology in Latin America research project is presented in its second phase: indigenous ontology, giving continuity to the project already started and advanced in its first phase, now taking advantage of some phonographic archives of talks offered by indigenous people of the Amazon, from which They will investigate the ontological guidelines of indigenous thought. Indigenous ontology seeks to investigate the foundations that govern ancestral thinking and investigate contributions that from this knowledge can be offered to understand the problem of beingÍtem Segunda parte: ontología poética latinoamericana. Capítulo 5. Sentipensar ontológico latinoamericano(2016) Cepeda H., Juan;;;Ítem Primera parte. Aproximación ontológica 11 a la poética latinoamericana. Capítulo 4. A lo profundo. Una aproximación ontológica a la obra de Hugo Mujica(2016) Bolaños Flórez, Edwin; Cepeda H., Juan;;;Ítem Primera parte. Aproximación ontológica 11 a la poética latinoamericana. Capítulo 3. Posibilidad ontológica de Martín Fierro(2016) Chicuazuque Ávila, Lady Viviana;Ítem Primera parte. Aproximación ontológica 11 a la poética latinoamericana. Capítulo 1. Ontología poética indígena colombiana(2016) Cárdenas Arias, Julián;;Ítem Capítulo 3: Seminalidad pachasófica del estar-siendo abyayalense(2020-06-02) Orrego Echeverría, Israel Arturo;;Ítem Capítulo 2: Tiempo-espacio en el pensamiento andino(2020-06-02) Orrego Echeverría, Israel Arturo;;Ítem Capítulo 1: Tiempo-espacio en una brevísima historia de la física y de la ontología heideggeriana(2020-06-02) Orrego Echeverría, Israel Arturo;;Ítem La comprensión de la paz en Colombia(2019-08) Idrobo Velasco, Jhon Alexander; Cepeda, Juan;;;;;; research project aims to review in a transdisciplinary way the conceptions of peace that have demarcated historical processes in the country. It is an exercise in interpreting the paradigms in which conceptualization has moved in different milestones of the national conflict and its interstices. Research is a bid to critically define peace (by reviewing scope) beyond individual perception in an effort to reconcile the multiplicity of meanings; in other words, it is about promoting an ontology of peace, that is, a dialogue between disciplines to create a common record of the concept that efficiently contributes to reflections on the practices of reconciliation, mediation, dialogues, and negotiations. , among others, where the use of language has been taken for granted without realizing how misleading it can be when speaking concretely about peace. This company requires rigorous work in the research and systematization of the information that must be tracked at various levels (institutional, academic, organizations, among others) that will allow the analysis and interpretation of what has been said about peace. It is necessary to start from the fact that, in practical terms, one of the significant contributions of the research will be the consolidation of a common framework for the Institute of Peace and Development IPAZDE USTA, from where the research bets on peace, the peace building, accompaniment and intervention in communities victims and survivors of the conflict, as well as the definition of guidelines to continue the dialogues from the places of enunciation proper to each faculty, department and institute, which through IPAZDE would manage to consolidate itself as a center of thought that contributes to the understanding of the moment of transition in which Colombia finds itselfÍtem Informes de avance Fodein 2018Cepeda., Juan;;;; document contains the progress of the achievements made in the execution of the Fodein 2018 project that were approved for the Tlamatinime research group in its content, the reader can make an approximation to the framework and the methodological approach proposed by the researchers to solve the social and academic problems that are related to their objectives and in coherence with the lines of research that support the projects.Ítem Ontología en América Latina. Fase 1: Ontología Existencial(2017-08-10) Cepeda H., Juan; Idrobo Velasco, Alexánder; Chicuazuque, Viviana; Barragán, Miguel Ángel; Piedrahíta, JadanyÍtem Entre Quetzacoatl y Pishimisak: Ontología existencial del Abya Yala. De Kusch y el pensamiento originario(2016) Cepeda H., Juan; J. Alexánder, Idrobo-VelascoÍtem Sentipensar ontológico latinoamericano.(2016) Cepeda H., JuanÍtem Cuanto semilla de Kusch: De la sabiduría de América como Filosofía latinoamericana.(2014) Cepeda H., JuanÍtem Naturaleza, Transnaturaleza y Trascendencia en Darío Botero Uribe.(2013) Cepeda H., JuanÍtem Joan de Santa Cruz Pachacuti y la Ontología Latinoamericana(2012) Cepeda H., JuanÍtem Problemas de metafísica y ontología en América Latina(2010) Cepeda H, JuanThe being issue raise some specific questions when it is studied from Latin America: Did pre-columbian villages wonder about the being? How was metaphysics taught during the colonial period? Have anybody from Latin America came out with original proposals in metaphysics and ontology? And in a future, is it possible to reveal a Latin-American ontology? In this article you will find some advancement of the possible answers about the questions mentioned before which is the result of the development of the Investigation Project Metaphysics problems in Latin America (2008-2010).