Pregrado Licenciatura en Filosofía y Lengua Castellana

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    Mejoramiento de la lectura y escritura en los niños del Centro de Proyección de Cazucá a partir de la Inteligencia Lingüística de Howard Gardner
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2013) Hernández Pardo, Lesly Dayana; Hernández Pardo, Alberto; Universidad Santo Tomas; Universidad Santo Tomas
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    Una Tesis Walseriana: Hacia la Concepción del Héroe Mínimo en Jakob Von Gunten
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023) Lima Castro, Juan Sebastián; Cáceres, Carolina; Universidad Santo Tomás;
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    Análisis del Modelo Lector de la Obra Vista Desde una Acera del Escritor Colombiano Alfredo Molano
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-04-09) Forero Guzmán, Patricia; Pongutá Puerto, César Fredy Noel; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;
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    Opio en las Nubes: los Espacios Habitados
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-04-09) Rojas Morales, María Fernanda; Cárdenas Sánchez, Ninfa Stella; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;
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    La Perspectiva Filosófica de la Erraticidad como Fuente de Inspiración para la Didáctica Escolar
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-02-01) Ortega López, David Nicolás; Vallejo Molina, Rubén Dario; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;
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    Encartados: Proyecto de Correspondencia Escolar para Fortalecer el Proceso Lecto Escritor en Estudiantes de Grado Tercero en las Instituciones Gimnasio Superior Nuevos Andes y Colegio Nuestra Señora del Rosario Bogotá
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-12-06) Rivera Robles, Andrea Carolina; Vallejo Molina, Rubén Darío; Universidad Santo Tomás;;
    The implementation of Freinet Techniques allows the introduction of activities in the Spanish language class that involve communicative tasks, which in turn go beyond the classroom and motivate students to read and write. Through School Correspondence, students have the possibility of creating their own texts by exchanging ideas and experiences, of carrying out collaborative work, of strengthening their autonomy and emotional bonds, and of shaping the learning content according to their communicative needs; which at the same time, gives the teacher the option of articulating the didactic component of the class (mandatory content for each course) with the creative and social function of language, so that the reading-writing experience is filled with meaning for both parties. Considering the above, this teaching internship aims to promote class activities that involve the social and communicative functions of language using real contexts, so that students are not only inspired to read and write but also feel more confident when creating their own texts.
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    Las Estrellas son Negras de Arnoldo Palacios en Clave Ecocrítica
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-01-26) Vargas González, Andrés Federico; Cáceres, Carolina; Universidad Santo Tomás;
    In the present research work, the novel Las estrellas son negras (1949) by the Chocoan writer Arnoldo Palacios is addressed, based on some elements of the theoretical proposal of eco-criticism, which properly refers to the text Ecocrítica poscolonial y literatura moderna latinoamericana del autor William Flores. Here eco-criticism is understood as a unification between sciences and letters that gives way to the study of the relations between literature and the environment. Through the categories addressed by the biocentric eco-critique (man, nature, rural, urban) it is intended to show how nature influences man’s life within the novel in different spaces and serves as a key to interpretation.
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    Sobre la claridad que ofrece la idea del Bien al pensamiento en la analogía del sol de Platón
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023) Cardozo Prada, Jhonattan; Martínez Millán, Hernán; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;
    This research delves into the Idea of the Good theory which is found in the sun analogy in Plato's Republic Book VI. In this analogy we find an epistemological theory about clarity and luminosity that the Idea of Good brings to thought. According to Plato, it makes possible an approach between the soul and truth. In general, analogy states that sunlight is what allows physical objects to be visible to the eyes. Likewise, the Idea of Good acts with luminosity in thought. The theory of a luminosity experience that the Idea of Good offers proposed me to make an esoteric interpretation taking into account the symbols and images that Plato uses to expose his theory. Thus we find closeness with a deeply religious visión
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    La Unidad del Conocimiento Humano en el Realismo Cognitivo de Juan José Sanguineti
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-01-22) García Revueltas, Leonel Andrés; Fernando, Wilson; Universidad Santo Tomás;;
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    El Estatus Moral de los Sistemas Inteligentes Artificiales.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-01-19) Rodríguez Hernández, Brayan Fabián; Moreno Ortiz, Juan Carlos; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
    This work focuses on the thesis of the moral agency of technological artifacts, drawing on ideas presented by theorists and philosophers of technology. Throughout this study, fundamental concepts related to responsibility and autonomy are analyzed and discussed, with a specific focus on the technological context. The main objective of this research is to address the fundamental question of whether artificial intelligences deserve a moral status and how this issue relates to moral relevance and its significance in contemporary society. Over the course of this exploration, a comprehensive overview of the agency and morality of artificial intelligences is presented, taking into account significant contributions from various central perspectives on the subject, and what this perspective could offer to the field of philosophy of technology.
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    Nostalgia y Repetición - Reflexiones a Propósito de la Enfermedad Nostálgica y el Malestar de la Modernidad
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-01-19) Rodríguez Soche, Brandon Andrey; Díaz Guzmán, Omar David; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
    Nostalgia and Repetition is a philosophical text grounded in the investigation of diseases of the spirit. The thesis we defend throughout this work is that nostalgia emerges as a corrupt mutation of melancholy, and it is from this mutation that a discomfort of the spirit arises, intensified by the unrestrained desire for repetition. The relevance of this research is based on providing, through the study of diseases of the spirit, a theoretical component capable of accounting for the tragic and nostalgic condition of modernity. The development of this research is an investigative proposal of the phenomenon of nostalgia through reflection on the afflictions of the spirit
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    Del análisis textual al análisis del discurso: Un estudio del discurso de Hernán Peláez
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023) Argüello Castillo, Anggi Lorena; Cárdenas Sánchez, Ninfa Stella; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
    This work presents the analysis of eight opinion columns written by the journalist and sports commentator Hernán Peláez, for the newspaper El Espectador regarding Colombian football (phase one of the 2022 BetPlay League). The Guide theory is part of the perspective of Discourse Analysis proposed by the analyst Teun Van Dijk, so that grammatical aspects will be taken into account and structural aspects of the discourse, as well as implications of the content. Specifically, the role of discourse in the incarnation and in the reproduction of power and the abuse of power (domination), which They occur through the production, understanding and representation of information journalism, and more precisely the speeches inserted in the eight columns.
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    Hacia una Propuesta Sobre el “Ser Visto desde América Latina” Diálogo a partir de Martin Heidegger y Nimio de Anquín Sobre la Re-significación de «Ser»
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-12-18) Delgadillo Velasco, Laura Fernanda; Ríos Plazas, Mabel Lilian; Universidad Santo Tomás;;
    The current academic work focuses on the ontological foundations of philosophy. It has two main areas of focus: 20th-century philosophy with Martin Heidegger and Latin American philosophy through the Argentine philosopher Nimio de Anquín. It presents specific categories of the ontological-philosophical development of each author based on a categorical framework obtained from their foundational texts and critical apparatus. First, the categories used to approach Heidegger's ontology are: ( Sein, Da-sein, and Entity) De Anquín's ontology are:( Presence, Entity, and Being). The research intent that frames this document is to present the points of convergence and conceptual differences identified in the process of reading and categorical interpretation for the construction of a dialogue concerning the debate on being in Latin America within the framework of Aquinian philosophy.
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    Un Acercamiento a la Novela Orgullo y Prejuicio de Jane Austen
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-09-28) Rojas Rodriguez, Lizeth Juliana; Cárdenas Sánchez, Ninfa Stella; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
    Jane Austen finds herself in a world in which she lived and which contributed and influenced the creation of his novels, especially Pride and Prejudice, one of the most read novels, which has also been made into a film, in which the author displays her capacity not only to paint the characters and the world they inhabit, but to weave the threads that relate.
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    "Poe-tica: escritura y composición poética en la obra de Edgar Allan Poe"
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-07-19) Torregroza Beleño, Miguel Ángel; Pongutá Puerto, Cesar Fredy; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;
    This monograph is a serious and committed approach to the work of the american writer Edgar Allan Poe, in order to outline some of the features that characterize not only his creative work but also his theoretical encounters with writing. To achieve this intricate goal it is necessary to find the threads that link him to the complex and sometimes indescifrable world such as Romanticism and Gothic. The main reasons and approaches that constitute Poe's aesthetic theory are also explained in this project, which is constructed through essays, letters, literary critics and stories. Thus to pour on the author’s work the concepts previously mentioned, párticularly in four outstanding and well known stories: The masque of the red death, Brenice, Morella and the Tell-tale Heart.
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    Tras las Huellas del Crimen: Análisis Semiótico a La Pista de Hielo (1993) y Vientos de Cuaresma (1994)
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-09-21) Orjuela Riaño, María Fernanda; Pongutá Puerto, César Fredy Noel; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
    The human being is constantly searching for meaning in the elements that surround him with the aim of giving meaning to life; Literature is no stranger to these spaces and, through its letters, provides a response to those considerations. This paper inquires the ways in which crime is presented in the novels La pista de hielo (1993) and Vientos de Cuaresma (1994), which belong to the canon of the Latin American neo-police genre. Both literaty works approach homicide as a central theme with different perspectives. Bolaño presents the crime in his novel La pista de hielo (1993) through a polyphonic triad focused on the perspective of those involved, moving away from the usual narrative schemes; while Padura shows in Vientos de Cuaresma (1994) the familiarity of the genre when dealing with a police investigation with the investigator as narrator who tries to discover the identity of the murderer. To address the presentation of the crime, the semiotics developed by Algirdas Greimas was used as a theoretical proposal due to the rigor of its schemes which, in turn, have a degree of flexibility for the treatment of the texts.
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    Del Objeto a la Identidad de la Obra de arte. Una Reflexión a Partir de Arthur Danto.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-09-19) Martinez Guevara, Pedro William; Ramírez Barreto, Edgar Arturo; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
    The text explores the difficulty faced by the viewer when visiting a museum today, as some works of art may seem incomprehensible and, for some, evoke the question: "what is a work of art?" This questioning has been a recurring theme in art history. In this sense, the present text aims to explore the thought of Arthur Danto and his proposal to construct a complete definition of art capable of accounting for any artistic expression. Danto examines the rupture caused by Andy Warhol to investigate the essence of art and evaluate the qualities that were believed to be characteristic of art, in order to find its own qualities.
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    Tomás de Aquino. Metafísica, Epistemología y Pedagogía, un camino hacia la realización de los seres humanos.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-07-30) Marulanda Quintero, Andrés Felipe; Mendoza Rivera, Fray Wilson Fernando O.P; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;
    The work shows the thought of Thomas Aquinas as an important teaching-learning tool in grows and formation about issues of human beings. Through three clear moments; first, contextualize the thought of Saint Thomas Aquinas and the generalities of his thought, specifically the concepts of Entity, essence, act and posibility( be able to); second, to relate these concepts with his epistemological position regarding the answer to how man knows (teaching-learning process) and third, to account in reality why the relationship between metaphysics and epistemology directly influences the formation and realization of the person and how´s this allowed open spaces for be better on the way to teach and especially the way about how and what teach of Philosophy..
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    El "estar siendo" y el "ser alguien" desde el guion de el abrazo de la serpiente
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-07-13) Tobo Pérez, Michael Yessid; Jimenez Quenguan, Myriam; Universidad Santo Tomás
    This Monograph analyzes how the categories of “ser alguien” and “estar siendo” operating, from the thought of Rodolfo Kusch, and their relationship with the main characters of the film El abrazo de la serpiente. The study presents three moments: first, the identification of the concepts of being someone and being, from the work of Kusch; second, the characterization of the sociocultural context of the characters in the cinematographic work; and, third, the application of the Kuschean ontological categories, in the characters of the film. Kusch's works such as The Seduction of Barbarism, Profound America, Indigenous and Popular Thought in Latin America, are the main theoretical support. The methodological design obeys a type of hermeneutic and comparative studies that generate a dialogue between philosophy and cinema, for which reason the script by the film's director, Ciro Guerra, is also an essential source. One of the final conclusions is that both the philosopher and the film invite an authentic reconciliation between humans and nature.
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    Hannah Arendt: Pensar con Otros Como Pensar Consigo Mismo
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-06-09) Alonso Osorio, Laura Carolina; Galvis Cristancho, Luz Emilse; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;
    This monograph explores the Socratic-Kantian heritage in Hannah Arendt's philosophy, placed between the intra-subjectivity of "internal dialogue" in Socrates and the intersubjective principle of publicity proposed by Kant. In the co-relationship between "thinking for oneself" and "thinking with others", the reflective judgment opens the path to think the politics in an affirmative way, thus making it possible to develop a common sense attentive to human plurality by means of the autonomy, representative thought and coherence. More than guiding political action, judgment as a faculty of thought implies taking others into account in the construction of the public world to the extent that it recognizes the dignity of each political actor, removing him/her from all forms of political domination. Based on a strong sense of public space, Arendt proposes a rationality attentive to plurality, through the concept of amor mundi, the interest in participating and being part of public affairs.