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  • Ítem
    La investigación en educación matemática en Colombia: una acción transformadora
    (2020-10-20) Flórez Rojano, Iván Darío; Céspedes Guevara, Nelly Yolanda;;;;;
  • Ítem
    Tendencias de Investigación en la Licenciatura en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Matemáticas (VUAD) desde el año 2000 al 2013
    (2020-10-20) Flórez Rojano, Iván Darío; Zamora Coronado, Hugo Edver; Ordoñez Ríos, Sandra Liliana;;;;;;;
  • Ítem
    Antecedentes de los centros de investigación de las Facultades de Psicología y Cultura Física, Deporte y Recreación
    (2020-10-20) Facultad de Psicología - Universidad Santo Tomás, sede Bogotá
  • Ítem
    Hacia la configuración de los centros de investigación
    (2020-09-10) Gómez, Francy; Borja Orozco, Henry;
  • Ítem
    La enseñanza de las Humanidades en diálogo interdisciplinar desde un contexto para la paz. Fase II: Prácticas de enseñanza en las IES colombianas
    (2019-08) Patiño Montero, Freddy; Orozco Forero, Trinidad; Sánchez Hernández, Paola Andrea; Castañeda Jácome, Juan Sebastián;;;;;;;;
    The project “The teaching of the Humanities in interdisciplinary dialogue from a context for peace. Phase II: Teaching practices in Colombian HEIs ”, has as background Phase I, topics for the revision of theoretical, institutional sources and empirical references, through inquiry with direct agents of the teaching processes in the framework from the USTA, in distance technology, from the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies. Now, in this second phase, it is expected to be able to make a review with the 296 Colombian HEIs and, from there, establish certain of them have clearly established departments or areas of Humanities, from which the teaching processes of the humanities as a transversal and complementary axis, for the sake of verifying comprehensive training; consecrated among others by the Political Constitution of Colombia and the legislative framework of the educational service and by its own disciplinary interest. From the above, it will be possible to characterize the conceptions, teaching, learning and evaluation practices within the framework of HEI, which were selected according to the controlled methodological criteria. The purpose is to be able to reach at least three HEIs (3) from different regions of the country, in which the processes of citizen formation and for peace are an urgent necessity due to the proximity of the armed conflict.
  • Ítem
    Centros de Ciencia en Colombia: Intercambio y transferencia de conocimiento para la comunicación social de la ciencia y el fomento de la cultura científica
    (2019-08) Blanco Valbuena, Carlos Emilio;
    Our interest in this research is based on the continuous search for certainties that lead us to have relevant and significant knowledge about the role of Science Centers and Museums that are communicators of science, technology and innovation in society. For example: Maloka, Science and Game, Explora, Botanical Garden of Medellín, Botanical Garden of Bogotá, Museum of Natural Sciences Federico Carlos Lehmann in Cali and Neomundo in Bucaramanga, etc. that knowledge management practices can be used for the exchange and transfer of specific knowledge with citizens, as one of the ways for the social communication of science and the promotion of a scientific culture. The importance of the existence of Science and Technology Centers and Museums is because from their origins they have a greater educational vocation thanks to the availability of multiple resources that arouses an experimental attitude in the visitor. From the focus of central knowledge management, our attention is focused on exchange and transfer strategies as ways to communicate science and promote scientific culture. The exchange of knowledge, seen from the development of the attitude, the will, the understanding and the interest to learn from Science. Knowledge transfer is a process of exchange, both tacit and explicit, that can occur between two agents, and during which one of them receives and uses the knowledge provided by the other. Finally, we wish to observe the incidence of the above strategies in the communication strategy of specific knowledge and in the promotion of scientific culture in citizens who visit science centers and museums. The importance of a study in these science centers and museums lies in the fact that Colombia is in third place in that they have an educational, scientific and cultural potential of this kind, after countries like Mexico and Brazil. Similarly, the scarcity of studies in this regard that presents evidence to have a knowledge of reality.