Pregrado Gobierno y Relaciones Internacionales

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    Prostitución en Mujeres Adultas Mayores en Bogotá: el Caso del Barrio Santa Fe, Periodo 2024.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2025) Pinzón Leyva, María Del Pilar; Universidad Santo Tomás
    This article examines the phenomenon of prostitution among elderly women in the Santa Fe neighborhood of Bogotá, within the context of corruption and its societal impact. The study highlights the lack of regulation and the neglect in implementing public policies, which leads to public health problems and crimes related to prostitution. In this scenario, elderly women are particularly vulnerable due to the lack of basic rights such as access to education and health, factors that push them to choose prostitution as a means of subsistence. The research aims to analyze these interconnections through documentary and qualitative analysis, intending to clarify how corruption perpetuates a deregulated environment that makes prostitution an economic option for these vulnerable women, instead of addressing the underlying causes and ensuring their rights. The study underscores the need for effective and specific public policies to protect this demographic group, addressing the structural causes of their exploitation and marginalization, and ensuring their access to essential services and human development opportunities. The results are expected to contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between corruption and prostitution, and to promote the well-being of elderly women in the Santa Fe neighborhood, generating a positive impact on their quality of life.
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    Oportunidad para la Exportación de Productos Farmacéuticos Producidos en Colombia a la República de Panamá
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2025) García Romero, Angélica María; Avezuela, Enara; Universidad Santo Tomás
    The present document deals with the feasibility of exporting antibiotics of general use from the Republic of Colombia to the Republic of Panamá, considering that in view of a comparative advantage, a beneficial framework can be produced both for the pharmaceutical laboratories and the Colombian diplomatic entities present in the Caribbean country. Analyzing the characteristics of the pharmaceutical market in the region and between both countries in the light of business and international relations theories, the framework of the Partial Scope Agreement is presented as a facilitating axis of success in the strengthening of commercial activity, benefiting the Colombian industry and improving the foundation of the bilateral relationship. Aiming to favor the increase in exports of these medicines to Panama, a practical guide is built to help understand the necessary steps to export antibiotics from Colombia, and as a complement to the Embassy of Colombia and ProColombia in Panamá, in their work to facilitate trade relations between our nations.
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    Análisis de los Avances, las Dificultades y los Desafíos en la Implementación del ODS N°8: el Caso del Municipio de Fosca Durante el Periodo 2020 a 2022
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023) Rey Agudelo, Julian Camilo; Chaves García, Carlos Alberto; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;
    In September 2015, all the members of the United Nations Organization adopted the agreement "Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals", as a great measure to eradicate major global problems, such as: poverty, pollution in the environment and high levels of inequality. In response to this situation, the government entities of the member countries decided to adopt strategic policies through the projection of 17 objectives, which seek to direct the strategic actions of the countries towards the goal of full and sustainable development. In the case of Colombia, the 2030 agenda poses a key opportunity to generate transformations and give political impetus to issues of interest at the international, national and local levels, which will improve the quality of life of all Colombians, especially the poorest and most vulnerable. For this reason, this research seeks to evaluate the level of implementation from 2020 to 2022 of SDG No. 8, in the municipality of Fosca, which, as we well know, this objective seeks to promote economic growth, full and productive employment, and work decent in various economies. Finally, the method adopted by this research is purely qualitative, which undoubtedly allowed generating strategies from the analysis of secondary information, direct observation of the problem, interviews, and other tools for investigative use.
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    Infancias en Colombia, ¿Ajenas a la Guerra?
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-07-02) Rincón Ballesteros, Martha Lucía; Palma Álvarez, Daniel Arturo; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;
    The forced recruitment of minors has been one of the main crimes committed by illegal armed groups throughout Colombian territory. One of the documented cases is that of the FARC-EP (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia); who, during the period from 1996 to 2016, recruited at least 18,677 boys, girls and adolescents from the national territory (Special Jurisdiction for Peace [JEP], 2019). This research article focuses on reparations for childhood victims of forced recruitment within the framework of the armed conflict in Colombia. The objective of this study is to analyze the concepts of Galtung Peace and Human Security proposed in the 1994 “Human Development Report” of the United Nations Development Program (hereinafter UNDP), under the direction of the economist Mahbub ul Haq and with contributions from Amartya Sen; This is in relation to the reparation approach in public policies aimed at caring for children who are victims of forced recruitment and use for the development of the armed conflict in Colombia, and thus, examine the perceptions of children and adolescents about this condition, during the conflict and its process of repair and non-repetition.
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    Tratado de Libre Comercio Entre Colombia y la Unión Europea y las Estrategias de Internacionalización de las Productoras Colombianas de Café
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024) León Atuesta, Andersson Augusto; Espinel Torres, Yeilor Rafael; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
    The following document provides a brief contextualization of the behavior of Colombian coffee exports abroad and the signing of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Colombia and the European Union, to later analyze and describe in what way this FTA has had an impact on the internationalization strategies of colombian coffee producers. As a finding, it was established that the FTA between Colombia and the European Union had a significant impact on the internationalization strategies of the companies in such a way that it eliminated tariff barriers making the commercialization of products easier, it promoted the diversification of the product portfolio of the Colombian coffee producing companies, it helped to improve the brand image of the product in the european markets, and it also encouraged the producers to adopt more sustainable practices in their daily operations.
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    Factores que Contribuyen a la Eficacia de la Acción Democrática en Colombia: Integridad de Funcionarios Públicos y Lucha Contra la Corrupción
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024) Caicedo Fonseca, Andrés Alejandro; Espinel Torres, Yeilor Rafael; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;
    Democracy regime in Colombia and its mechanisms of citizen participation and the fight against corruption.
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    Análisis del Cumplimiento del ODS #5 y sus Indicadores de Violencia, Desigualdad Económica y Trabajo No Remunerado, en la Localidad de Ciudad Bolívar en el Periodo 2020-2022
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023) Muñoz Lasprilla, Jenny Daniela; Sánchez Giraldo, Cristhian Fernando; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;
    Within the work agenda proposed by the UN for 2030 is Sustainable Development Goal number 5, which is directly related to the achievement of gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls in the world and its contribution to the elimination of any form of discrimination and violence. In this sense, this research article aims to analyze the level of compliance with this Goal in the period between 2020 and 2022 and some proposed indicators related to this problem in the town of Ciudad Bolívar, Bogotá. Under a mixed approach methodology, the compilation and analysis of various documents with relevant information, statistics, and measurement reports in terms of compliance indicators is carried out both at the institutional and multilateral levels. The techniques and methods of analysis include the comparison of the figures recorded in the study period with the intention of identifying possible variations and measuring the progress made in indicators such as the eradication of gender-based violence, recognition of unpaid domestic work, equal economic rights and women's participation in different political and socioeconomic spaces in this locality. The results obtained infer that, despite the relative decrease in the figures reported for each of these typologies and the institutional effort to increase the number of public policies, programs and projects focused on guaranteeing gender equity and active participation of women in the town of Ciudad Bolívar, there is still a gap in relation to the effective fulfillment of Sustainable Development Goal #5 and in particular of the proposed indicators as part of the analysis. Discrimination and violence against women and girls worldwide does not cease, in Colombia the elimination of these problems is subject to institutional effort, political will, international aid and the participation of all civil society.
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    Conflicto Rusia-Ucrania (2020-2022) y el Papel de las Organizaciones Internacionales: Una Mirada Crítica Desde el Institucionalismo
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-10-12) Sosa Rincón, Laura Nicole; Universidad Santo Tomás;
    This article investigates the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, focusing on the political tensions in Eastern Europe post-dissolution of the Soviet Union and the role of international organizations such as the UN, NATO and the European Union in promoting of a Western vision of peace and security. Through an institutionalist approach, the influence of these organizations in the conflict is critically analyzed and how they may have favored Western interests, limiting Russia's influence as an international power. Through a documentary review of secondary sources, historical tensions, the influence of international organizations and hegemonies in their intervention are explored, seeking a deeper understanding of current dynamics beyond the traditional realistic perspectives in international relations.
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    Las Inversiones en Tecnología en Redes 5G Chino en América Latina: Estudio de Caso Uruguay entre 2019-2023
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-08-08) Herrera Contreras, Esteban Hernando; Chaves Garcia, Carlos Alberto; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
    This research article has the objective of exposing the relevance of Chinese investments in 5G technology in Latin America for its regional influence strategy in countries like Uruguay between 2019-2023. The importance of this phenomenon started in 2019 when the projects that would be carried out in terms of infrastructure were made known to the world, and financed mainly by China, which is currently in an active bilateral relationship with Uruguay, due to the integration of 5G technology in the Latin American country. To achieve this, China's investments in 5G technologies in Latin America will be analyzed, as a component of its regional influence strategy. The critical investment relationships in the field of 5G technology that China has over Uruguay during the 2019 period will be described. -2023, and finally, the elements that influence China's interest in investing in Uruguay through the installation of 5G technology from the present bilateral relationship will be identified. The methodology to be applied will be carried out with the use of a descriptive approach, which is a type of method that belongs to the qualitative research area and will consist of the collection, examination, and presentation of data associated with the bilateral relationship between China and Uruguay, being the basis that will allow providing a theoretical and contextual development on relations between countries and the installation of advanced technologies such as 5G.
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    Estrategias para Mejorar la Situación Laboral de la Población Migrante Procedente de Venezuela: Un Análisis Desde el Enfoque de Corrientes Múltiples
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-06-20) Falla Remisio, Yohana Maritza; Universidad Santo Tomás;;
    The objective of this article is the critical analysis of the strategies expressed in the CONPES 3950 (2018) document, formulated to improve the employment situation of the migrant population from Venezuela, reflections addressed from the Kingdom multiple current model. Under a descriptive methodological approach, this study synthesizes the context, evolution and applicability to the Colombian case, identifying the main elements that make it possible to incorporate this problem into the public agenda and presenting conclusions and alternative recommendations for solving the migratory phenomenon, based on convergence. currents and window of opportunity derived from this methodological model.
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    La Temporalidad, una Comparación Entre los Estatutos Temporales de Protección para los Migrantes en Colombia y Estados Unidos
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-06-06) Vieda Segura, María Natalia; Gonzáles Piñeros, Milena Alexandra; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
    The migratory phenomenon has led different countries to formulate policies to face this migratory crisis. Within the academic literature, the comparison between the Temporary Protection Statute for Venezuelan Migrants of Colombia and the Temporary Protection Statute of the United States has not been sufficiently developed, therefore, this research addresses these statutes focusing on the differences and similarities that they have at the time of coping with the migratory phenomenon in both countries. Using the technique of documentary analysis of these two statutes to create an analysis matrix that includes 6 categories (background, principles, rights, application, permanence, and registration period). In conclusion, both statutes have different guidelines, but they also coincide in their purpose, which is focused on managing the migratory crisis, safeguarding the rights of migrants, and offering them better opportunities compared to their own country, thus generating new knowledge on migration issues.
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    Lo Que el Lodo se Llevó Respuesta a Emergencias y Desplazamiento Forzado por Desastres Naturales: Armero 1985- Mocoa-2017
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-04-27) Barreto Torres, Sharon Michelle; Bula Escobar, Omar Nicolás; Universidad Santo Tomás;
    The topic of the humanitarian response to emergencies generated by natural disasters has been growing in importance over the last few decades. Two natural disasters that occurred in Colombia in the past can, to some extent, illustrate the fate of the affected populations and the protection they received from national and local authorities. These were the emergency in the municipality of Armero, Tolima in 1985 due to the eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz, and the emergency in the municipality of Mocoa, Putumayo in 2017, caused by large floods. Based on the postulates of the socio-critical paradigm and using a qualitative methodology, a series of interviews were conducted with some of the affected people, with the purpose of knowing their opinions regarding the timeliness of the reaction by national and local authorities, as well as regarding the humanitarian assistance offered by the government and other institutions after the disasters. Among the results obtained, feelings of dissatisfaction and rejection stand out regarding the actions of the government in relation to the measures that were adopted to face the calamities.
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    Trata de Personas Con Fines de Explotación Sexual Desde la Teoría Feminista Decolonial de las Relaciones Internacionales: Caso Colombia
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-04-13) Anzola Virgüez, Nicole Dayanne; Cárdenas Rodríguez, Nasly; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;;
    The objective of this work is that, under the decolonial feminist theory of international relations, it is possible to identify the structural causes of the transnational crime of human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation in Colombia. In this way, this research uses a qualitative and descriptive methodology with bibliographic analysis that leads to the conclusion that the colonial, capitalist and patriarchal structure of the International System creates the perfect contexts for the commission of this criminal conduct that brings disproportionate impacts on the women's lives. This, through an analysis of the decolonial feminist theory in the discipline of international relations, as well as a study based on this theory, of prostitution and human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, and finally an examination of how all this impacts the dynamics of this crime in the Colombian context, and the efforts that have been carried out in this matter, to end with the conclusions and some recommendations.
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    Políticas Públicas Sobre Salud Mental en el Siglo XXI: un Análisis Comparado Entre Colombia, Caldas y Bogotá
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-02-10) Guzmán Montaño, Lina Fernanda; Universidad Santo Tomás;
    Public Policy on Mental Health in Colombia presents challenges, especially in terms of implementation due to the complex panorama of the Health System and the increase in demand. In the academic review on the production around comparison Public Policies in Mental Health, a limited and insufficient production, was evidenced to understand the dynamics of this problem. The purpose of this research is to know and analyze the Public Policies of Colombia, Caldas, and Bogotá on Mental Health based on the components of the instruments elaborated in the 21st century to reflect on the challenges in implementing this set of state initiatives. For the development of the comparative analysis, firstly, a referential framework was elaborated that included normative, conceptual, and historical elements about Mental Health and Public Policies. Secondly, a qualitative collection and analysis were carried out, with a descriptive scope, whose purpose was to identify the most significant similarities within the Public Policies. This article is original due to the comparative approach of three Public Policies that analyze and propose solutions in the field of Mental Health in Colombia. As findings of this investigation, it was evidenced that in the three Policies, approaches such as Human Rights, differential, territorial, gender, and social are used; Likewise, these three policies combine efforts in terms of prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation from the pillars of integrity and social inclusion. While, in terms of differences, each Policy proposes an emphasis on institutional efforts and the challenges of the context.
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    La Paz en Colombia como un Significante Flotante: un Análisis Desde la Teoría Post Estructuralista del Discurso
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-02-08) Fajardo Elejalde, Álvaro David; Zuluaga Zambrano, Sergio Nicolás; Palma Álvarez, Daniel Arturo; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;
    The word "peace" has been present in the Colombian discursive scenario during many recent junctures in terms of political and decision-making processes. However, this word has come to acquire multiple meanings and has become a floating category, malleable according to various interpretations and discourses. This monograph intends to demonstrate a change of said meaning for the word "peace" between the administrations of Juan Manuel Santos and Iván Duque respectively; To achieve this, discourse analysis methodology and a comparative analysis of primary sources will be employed —using the social network Twitter as the main source, in addition to official speeches of the previously mentioned presidencies—. The expected result is to identify an antagonistic change of meaning between the previously mentioned administrations. The importance of said result lies in its usefulness to reuse the concept of a "floating signifier" in the analysis of future discursive conjunctures and to open the door for other types of studies, such as the influence that this signifier exerts on the various political parties or even in the way in which the aforementioned governments designed and executed their public policies around the concept of "peace" according to the meaning they assigned to it.
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    Percepciones e Imaginarios para la Construcción de Paz Territorial en Colombia en el Marco del Acuerdo Final de la Paz: Desde la Iglesia Católica Colombiana
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-01-27) Hernandez Nieto, Emmanuel Alejandro; Florez de Andrade, Angelo Nicolay; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
    The objective of this article is to identify the perceptions and imaginaries of the Catholic Church in the construction of territorial peace in the PDET subregion of La Macarena-Guaviare within the framework of the Final Peace Agreement. First, a brief descriptive study of the role of the Catholic Church in Colombia in peacebuilding from the nineteenth century until the signing of the Final Agreement for the termination of the conflict and the construction of a stable and lasting peace (Final Peace Agreement) is carried out. Subsequently, the importance of the Development Programs with a Territorial Approach (PDET) for the fulfillment of the Final Peace Agreement and its relationship with the Colombian Catholic Church for the construction of territorial peace will be addressed. Finally, the perceptions and imaginaries of the representatives of the Catholic Church in the PDET subregion of La Macarena-Guaviare for territorial peacebuilding will be evidenced in light of the approaches of the 3r.
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    Gestión Integral de los Residuos Sólidos, un Análisis de Política Pública y Propuesta Tecnológica Desde la Industria 4.0 Big Data
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-01-27) Buitrago Avellaneda, Nick Sebastian; Lozano Torres, Yamid Gabriel; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;
    It is urgent to implement strategies to stop the destruction that is being caused to the environment. Where to start, the key could be found in rethinking the linear economy models, making a transition towards a circular economy by linear economy models, making a transition to a circular economy through the use of new technologies. the use of new technologies. For the Colombian case, the public policy expressed in the CONPES 3874 of 2016, on the Integrated Solid Waste Management, is an important approach to the processes of circular economy. circular economy processes, therefore, it seeks to analyze a possible technological form as a digital digital application to optimize this management in Colombia. Industry 4.0 technologies can optimize the circular economy processes in a more accurate way, specifically the specifically big data is a tool that allows to fill the information gap that may arise in the information gap that may arise in the national government's exercise for the design and evaluation of public design and evaluation of public policies, such as CONPES 3874, in the management of solid waste. solid waste management. Methodologically, a qualitative bibliographic review is carried out, in databases, which allows for an empirical-explanatory empirical-explanatory analysis of the relationship between big data and solid waste management in Colombia.
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    Una Mirada Crítica A Través del Enfoque de Derechos Humanos en la Política Pública Carcelaria del Sistema Paso (Plan de Acción y Sistema de Oportunidades) en la Ciudad de Bogotá
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-01-27) Tellez Baez, Jorge Luis; Calderon Sanchez, Dulfary; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;;
    Public policies are the ways in which the state intervenes in society, in order to meet its objectives and satisfy the needs of the civilian population, one of these public policies is that of prison resocialization, which has as its objective the reintegration into society of the people who have committed any contravention or crime. In Colombia, this public policy is materialized through the PASO system, whose objective is reintegration into civil life. This system has a large number of shortcomings, which results in the systematic violation of the human rights of persons deprived of freedom. The main objective of the article is to explain the shortcomings of the PASO system and how the recent governments of this country have done nothing more than try to solve the crises that have occurred within the prison system with short-term measures. Taking advantage of the methodological advantages of the descriptive qualitative research model, which will open a range of possibilities to explain the problems of the PASO system, in the same way the collection of information on how the PASO system is applied in the city of Bogotá. Thanks to the analysis proposed in the article, it is argued that short-term measures are the solution, but rather a sustainable policy, in the same way that resource investments without clearly defined objectives cannot improve the resocialization system in Bogotá and Colombia.
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    Diplomacia Washoku: Sobre la Relevancia de la Gastrodiplomacia en las Estrategias de Soft Power de Japón
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-01-27) Guarin Rodriguez, Juan Pablo; Chaves Garcia, Carlos Alberto; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
    This article aims to analyze how Japan has incorporated gastrodiplomacy into its Soft Power strategies as an element of its foreign policy. To meet this objective, it will be explained that since 2005 the country of the rising sun has incorporated gastrodiplomacy into its foreign policy strategies through two tools. First, through the creation of The Organization for the Promotion of Overseas Japanese Restaurants, a non-profit organization aiming to recommend traditional Japanese restaurants abroad, as well as the use of ingredients and culinary skills. Japanese. Second, through the launch of a national branding campaign, they have successfully added their traditional cuisine, Washoku, to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list. The article is argumentative and descriptive in nature since it aims to demonstrate the relevance of gastrodiplomacy as an instrument of cultural diplomacy through which Japan managed to mobilize cultural resources to communicate and attract audiences from other countries.
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    El Suicidio en Colombia Seguimiento a la Política Nacional de Salud Mental
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-11-28) Pachón Vega, Angie Rosita; Lozano Torres, Yamid Gabriel; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;
    The following research article aims to monitor the National Mental Health Policy regarding suicide in Colombia during the COVID-19 pandemic. The National Mental Health Policy in Colombia emerged in 2018 with the resolution 4886/2018, through this policy and also with the program regarding the prevention of mental problems and disorders, suicide, interpersonal violence and epilepsy; it sought to place mental health as a priority agenda for the country. However, after the declaration of the economic, social and ecological emergency as a result of the effects produced by COVID-19, the problem around mental health increased. That is why, in this investigation, a follow-up will be carried out around this policy specifically regarding the problem of suicide, taking into account that it was one of the most affected phenomena during the pandemic and indeed the one that requires immediate attention, where the State has a set of obligations that must be provided efficiently and continuously to all the inhabitants of the national territory. For the present investigation, the qualitative method was developed, whose purpose is the interpretation of the present phenomenon, through the collection and analysis of information through the review of books, documents and magazines; and conducting interviews. According to Sampieri (2014), the qualitative approach represents the use of data collection to refine research questions or discover new questions in the interpretation process. Therefore, for this research article, an extensive search was carried out with documents and with some databases such as the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, the National Planning Department, among others. Through this review, an interpretive perspective was developed based on understanding the scope that the COVID-19 pandemic has had during the National Mental Health Policy regarding suicide in Colombia and the eventual effectiveness of the decisions made by the actors involved. , since it is considered that suicide brings together different problems that require a solution in the shortest possible time, and therefore the public policies carry with them the fundamental principle of good government so that the Colombian government responds to the public demands presented by the population and thus further decreases the suicide rate in the country.