Pregrado Química Ambiental

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  • Ítem
    Revisión Cienciométrica sobre la Versatilidad de la Caña de Azúcar: Valoración Sostenible de los Subproductos
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2025-01-31) Vaca Gonzalez, Michelle Alejandra Penelope; Cervantes Diaz, Martha
    Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L) is a versatile raw material of great economic importance worldwide, known for its capacity to generate value-added products ranging from food and biofuels to industrial materials. This study presents a scientometric review focused on the multiple applications of by-products obtained from various sugarcane industries, using scientific databases and tools such as VantagePoint and VOSviewer. 187 publications indexed in Scopus from 2014 to 2024 were identified, highlighting a growing interest in areas such as bioethanol production, bioplastics, and construction materials. The results reveal an increase in scientific output, led by Brazil and India. Key by-products include bagasse, cachaza, and vinasse, used to produce a wide variety of value-added products under circular economy approaches to mitigate environmental impacts and promote the sustainability of agro-industries. This work provides a comprehensive perspective on the opportunities and challenges associated with sugarcane by-products, demonstrating the potential of sugarcane to contribute to sustainable economic models through the integration of innovative technologies.
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    Síntesis De Análogos De Curcumina Para La Detección Del pH
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2025-01-17) Fuentes Pérez, Sara Julieth; Rozo Correa, Ciro Eduardo; Osorio Martínez, Carlos Alberto
    It is essential to develop accurate and sustainable methods for pH measurement in various applications. Traditional methods such as potentiometers and pH strips have limitations due to the use of toxic materials and the generation of polluting waste. In this context, the synthesis of optical sensors based on curcumin analogues is a promising alternative due to their favorable properties such as high sensitivity, selectivity, biocompatibility study and low cost. The objective of this project is to synthesize and characterize new curcumin analogues for use as pH indicators by UV-Vis spectroscopy. The curcumin analogues in their obtaining and optimization of reactions; will be carried out, through various chemical synthesis procedures and using reported literature and their colorimetric and fluorescence responses will be evaluated in a pH range from 0 to 14. In addition, the toxicity of these compounds will be tested by ecotoxicity tests to determine their possible impact on the environment. The methodology includes sensor synthesis, calibration tests and fluorescence analysis, as well as structural characterization using instrumental techniques such as infrared spectroscopy and UV-Vis spectroscopy. The results are expected to enable the development of versatile and efficient optical sensors for pH measurement, with potential applications in the environmental monitoring, healthcare and agricultural industries. In addition, this project will advance research in organic synthesis and molecular sensing, providing a sustainable and efficient alternative to traditional pH determination methods.
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    Fitotoxicidad de aceites esenciales de anís (Pimpinella anisum), anís estrellado (Illicium verum) y clavo de olor (Syzygium aromaticum): efectos sobre las semillas de lechuga y la de arvense Brachiaria brizantha
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-09-04) Bastidas Duarte, Sergio Esteban; Bastidas Duarte, Sergio Esteban; Cervantes Díaz, Martha; Herrera Sandoval, Laura Viviana; Rueda Wandurraga, Verónica Lucía
    Modern agriculture faces challenges due to weed competition with crops, which has traditionally been managed with synthetic herbicides that present environmental and health issues. In this study, the phytotoxicity of essential oils of anise (Pimpinella anisum), star anise (Illicium verum), and clove (Syzygium aromaticum) was proposed as natural and sustainable alternatives for weed control, using lettuce and Brachiaria brizantha seeds as bioindicators. The oils under study were obtained by microwave-assisted hydrodistillation with extraction yields of 1,9% for anise, 5,8% for star anise, and 10,1% for clove oil. Physicochemical parameters such as density, acidity index, refractive index, and peroxide index were determined. The chemical composition was established by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, identifying the major components as trans-anethol (anise, star anise), and eugenol (clove). Phytotoxicity tests were performed for each of the oils using lettuce (Lactuca sativa) seeds as bioindicators to establish the median effective concentration (EC50). For anise, it was 4,39 ppm (radicle) and 5,90 ppm (hypocotyl); for star anise, 1,71 ppm (radicle) and 1,13 (hypocotyl); and for clove oil, the EC50 was 1.49 ppm (radicle) and 1.02 ppm (hypocotyl), showing better inhibition compared to anise and star anise. Similarly, the inhibition of germination on the weed Brachiaria brizantha was evaluated, where anise essential oil showed better inhibition with an EC50 of 2.34 ppm (radicle) and 1.44 ppm (hypocotyl).
  • Ítem
    Diseño de Sensores Moleculares Basados en Análogos de Curcuminas para la Detección del Herbicida Glifosato
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024) Carrillo Martínez, Stephanya; Osorio Martínez, Carlos Alberto
    Currently, pollution by organic chemicals continues to be a global challenge for sustainable development since developing and developed countries use millions of synthetic organic compounds for industrial, commercial and defense purposes. In their common applications, pesticides are present, this large group is subdivided depending on their use; herbicides are applied directly to plants and soils and as a result, organic compounds are released that enter the environment and cause pollution in water, soil and air. Some of these pollutants represent health hazards such as asthma, birth disorders and even death, therefore it is essential to do environmental monitoring to prevent possible toxins from being released into the environment. Environmental protection agencies and environmental ministries around the world stipulate strict regulations on the concentrations of various environmental pollutants including herbicides for water, soil and air, however, monitoring methods for most of these compounds are expensive, time-consuming and some have limitations in sampling techniques and subsequently their analysis, so due to this there is a great demand to develop faster, simpler and more reliable methods for the detection of agricultural herbicides. Curcumin has a wide range of physiological actions such as antitumor, anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, antidiabetic and antimicrobial effects; this compound both in its natural and synthetically modified form can be used as a starting material for the detection of chemical products due to its optical properties as a fluorescent polyphenol. The present research work includes the preparation of modified curcumin analogous chemical sensors and the obtaining of a series of copper metal complexes (Cu+2). These structural variations include modification of electron donor groups in source materials, the use of appropriate solvents to achieve improvements in absorption-emission processes if they have fluorescent properties and/or colorimetric changes in the evaluation for the analytical detection of the herbicide glyphosate.
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    Valoración del índice de calidad del agua (ICA) en afluentes pertenecientes a la provincia de Soto con influencia de actividad Industrial
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-04-30) Pacheco Pedraza, Milthon Yecid; Rozo Correa, Ciro Eduardo
    Worldwide, 80% of industrial wastewater is discharged into the environment without any prior treatment. Colombia has a main regulation for water quality control, decree 1575 and resolution 2115 of 2007, which establishes. The system for the protection and control of the quality of water for human consumption. In this work, the Water Quality Index (AQI) was evaluated in tributaries belonging to the municipality of California in the department of Santander against the possibilities of contamination by industrial wastewater discharges, based on the methodology for calculating the AQI according to the IDE. A.M. , where it was found that approximately 92% of the points analyzed in the tributaries of Santander present a regular water quality, and 8% present an acceptable water quality, the quality of the water of the tributaries in the California sector in the period 2022-2023 presents alterations, mainly anthropogenic due to the industrial influence (mining and agricultural) in its surroundings, which does not make it suitable for human consumption and it is necessary to carry out a purification treatment in such a way that it is suitable for consumption.
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    Determinación de SO2, NOx-NO2 en emisiones industriales como posibles contaminantes atmosféricos
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-05-02) Avila Palmezano, Dayan Paola; Rozo Correa, Ciro Eduardo
    Air quality has been affected by atmospheric pollutants such as SO2 and NOx that contribute to the formation of secondary compounds that are a risk to human health and the environment, this problem has increased today due to anthropogenic activities, Among them, those that exert the most negative impacts on the atmosphere are industrial emissions, therefore, the monitoring and control of air quality has become an important factor for environmental authorities. Therefore, in the present work, the concentrations of these main contaminants were analyzed with samples transported from the township of La Fortuna and the Sabana de Torres municipality following the guidelines of the US-EPA CFR methods indicated in resolution 1742 of 2018 with in order to carry out analytical tests and evaluate the impact of these compounds on the atmosphere, obtaining that these pollutants do not exceed the permissible limit at the end of the sampling but alarming concentrations occur in NOx during a short period of time.
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    Síntesis De Sensores Para Detección De Iones Metálicos En Solución Basados En Análogos De Curcumina-Aminoácidos
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-05-08) Pinzón Troncoso, Jennifer Alejandra; Osorio Martínez, Carlos Alberto
    Water pollution is a serious issue for human health and the environment, making it crucial to monitor water quality. Traditional methods such as atomic absorption spectroscopy and plasma spectrometry are effective but costly and slow. In response, fluorogenic and chromogenic methods have been developed, offering a rapid and efficient alternative for detecting traces of metal ions in solution. These sensors, particularly those with fluorescence properties, are valued for their specificity and sensitivity, making them ideal for use in remote areas. This study advances the development of fluorescent optical sensors and describes the synthesis of new heptanoid β-diketone compounds, like curcumin but more effective in detecting metal ions. These compounds exhibit fluorescent properties when reacting with transition metals, offering new possibilities for pollutant detection. The characterization of these sensors is carried out using advanced techniques such as infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance, and their efficacy and toxicity are assessed through ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry and ecotoxicological tests on onion bulbs.
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    Evaluación de la toxicidad con Allium cepa y Brassica oleracea a un proceso de fitorremediación en suelos contaminados con glifosato
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-03-18) Mejía Flórez, Kinverlyn Dayana; Restrepo Manrique, Ricardo; Cervantes Díaz, Martha
    The most widely used herbicide in Colombia is N-phosphonomethyl glycine known as glyphosate, and although there are numerous generic formulations, the most prominent commercial brand is Roundup®. It is of utmost importance to investigate the toxicity of this herbicide through bioassays that are easily accessible and that present rapid germination and growth. For this purpose, two main bioindicators have been used: Allium cepa L y Brassica oleracea. The Allium cepa L., model is commonly used in cytogenotoxic tests, while the Brassica oleracea assay has gained relevance in cytotoxic analyses, especially in phytotoxic investigations. This study aimed to compare the responses of A. cepa and B. oleracea using macroscopic analyses, such as embryo growth and root index, as well as microscopic analyses specific to Allium cepa, such as mitotic index, the abnormality index, chromosomal aberrations and micronucleus formation. This was carried out after exposing the roots of these bioindicators to contaminants such as commercial glyphosate, its analytical counterpart and its metabolite. Test were conducted with four decreasing doses/treatments, ranging from 0,446 to 446 mg/L of the formulated product: Roundup® Active, containing 446 g/L of glyphosate acid equivalent, together with the corresponding negative controls (commercial drinking water) were tested. The results showed that the EC50, that is, the doses that reduced root growth by 50% for B. oleracea and A. cepa, were 1,203 mg/L (root) and 16,26 mg/L (embryo) for B. oleracea and 1,11 mg/L, for A. cepa. The bioindicators used demonstrated to be sensitive to various doses of glyphosate and, consequently, their suitability as biological indicators of specific toxicity is established.
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    Una revisión bibliográfica del cannabis medicinal y su potencial uso para el manejo del dolor
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-01-24) Vesga Pinto, Keny Mauricio; Rozo Correa, Ciro Eduardo
    This literature review was conducted under the guidance of the PICO methodology and the PRISMA method, which were used to organize the exploration, classification, and analysis of the evidence. Searches were conducted in different databases Scopus, Lens, PubMed, and Web of Science. An evaluation of the review findings provides insight that, although in a small number of citations, the results showed a benefit in reducing pain, the approach to analysis and reporting in other reviews was not optimal, making it difficult to know how consistent the findings are when considering pain in general. Adverse effects are reported in most articles comparing cannabis with placebo and in almost all reviews. Minor adverse effects (drowsiness, dizziness) were common and reported in all reviews, while serious harms were not as common, not found to be related to pain management. the results of the included reviews were very varied, and most reported an inability to generate conclusions due to the variety and inconsistency and lack of rigorous evidence. Not very positive effects are often reported, and it is possible that the cannabis-based medication as such outweighs the benefits.
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    Análisis de la movilidad de cadmio y plomo en suelos, hojas, frutos y lixiviados en plantaciones de cacao
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-12-20) Calderón Suárez, Gustavo Alberto; Rozo Correa, Ciro Eduardo
    Currently, cocoa from sectors such as Latin America and the Caribbean are among the most exported in the world. In normal amounts, the presence of metals is common in the vegetable soil, in the case of cadmium and lead, they are mobile elements that are found in the soil and are transported from the roots of the plants to the stems, leaves and the fruits. However, in high amounts, contamination for the soil and the human population can be extremely harmful. For this reason, the present study aims to analyze the mobility of cadmium and lead in soils, leaves, fruits,and leachates in cocoa plantations in Latin America between 2018-2023. This was done by identifying, characterizing, and retrieving information in databases such as Scopus, SpringerLink, Elsevier, Google Scholar, Science direct, and Web of Science in conjunction with thesauri, filters, keywords, and Boolean language. In this way it was possible to obtain a total of 12 articles from which the methodologies, instruments and relevant results were extracted, allowing to conclude the concern for the presence of cadmium and lead in cocoa plantations, the establishment of limits in the Colombian territory and the need for increased investment in research and monitoring to reduce contamination by these metals in cocoa.
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    Síntesis de catalizadores metal-carbenos N-heterocíclicos (NHC) y evaluación de su actividad catalítica en condiciones ambientalmente sostenibles
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-12-18) Prada Rojas, Lizeth Daniela; Osorio Martínez, Carlos Alberto; Alvarado Rueda, Lizeth Johanna
    The optimization of chemical reactions using catalysts allows to reduce reaction times and increase reaction yields. Homogeneous mesoionic NHC metal-carbene catalysts usually show high selectivity, improved activity and better stability compared to more classical analogous systems using organophosphine ligands. The main negative impact in the synthesis of catalysts is the use of organic solvents, so the use of deep eutectic solvents (DESs) has been proposed, which usually consist of two or three compounds; a quaternary ammonium salt complexed with a hydrogen donor compound or a metal salt. In this work, the synthesis of a mesoionic NHC metal-carbene catalyst by a series of "click chemistry" reactions, methylation, and complexation reactions with a transition metal by traditional and DES routes were proposed. The obtained compounds were characterized by infrared, magnetic resonance and melting points. And the catalytic activity of the metal-carbene-NHC obtained in Biginelli reactions was evaluated. These processes were compared in terms of reaction yields. The complexation of the catalyst was favored using DES, although in click chemistry and methylation the yield was lower than by the traditional route. To evaluate its catalytic activity, it is necessary to continue testing with different reactions.
  • Ítem
    Novedosos sensores fluorescentes basados en el 2,4,6-tricloro-1,3,5-triazina para la detección de iones metálicos en solución
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-09-06) Arguello Reyes, Jeison David; Osorio Martínez, Carlos Alberto
    The unique property of 2,4,6-trichloro-1,3,5-triazine (cyanuric chloride) is its ability to undergo a nucleophilic aromatic substitution (SNAr) reaction under controlled temperature conditions. Using a convenient synthetic protocol, monosubstituted s-triazines were treated with an excess of nucleophiles to obtain optical sensors for di- and trisubstituted triazines in 1+1+1 mode (one nucleophile for the first substitution, followed by another nucleophile for the second, and another more for the last position). The nucleophiles used for this study were 5-amino-2,3-dihydrophthalazine-1,4-dione (luminol), n-butylamine, and 4-amino-1,5-dimethyl-2-phenylpyrazol-3-one. (4-Aminoantipyrine). The best order of incorporation for obtaining the optical sensors derived from cyanuric chloride and studying its coordinating capacity of metal ions in aqueous solution of this work was 4-aminoantipyrine for the first position followed by n-butylamine for the second position and the third position of the triazine nucleus with luminol. The sensor resulting from the synthesis of cyanuric chloride first with luminol as the first substituent and 4-aminoantipyrine as the second substituent has sensitivity when tested with solutions of heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Pb, Cr and Fe) of which all lower the fluorescence provided by luminol to the chemosensor. The detection limit for each heavy metal was given in concentration ranges in ppm (parts per million) and was 40-30 ppm for Hg+2, 70-60 ppm for Pb+2 and Cd+2, and 20-10 ppm for Cr+2.
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    Análisis de la calidad de suelos en sistemas productivos agrícolas del municipio de Barranca de Upía-Meta
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-08-02) Pulido Tenza, Camilo Andrés; Ospina Henao, Paolo Andrés; Martínez Molina, Saul; Candela Soto, Angélica María
    The changes in the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil in agroecosystems of the municipality of Barranca de Upía-Meta is associated with inadequate agricultural practices, lack of technical assistance and ignorance of the state of soil quality. Therefore, the project consisted of evaluating the quality of the soil in terms of macro and micronutrients, as well as the factors that intervene in their availability. The soils presented characteristics from strongly acid to neutral, with a sandy clay loam texture, moderately low organic carbon <9%, and moderate retention and storage of cations such as sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Finally, a series of agro-sustainable strategies were formulated in order to promote more sustainable production systems in the study area.
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    Evaluación de contaminantes orgánicos por cromatografía de gases en cuerpos de agua correspondiente al nororiente colombiano durante los años 2021 y 2022
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-03-14) Gámez Hernández, Danna Melissa; Bayona, Olga Lucia; Candela Soto, Angélica María; Pabón Mora, Javier Mauricio
    Some pollutants of environmental concern that affect water and are found at sub-ppb concentrations are persistent organic pollutants and semi-volatile compounds. This work studied the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, semivolatile phenolic compounds, polychlorinated biphenyls, and organophosphorus and organochlorine pesticides, in different origin water, using gas chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer or an electron microcapture detector. Of 956 samples studied among the exposed parameters, only values ​​above the quantification limit of the method were recorded for naphthalene, phenol, and the sum of 3-methylphenol and 4-methylphenol in non-domestic wastewater. The lack of regulations regarding the quality of discharges with these parameters is clear.
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    Producción de biohidrógeno a partir de residuos agroindustriales del cacao (Theobroma cacao) mediante un proceso termoquímico
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-03-10) García Rincón, Daniel Felipe; Rozo Correa, Ciro Eduardo; Villabona Durán, Yurley Paola
    Hydrogen is a clean and sustainable energy carrier that has great potential to become an alternative fuel; in turn, it enables diversification of the sector, energy transition and reduces dependence on fossil fuels. In recent years and due to the abundance of lignocellulosic residues, interest in energy production has grown. Among the emerging ways of generating energy is gasification, a process that involves the thermal decomposition of biomass to obtain combustible gases. Biomass gasification solves two current problems such as waste utilization and energy demand. In the present work, H2 was produced from the gasification of cocoa residues, Theobroma cacao. For this purpose, the characterization of the shell was carried out through a proximate and elemental analysis, as well as TGA and SEM analysis. On the other hand, the lignin content was determined, which was 41.5%. Subsequently, through technological monitoring, the process conditions were established, such as quantity and size of sample, gasifying agent, water/air injected. Finally, the gasification process was carried out in a prototype batch reactor with different stages occurring in a single tank. Gas quantification was determined through two gas analyzers, including CO, H2S, CH4, O2 and H2. The maximum H2 concentration present in the syngas was obtained with a ratio of 1.5 steam/biomass and air/biomass which was 1852 ppm, while the lowest H2 concentration was obtained with a ratio of 0.5; observing that both air and water vapor favor H2 formation. The results of this study indicate that cocoa husk is a suitable biomass for hydrogen production and can contribute to waste utilization and energy generation.
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    Determinación de aniones inorgánicos empleando la técnica de cromatografía iónica (IC) en matrices acuosas
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-03-09) Cárdenas Camacho, Michel Karina; Lozano Verjel, Sindy Johanna; Ardila Barajas, Martha Janeth
    This study aims to reveal the current status of water resources in the country in terms of compliance with current national regulations on drinking water and wastewater matrices, according to the analysis of physicochemical parameters obtained in the water laboratory of the company PSL PROANALISIS S.A.S. BIC, with special emphasis on anions such as chlorides, nitrates and nitrites, analyzed by the ion chromatography (IC) method with chemical suppression of the conductivity of the eluent and identify which sectors in general can exacerbate the impacts of water quality. Finally, a geographical analysis mapping was performed identifying the areas of the country that request more analysis, correlating the areas that contribute the most to the country's gross domestic product and the main industries in each of them, identifying the main sectors that have significant downstream impacts, due to local water stress in each department. The results emphasize the need to improve the efficiency of local water use and improve wastewater treatment as well as the need to establish quantifiable values for acceptable values in discharges, enforced to mitigate the risks of the entire supply chain.
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    Evaluación de la concentración de cobre y zinc por espectrometría de emisión óptica (ICP-OES) en matrices acuosas provenientes del nororiente colombiano
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-03-09) Castillo Fernández, Paola Andrea; Bayona Ayala, Olga Lucía; Candela Soto, Angélica María
    In this work, the determination of the concentration of Copper and Zinc in water samples is carried out in a period of 6 months, between July and December 2022 in order to evaluate its quality with respect to resolution 0631 of 2015. of the Ministry of the Environment, metal determination analysis was carried out on an approximate volume of 800 samples through the reference method of Standard Methods 3030 B Ed. 23 / 2017 by inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) to then confirm if they applied within the discharges established in the resolution, and then order them with respect to the type of discharge or economic activity, thus establishing the analysis for discharges from mining activities and discharges from public sewerage service providers. The results showed that the samples from dumping of mining activity have a higher concentration than those from the sewage service provider. However, none of the samples analyzed exceeds the limit established by the resolution.
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    Determinación de la influencia de los TPH en muestras de suelo de las regiones nororientales del territorio colombiano y su influencia en las características del suelo
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-03-09) Jimenez Nuñez, Elizabeth; Alvarado Rueda, Lizeth Johanna; Arias Zapata, Diana Lorena
    Soils contaminated by total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) have led to major environmental impacts worldwide due to anthropogenic activities, affecting physical (texture and moisture) and chemical (pH, conductivity and CIC) properties, among others. In this work, the influence of hydrocarbons was evaluated in soil samples from the northeastern regions of the Colombian territory, classified in 3 categories: contaminated by TPH, without TPH contamination and treated. Contaminated and treated soils showed a minimum variation in their properties compared to non-contaminated soils, finding a minimum variability in pH, mostly registering an acid pH with a range between 4.01 and 5.96. It was also observed that hydrocarbon contamination caused a decrease in electrical conductivity, % Humidity and an increase in CIC due to the inversely proportional relationship with pH. In terms of texture, sandy loam soils predominated, due to the increase of sand in clay soils.
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    Apoyo a la realización de auditorías ambientales en el marco y desarrollo del Plan General de Auditorías PGA-2020 de la Contraloría Municipal de Bucaramanga
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-09-13) Beltrán Mantilla, María Fernanda; Martínez Bonilla, Carlos Andrés
    This work is the result of a professional practice performed in the Personería Municipal de Bucaramanga in 2020. This work seeks to show the audit process that is performed to some public companies in the city of Bucaramanga and the importance of auditing in companies. In this sense, the general objective seeks to show the accompaniment to the environmental auditing processes in the entities subject to control of the Fiscal and Environmental Surveillance office of the Personería Municipal de Bucaramanga. For this, the methodology set out in the Resolution 000086 of 2017 was used, which consists of three phases: 1) In the planning phase, the assignment memoranda were prepared and the work plan was made. 2) In the execution phase, evidence was obtained, observations were determined and field work was performed. 3) In the reporting phase, the audit report and the improvement plan were prepared and approved and the transfer of findings to the competent entities was made. In this way, the audited entities were able to identify shortcomings in their environmental management and, as a result, adequately manage the environmental problems generated by their activities.
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    Actualización e implementación del procedimiento, trazabilidad y manejo de materiales de referencia, bajo los lineamientos de la norma NTC-ISO/IEC 17025:2017 “Requisitos Generales de Competencia de Laboratorios de Ensayo y Calibración”.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-09-14) Pineda Blanco, María Magdalena; Osorio Martínez, Carlos Alberto; Torres Velásquez, July Adriana
    In order to study the quality of the results obtained in a physicochemical analysis procedure, it is necessary to monitor the traceability of the results from the verification of reference material, this being a homogeneous and stable component with respect to its specific properties that allows its intended use in a measurement. Therefore, in the water analysis laboratory ECOSAM S.A.S., the verification of reference material was performed for each physicochemical study requested (physical properties, inorganic and organic constituents, metals and non-metals), maintaining the value of the magnitude assigned to the reference standard, confronting the information obtained with the guidelines established by the Standard Methods for the examination of water and wastewater 23rd edition. To study the quality of the results obtained in the analysis of each parameter, a follow-up was made from its method control (fortified blank) with a known concentration and the relevant physicochemical characteristics of the reference materials to be used, resulting in great assertiveness in complying with the guidelines of the parameters to be analyzed; from the traceable reference material reagents to the requirements stipulated in the validation of the method in the laboratory and certified reference material according to the standards of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).